Can't Get Enough (Nikki/Duff)

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"Dude! Just go talk to him for godsake! I do not care what you do, what you say, telling me what you're gonna do, does nothing!" Mick dug his fingers in his hair out of frustration.

"What's going on?" Vince sauntered into the room.

"He's getting on my nerves" Mick looked over at Vince.

"You still have those?" Vince quipped. He smiled at Mick, who had a blank expression on his face, and giving Vince the middle finger. "Quit getting on his nerves" Vince jumped and smacked Nikki on the back of his head.

Vince stood behind Mick, wrapping his arms around his short-tempered boyfriend. Mick knocked his head against Vince, who just giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Get out of here Nikki" Vince smirked and started peppering kisses on Mick's cheek. Nikki rolled his eyes at the two of them and huffed.

"Nikki, you've got about five seconds before I drag you out of this house by your hair, to go talk to him, and don't think I won't" Mick bore his eyes into Nikki.

"Fuck, fine!" Nikki threw his hands up in surrender. He rolled his eyes and walked to his bedroom.

Nikki looked at himself in his bedroom mirror. It was Friday night, which meant Guns n Roses were playing at the CBGB. He grumbled at his reflection and huffed through his nose. He decided to get dressed and do his usual makeup.

"Tommy!" Nikki called from his bedroom, which was right next to Tommy's.

Tommy came from around the corner, swinging around the doorframe.

"Are still going to see Guns?" Nikki asked, doing his hair.

"Yeah, you coming?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, Mick might kill me if I don't talk to Duff tonight" Nikki laughed.

"You got this man!" Tommy slapped his hands on Nikki's shoulders. "Let's go dude!"


Tommy and Nikki sat at a table close to the stage. Tommy watched Steven, the drummer, drum his little heart out. Steven lit up and smiled when he saw Tommy.

Nikki glanced up at Duff, who seemed to be playing effortlessly. He took a sip of his Jack and Coke, hiding behind his glass.

After Guns' set, Nikki and Tommy hung around as people started to clear out.

"Tommy!" Steven ran up to Tommy and jumped in his arms, wrapping his legs around Tommy's waist, he flopped his head back and giggled. "Look Duffy, Nikki's here too!"

Duff smiled shyly and gave a small wave, Nikki doing the same thing in return.

Tommy walked away with Steven still wrapped up around him, leaving Duff and Nikki.

"How'd you like the show?" Duff asked.

"Good, very good" Nikki, took another sip of his drink, finishing it off.

"Can I... buy you another drink?" Duff asked as he finished off his beer.

"As long as I can buy yours" Nikki winked. Duff blushed and hid behind his hair.

They ordered a couple of beers.

"Wanna go sit back stage? I've got a dressing room for the night still..." Duff asked quietly.

"Y-yeah, that sounds nice" Nikki hid his smile and looked at his half empty beer bottle.

Duff took Nikki's hand and led them backstage, there were a few dressing rooms for whoever was playing that night.


"This is me" Duff said as he opened the door.


"Yeah I'm not sure where it came from either" Duff laughed softly.

They sat on the slightly broken down sofa and continued to sip on their beers. They talked mindlessly and effortlessly with each other, subconsciously leaning closer to each other.

"I'm glad you came tonight" Duff said softly.

"I'm glad I did too, I almost chickened out, but Mick had enough of me, he threatened me" Nikki laughed.

"Suppose I should thank him" Duff smiled and scooted closer to Nikki and wrapped his arm around Nikki's shoulders.

Nikki hesitantly stroked Duff's cheek with the back of his index finger. He cupped Duff's cheek with his large, calloused hands and scratched the base of Duff's neck.

Duff gently pulled on the lapels of Nikki's leather jacket, pulling Nikki on top of him as he leaned back on the sofa. Duff brushed his lips against Nikki's, tasting cheep beer and something sweet. Nikki responded to the soft kiss immediately.

Duff wrapped his arms around Nikki's shoulders, pressing his hands into his shoulder blades. They kissed softly and slowly, eliciting sweet clicking from their lips.

Nikki cupped Duff's jaw and stroked his cheeks with his thumbs.

"You're so pretty, Nikki" Duff whispered against Nikki's lips. "So beautiful, oh Nikki" Duff groaned when Nikki started to suck and kiss on his neck.

Nikki turned Duff's head towards him and kissed him softly some more. Duff ran a free hand down Nikki's side, while keeping him snuggled close.

"Why don't you come over?" Duff asked. He kissed Nikki's forehead. "Steven's with Tommy at yours, Axl and Slash are pulling ladies all night, and it's Friday, which means Izzy is on the streets."

"Mmm... now that's an offer I can't refuse, huh?" Nikki kissed Duff again.

"Let's get out of here" Duff whispered against Nikki's lips.

Duff took Nikki to the Hell House on his motorcycle. They stumbled into Duff's bedroom, stealing kisses and soft touches until they crashed down on the bed. Nikki fell on top of Duff and Duff wrapped his legs around Nikki's waist as they rolled around. Sweet clicks and soft sounds filled the quiet room.

"I can't get enough of you Duffy" Nikki said into their kiss.

"Good, because I can't get enough of you either"

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