Across the Bar (Mick/Slash)

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Flashy. Warm, dark skin. Eyes that anyone would be so privileged to see. Beautiful curly brown hair. Slash was beautiful, and he knew it. Everyone did.

He had pale, near translucent skin. Dark, long, ratty black hair. He wore head to toe leather and black makeup and high heels. And a black backwards baseball cap. Slash looked at him from across the bar. He wanted to know what color his eyes were. He flagged down the bartender.

"Get that guy another drink on me" he said.

"Sure thing, what shall it be?" The bartender asked.

"What's he drinking now?" Slash asked.

"Just vodka, actually. Straight" The bartender grimaced a bit before chuckling.

"Make him somethin sexy" Slash leaned forward on his elbows. "Like he is"

"Should I tell him you sent it?" The bartender asked.

"Sure, if he asks." Slash said. "Make me one too please" he said, sliding a 100 dollar bill towards him. "Only the best liquor" he winked. "Keep the change"

"Thanks boss, coming up"

He watched the bartender take out some fancy bottles, some Slash had never even seen before. He switched his attention to the man he was looking at before. Was he waiting for someone? Was he there alone? Would it bother him that another man bought him a-

"French martini"

The bartender placed the drink in front of Slash, with another one in his hand.

"Vodka, pineapple juice, and Chambord" he said. "Classy, elegant"

"Sexy" Slash smirked, he tipped his top hat.

The bartender tipped his invisible hat and walked to the other side of the bar, placing the drink in front of the other man. He made a sly gesture to Slash and talked to him for a moment.

"Someone must like ya Mick" the bartender said, setting the drink in front of him.

"Someone must not have good eyesight through that hair" Mick joked, still sipping at his vodka.

"He thinks you're pretty" The bartender said quietly.

"Pretty ugly" Mick chuffed.

"Actually, I think his word was sexy, but, y'know" The bartender said.

Mick just hummed. He finished off his vodka and slid it back to the bartender.

"He's been starin at you all evening" The bartender said.

"What are you? Some sort of match maker?" Mick cocked an eyebrow.

"What are you? Some loner who drinks his life away?" The bartender sassed back.

"Yes" Mick chuckled. "What's his name?"

"Slash" the bartender said. "And he likes you. Not sure why, just sitting over in your corner, all gloooomy and shit. Go talk to him"

"I dunno man... I don't think I'm cut out for stuff like this" Mick said, looking down at his drink.

The bartender just rolled his eyes and wandered away.

Mick didn't pay much attention to his surroundings as he started at the martini glass in front of him.

"Is this seat taken?" A smooth sultry sounded beside him.

He looked up to see the man from across the bar.

Slash was completely taken aback. He finally got to see what color his eyes were.

"You have pretty eyes" Slash said, slowly and carefully taking a seat next to him. "People call me Slash" he said, extending his hand out a bit.

"Mick" He said, reaching to shake Slash's hand, but got a gentle kiss on the knuckles instead.

"I'm sorry if I'm too forward" Slash spoke softly. "I couldn't help but to strike a conversation with such a striking person"

They lifted their martini glasses and delicately clinked them together.

"Tell me somethin, what's a guy like you doing in a dingy bar like this?" Slash asked.

"Let me ask you somethin" Mick said, "what're you doin in a dingy bar?" He looked at Slash with rather cunning eyes.

"Sometimes you find priceless oddities in such unusual places" Slash winked. "This may be too far fetched... but do you wanna maybe get outta this hole with me?" He asked, sipping on his almost-empty martini. "Dinner, candles, you into that sorta thing?"

"Can't say I've ever done candles" Mick said quietly, shrugging a bit.

"No candle-lit dinner?" Slash questioned. Mick just shook his head no. "Join me for one?" He asked.

Mick thought about it for a second before nodding. Slash offered his hand, and they quietly left the bar unnoticed.


They sat close, nose to nose. Slash gently raked his nails across Mick's jaw while Mick wrapped his long fingers in Slash's curls. They could smell the whiskey on each others breath. They know they shouldn't, but, sometimes alcohol brings out sober thoughts.

Slash initiated it. From the fancy martini at the bar, to the candle lit dinner that consisted of pizza out of the box on a cardboard table as he didn't have a real one, to the gentle kiss they shared.

Slash took note of the slightly ginger roots as he kissed Mick's ears, and the roughness of Mick's fingers on his skin. He started nibbling at Mick's jaw, relishing in the soft breathing and the fingers in his hair.

Mick leant his head back slightly. Slash was attacking his neck with soft, full, wet, open kisses. He was sure Slash could feel his heartbeat under his hand. Slash kissed the column of his throat and back up to his lips.

"Do you have somewhere to be tonight?" Slash asked, grazing their lips together. "Someone to go back home to, someone to please, someone to... keep warm at night?" He asked in a soft sultry voice, trailing his hand down Mick's chest and stomach, settling in the inside of his thigh.

"No" Mick whispered. "Nowhere to go, nowhere to be"

Slash hummed. He stood up from the sofa, and held his hands out. He took Mick's hands and lead him back to his bedroom. He took Mick's hat and jacket off, leaving them on the floor.

"I'll get you something to wear" Slash said lowly, "you'd look good in my clothes" he winked.

He left Mick in the middle of the room while he pawed through his clothes, pulling out some sweats and a tshirt that wasn't too disgraceful.

"I'll let you change, care for a glass of wine?" Slash asked, setting the outfit in Mick's hands.

Mick nodded and Slash promptly left the room. He made his way to the kitchen and pulled out a couple chilled glasses and a bottle of wine from the fridge. He popped the rest of their pizza in the microwave for a minute and stuck it back in the box. He gently knocked on his bedroom door with the pizza box and wine glasses in hand, and the bottle tucked under his arm. He found Mick sitting on the edge of the bed, seeming smaller than when he was before. Maybe it was the knee high platform boots next to him, or the pile of shed jewelry piled up in his baseball cap. The sweats looked like they barely fit and the tshirt hung lose on Mick's shoulder, and was tied up behind his back with a hair tie.

"Get comfy, I'll only be a minute," Slash said, slipping into his connected bathroom to change.

Slash returned a few moments later and joined Mick at the head of the bed, pizza box between them and wine glasses in their hands. Slash put a movie on, but that was forgotten almost immediately, sharing wine drunk kisses.

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