🔥Spin the Bottle (Nikki/Slash)🔥🔥

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"Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous!"

"Then... why was all that one word?"

Vince hit Nikki's bouncing leg with a drumstick.

"Quit it" Vince snapped.

Nikki had been acting nervous all day since he was told Guns N Roses were coming over for a get together/party. Booze, drugs, and just enough girls to go around. Except for Steven and Duff. Duff made sure to keep his grip around the blonde boy in his lap.

Something must have been going on between Izzy and Mick too. Izzy was sat close enough to Mick to where their legs touched. Mick never lets anybody sit that close unless it's on his own terms.

The girls were picked up from corners off the Sunset Strip, each of them carrying a generous amount of drugs. The booze was supplied by everyone and kept in the freezer. Mick almost laid someone out when they said vodka was a bitch's drink.

Steven, Duff, Izzy, and Mick sat on the couch while everyone else sat on the floor in a huge circle and an empty vodka bottle in the middle. Steven had his legs draped over Duff's lap. Izzy did that lame yawn trick and stretched out behind Mick, hesitantly draping his arm over Mick's shoulders. Mick just turned his head slightly towards Izzy and smiled, causing Izzy's heart to race.

Axl spun the bottle first and it landed on Vince, not that he complained. It was a short but rather sweet kiss. Neither of them minded doing it again.

Nikki grew increasingly nervous when the bottle landed on Slash, who was sat right next to him. He looked up at Slash, who had his hair over his eyes, but a cocky smile graced his lips.

He's so pretty...

Slash tipped Nikki's head towards him and leaned in slowly. He gripped Nikki's shoulders and swung over and straddled his lap, kissing him fuller and deeper. Nikki didn't know what to do with his hands, so he rested them on the backs of Slash's thighs.

There was a few wolf whistles from the guys and some gasps from the girls.

Slash pulled away and sat back down next to Nikki. Nikki kept his head down a little as his face was on fire.

They played a few more rounds. Nikki kissed a couple girls, Vince once, but not without Axl burning holes into the back of his head.

A few more friends and bands had been called up to join them. Slash took the opportunity to get Nikki alone.

Slash found Nikki more or less hiding in the hallway. He sauntered up to Nikki, who was nursing a warm beer. He slid his hands up Nikki's waist and pulled him down into a kiss. Nikki dropped the beer and pulled Slash closer to him. He wrapped an arm around Slash's shoulders and the other around his lower back.

"You wanna go somewhere where it's just us?" Slash whispered against Nikki's lips. Nikki nodded and groped beside him for the door handle to his bedroom.

Slash shoved Nikki against the door to close it.

Slash had a seductive smirk as he backed Nikki against the edge of the bed. Slash still had his hair covering his eyes. Nikki's hair almost hid his nervous eyes. He could see the glint Slash's giant hoop earrings through his curly hair.

Slash slowly spun them around and pulled Nikki down on top of him. He wrapped his legs around Nikki's waist and bumped their noses together. He cupped Nikki's face and softly brushed their lips together.

Nikki felt his heart flutter. He leaned in the rest of the way and kissed Slash softly. He wasn't sure who had the advantage here, who was supposed to be taking the lead, all he knew was Slash was so hot and Nikki was so into this. He let Slash tighten his grip around waist, pulling him closer and grinding their hips together.

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