Bad Day (Crüe) PT 4 FINAL

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It didn't take much for Mick and Nikki to pack up and leave the motel, they did unpack. They never do. Mick made a quick phone call to Vince to tell him that they were coming home soon and to meet him outside.

Mick sent Nikki to go wait in the car while he get them checked out. He got him and Nikki checked out, but bought a night in a different room instead for him and Vince.

They were about an hour away from home, and every minute that went by, it made Nikki more anxious. And to be honest, Mick was nervous too. He did not want to return to the apartment tomorrow to find that Nikki ran off, that Tommy ran off, or that the apartment was destroyed (as if that never happens).


Vince paced the apartment a bit. Tommy went out on a liquor run just before Mick had called, so he hadn't returned yet. He had about 20 minutes before Nikki and Mick returned, and about 10 minutes for Tommy. Mick didn't sound too frantic or concerned when he called this morning saying they were coming home, so Vince figured he should just sit and wait. Mick wanted Vince to meet him out at his car when he got back, but didn't say why.

Vince resorted to laying on the couch and watching a movie. He paid absolutely no mind to the front door opening and liquor bottles clinking around on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Tom, they're on their way back" Vince said into the open air.

"What?" Tommy came from the kitchen. "They are? Is Nikki okay?"

"Think so, Mick didn't say" Vince stretched out on the couch further.

"God, you take up a lot of space" Tommy rolled his eyes as Vince took up the entire three-person couch.

"He does, you don't hear me complain"

Both Tommy and Vince jumped at the unexpected voice.

Mick was leaning in the door frame, looking towards Vince with a rather endearing look, making Vince blush.

"We... didn't even hear you come in" Vince said, getting off the couch.

"Tom left the door open" Mick lazily gestured to where Tommy was standing. "Cmon, let's go" he held his hand out as Vince walked over and took it.

As Mick and Vince walked out the door, Nikki stepped through. He and Tommy both had unsure looks on their faces. Nikki dropped his bag on the floor, closed the front door, and practically threw himself at Tommy.

"I-I love you too fucker" Nikki nuzzled into Tommy's neck. Tears pricked his eyes. He separated himself from Tommy when he realized his hug wasn't getting returned. "I Uhm, I read your letter" he started pacing and walking aimlessly. "I thought you were mad at me, but then Mick pointed out that I didn't even read the backside-"

Tommy reached out to stop Nikki's rambling and pacing and grabbed his hand. Hot tears streamed down his face as he brought Nikki back in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay" Tommy's voice cracked. "Right? You're okay?" He held Nikki's face in both hands and looked at him. He stroked Nikki's cheeks with his thumbs.

Nikki pulled Tommy impossibly close. His hands clasped behind Tommy's back as Tommy's warm hands rested on his cheeks.

"I love you so much, Nikki" Tommy whispered.

"I love you too, Tom, I'm sorry I ran away" Nikki whispered.

"Don't matter, you came back" Tommy whispered back.

They felt each other's hot breath on their lips. Nikki trailed his hands up Tommy's side's and up his arms, grabbing his hands. Without a word, he dragged Tommy to his bedroom and fell back on his bed, pulling Tommy on top of him.

Tommy fell flat on top and snuggled up to Nikki, tangling their legs together and just basking in each others presence. He nuzzled his face into Nikki's neck, taking a deep breath and feeling Nikki's warm skin.

Nikki's hands wandered up and down Tommy's back and hair, wanting him even closer. Tommy's near dead weight on top of him was so comforting, and he was so warm. Everything about Tommy was warm. He had warm eyes, a warm smile, warm hands, and warm skin.

Nikki's room was mostly dark, so they could only make vague outlines of each other. It was just them, no other worries, no other fears, just each other.

Tommy cupped Nikki's cheek gently and kissed the other one, placing small kisses along his jawline and up to his ear before nuzzling back into his neck and placing a few more kisses.

Nikki's stomach fluttered at the feel of Tommy's lips. He slipped his hands just under Tommy's shirt, just wanting to feel his skin. His breath hitched when Tommy started kissing up Nikki's face.

"Tommy..." Nikki's voice was barely a whisper.

"Yes Nikki" Tommy whispered in Nikki's ear, kissing the shell of it.

Nikki turned his head and cupped Tommy cheek. He parted his lips slightly.

Tommy moved his head in closer, their lips just barely touching. He brushed their lips together and was immediately filled with butterflies and warmth when Nikki completed the kiss. He propped himself up a little bit and deepened the kiss.

"I love you so much" Tommy whispered against Nikki's lips.

"I know that now... I love you too" Nikki whispered.


Mick's hands splayed themselves around Vince's bare waist as he kept the blonde boy close to him.

Vince laid on top of Mick, a light sheen of sweat shined across his skin as they laid together, basking in afterglow.

The air was filled with a musky aroma and the sound of their heavy breathing.

"You're so good to me" Vince whispered in Mick's ear, kissing right under his ear.

"You showed me what it's like to really be in love, y'know that?" Mick's voice was husky.

"I'm glad you chose me" Vince looked into Mick's hooded eyes.

"I'll always choose you"


Note! This isn't the total end of this story, I will be making a longer book out of this! Stay tuned!

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