Just Another Day (Crue)

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"Oh god... what the hell did I just walk into?" Vince asked, putting his stuff down.

He looked at his surroundings to see Mick boring holes into Tommy, and Tommy trying to look innocent with a shit-eating grin.

"Nothing, dumbshit over here just thinks he's the smartest fuckin person he's ever met" Mick said.

"God... what did you say?" Vince asked Tommy, sitting next to Mick.

"I just said that my mom told me that when I was a child, that if it was raining brains, I had an umbrella" Tommy said, like it was obvious that it was the smart thing to do. "So... the egg is on your face Mick, I'm clearly not as stupid as you all say I am" he said confidently.

"Oh my god..." Vince groaned, burning his face in his hands. "Are you serious?"

"God I have a headache..." Mick said when Tommy left the room, giggling to his hearts content.

"Aw, what from?" Vince asked, laying down on the couch, resting his head in Mick's lap. He reached up and stroked Mick's cheek with his index finger.

"It comes and goes" Mick shrugged.

Tommy came back in the room with a cheese stick and a beer.

"Oh look, it's back" Mick said, resting his hand on Vince's chest, causing Vince to giggle. "Where'd you even get that? I don't buy those"

"Oh, I buy them and keep em here" Tommy said, shrugging.

"Wasn't aware I had a toddler" Mick muttered, making Vince giggle more.

He started playing with Mick's fingers for a moment, letting Mick tap him on the nose.

"You guys are so cute" Tommy said.

"I'm not even sure why you're here" Mick said. "This is my apartment"

"I forgot what I was doing" Tommy shrugged.

"Probably hiding from Nikki" Vince muttered.

"God what did you do to piss him off this time?" Mick asked.

"I don't-"

There was a heavy knock at Mick's front door.

"You don't need to answer that!" Tommy said, panicked.

Vince laughed and hauled himself off the couch.

"Oooooh... You are in deep shit Tommy" Vince said, opening the front door.

"Hello Vinny," Nikki said, stepping through the threshold of the apartment. "Afternoon, Mickey"

"Hey Nik" Mick rolled his eyes slightly, but also amused at the way Nikki looked at Tommy. "Leave somethin?" He asked, smirking.

"Ah huh..." Nikki huffed.

Vince curled up in Mick's lap, both ready to watch whatever shitshow was about to go down.

"H-hey Nik, how's it hangin bro?" Tommy laughed nervously, then his eyes grew wide.

They watched as Nikki full on rammed himself into Tommy's stomach, successfully flopping Tommy over his shoulders.

"What the fuck! Put me fuckin down man!" Tommy smacked Nikki's ass.

"Smack my ass one more time, and you'll never touch it again" Nikki said.

"Oh Cmon dude..." Tommy whined.

"What the hell did you guys get into now?" Mick finally asked.

"Tell em Tommy, I fuckin dare ya" Nikki smacked the back of Tommy's thigh.

"Ow! Fucker!" Tommy thrashed around a bit. "Fuckin fine! I accidentally, asshole... fuckin blew my load..."

"Keep goin"

"On Nikki" Tommy sighed, defeated. "Wasn't my fuckin fault, she moved!"

"Uh... No! You made her bite my fuckin dick, you dickwad!" Nikki snapped. "God it felt like she bit it off!"

"Do you want me to check it for you?" Tommy asked, slyly, giggling.

"I'll deal with you later..." Nikki grumbled. "Thanks for feeding him" he said, noticing the cheese stick wrapped and beer bottle.

"Actually you can take those. He buys them to keep here. Maybe you can use them as obedience treats" Vince said.

"Treat??" Tommy gasped happily.

"No treat!" Nikki barked.


"No treat!" Mick snapped.

"Treat??" Tommy begged.

"NO TREAT!" They all said in unison.

Tommy pouted, propping himself up on Nikki's back.

"Y'all suck" He muttered.

"You aren't in any position to be talking right now" Nikki grumbled.

"Dumbshit... hey Tom, tell Nikki what you told me earlier" Mick snickered.

Tommy groaned. He shoved his hands down the back of Nikki's back pockets, hoisting himself up.

"Yo watch it man, I don't feel like exposing my ass here, dude" Nikki said.

"Anyways," Tommy said, still bracing himself on Nikki's ass. "I told Mick, and I don't really see where I'm wrong here"

"Oh god..." Nikki sighed.

"I told him how my mom used to tell me that if it rained brains, I'd have an umbrella"

Nikki closed his eyes and tried not to laugh.

"Which I think is pretty smart! Brains are gross and squishy and covered in brain juice" Tommy explained.

"Oh my god..." Nikki muttered. "Is there somewhere else I can leave him?" He asked, looking at Vince and Mick.

"Nope, sorry bud, serious about the cheese stick thing" Vince looked at Nikki. "Works on dogs"

"Ah huh... I'll get them later, I need to get drunk" Nikki said, walking out of Mick's apartment, closing the door behind him.

"Oh look, my headaches gone" Mick joked. "You can't say the word treat around Tommy" Mick said, tapping Vince on the nose.

"I know, I forgot," Vince chuckled. "Do I get a treat?" He asked.

"Hm... do you think you've deserved one?" Mick asked, squeezing Vince's hips.

"I dunno, have I?" He asked sweetly, batting his eyelashes at Mick.

"You have, go get one" Mick kissed the side of Vince's head.

Vince let out a squeak and went into the kitchen. Mick put on a movie while Vince rummaged around for a few minutes. He returned with some fresh popcorn and some sweets.

"You'll get another treat later" Mick whispered, kissing Vince on the ear. "If you're good"

"I'm always good"

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