Spin the Bottle pt 2 (Izzy/Mick)

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Mick managed to slip away from all the noise and sat outside on the balcony. It was still a little louder than he liked at times, but it was better than being inside.

He was happy for Nikki. The kid deserved to be happy. He couldn't help but be amused when he saw the nerves in Nikki's eyes. Slash was a good kid, a bit rowdy and rambunctious, just like Nikki. He remembered when Nikki opened up to Mick about Slash. Mick was actually the one to tell Nikki he was in love with Slash. Nikki went on and on about how he didn't know what he was feeling and how scared he was.

Nikki... I think you're in love.

No! No! I can't be! I'm not... I'm not-

Good enough? Nikki. You're allowed to be in love, kid. It's okay. You're gonna be okay.

Sometimes Mick felt like the only adult in the band. But it was better than letting the other run amok and getting into trouble or hurt.

He tilted his head back and took a drag from his neglected cigarette. It shuddered a bit from the breeze, he had left his jacket inside due to how warm and stuffy it was from the amount of people.

He blushed a little and smiled to himself about what Izzy had done earlier. He wasn't sure why, but it made him feel like a nervous teenager. He remembered seeing Izzy perform for the first time in person, how laid back he was, just for him to be laid back in person too.

Mick heard the back door open and close, but he wasn't paying much mind to who it was. He looked over to see Izzy with a soft smile on his face.

"Hey man..." Mick spoke softly.

Izzy sat next to Mick, keeping to the other side of the bench.

"L-look man, back there, I didn't,"Izzy stuttered nervously. "I mean, I didn't mean, ah" Izzy took his hat off and ran his hands through his hair.

Mick reached out and took Izzy's hands away from his hair, and took one in his own. He put Izzy's hat back on his head.

"It's okay, I... didn't mind it"

"It's just that Steven and Duff were so close, and I wanted to sit next to you, and-" Izzy rambled.

"Hey... it's fine... y'know, you can sit closer if you want" Mick blushed, looking up at Izzy.

Izzy nervously scooted over to where their knees were touching.

"You... look nice in hats, yknow" Mick said quietly. "Not many people can do that"

"Yeah... but" Izzy took his hat off and put it on Mick's head. "I think you look better" the two smiled at each other.

The two sat there in each other's company, stealing nervous glances at each other. They heard some glass break from inside and that laugh could only belong to one person.

"Fucking Tommy..." Mick rolled his eyes. "Their mess I guess, they can clean it up"

Izzy chuckled.

"That's how I feel about Slash and Duff sometimes" Izzy chuckled. "Axl's a fucking loose cannon" Izzy glanced through the window behind them. "Loud fuckers. Just gotta sit back and let shit unravel" they both laughed softly.

They mindlessly talked and shared a few laughs with each other. Izzy threw in some subtle compliments here and there. They were leaning into each other as they talked. Mick caught sight of Izzy's eyes, he looked away shyly. He toyed with the edge of the zipper on Izzy's leather jacket.

Izzy leaned over hesitantly. Mick could feel hot breath on his face. Izzy smelled very faintly of whiskey. Mick nervously cupped the back of Izzy's neck, toying with locks of soft black hair, his hand still softly gripping Izzy's jacket. Izzy scooted closer and slipped his arm back behind Mick's neck, being mindful of his back.

For once, Mick didn't have anything snarky to say. Izzy's beautiful, warm brown eyes looked right into his cold blue ones. He wasn't sure if he should look away.

Izzy flicked his eyes down at Mick's lips and back up to his eyes. He softly stroked Mick's jaw with his fingertips.

Mick gently coaxed Izzy to come closer. He twirled Izzy's soft hair around his fingers. They were so close that their noses were touching. Mick let his eyes flutter shut as he felt Izzy's hot breath against his lips.

Izzy rubbed his nose against Mick's before brushing his lips Mick's soft lips. Mick parted his lips and kissed Izzy back softly. Their kisses were slow, soft, and deep. They breathed heavily through their noses.

Izzy subconsciously scooted even closer and pressed himself up against Mick, sliding his arm further around Mick's shoulders. He cupped Mick's cheek. There was no hunger, no lust, no rush, just soft, slow, languid kisses.

Another breeze came across the balcony. Mick felt himself shiver, he wasn't sure if it was from the breeze or Izzy. Izzy pulled away with a soft click.

"You cold?" Izzy asked quietly. Mick nodded softly.

Izzy sat back and started taking his jacket off.

"No, you don't- Izzy..."

Izzy had already taken his jacket off and gestured to sit up.

"Yeah, I do. You're cold" Izzy draped his jacket over Mick's shoulders. It hung a little big since Izzy was a bit taller. "Better?" He snaked his arm back around Mick.

"Yes... thank you Izzy" Mick blushed softly.

"No problem" Izzy kissed Mick's cheek softly, letting his lips linger. "You look nice tonight... keep the jacket" Izzy said softly.

"No, I can't, it's yours, and-"

"Mick, sugar, keep it, wear it. You look real good in it" Izzy leaned into Mick, cupping his face.

"I... thank you, Izzy" Mick smiled softly.

"Can I kiss you again, Mars?" Izzy whispered.

"You can kiss me whenever you want, Stradlin"

Mick leaned in the rest of the way, meeting Izzy's chapped lips, he curled his hands in Izzy's soft hair. Izzy overlapped their hands and intertwined their fingers.

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