Nights Like This (Axl/Steven)

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Steven sat on the roof of the apartment complex. He was curled up looking at the stars, clutching an empty whiskey bottle. He had walked out when Axl was having another yelling fit directed at him. He went out on the roof a lot.

He heard soft footsteps behind him, he didn't bother turning around.

"Hey man..." Duff's soft voice came from behind Steven. "You okay?"

"What're you doing out here?" Steven's voice sounded worn and tired.

"Came looking for you, that's all" Duff said quietly. Steven had already been on the roof for a couple hours now.

"You've never looked for me before" Steven said rather bitterly. "Nobody does" he whispered.

"He didn't mean it..." Duff tried reassuring.

"He yelled at me, for two fucking hours, and you're gonna tell me-" Steven's voice started cracking. "You're gonna tell me that he that he didn't mean it?" He scoffed. He felt more tears fall down his cheeks. "M-maybe he's right, I should just leave" Steven threw his cigarette and angrily slapped his foot on it, and lit another one.

Duff felt his heart ache a bit. He sat down next to Steven, draping the blanket he had around his shoulders over Steven's.

"I don't need your sympathy" Steven muttered.

"Not giving you any, you're stupid to be out here without a jacket" Duff said as he lit a cigarette.

Steven shrugged the blanket off, missing it's warmth in the cool midnight breeze.

"Quit it" Duff wrapped the blanket back over Steven's shoulders, and ducking under it himself.

Duff looked over at Steven. He noticed the glimmer on his cheeks and the tears that threatened to cascade down them.

"What're you doing out here anyways?" Duff asked, not wanting to bring attention to he fact he knew Steven had been sitting up here crying.

"I come up here a lot... nobody's bothered to come look for me before, so... it's been a good hiding place for nights like this..." Steven blinked and a few tears fell down his cheeks.

Duff unfolded one of his legs and situated it to where it was around Steven, and his other one was slightly over Steven's lap. He wrapped his arms around Steven's shoulders and pulled him into his chest.

Duff let Steven cry in his arms, burying his face into Duff's neck, and letting his tears trail down Duff's neck and onto his shirt. Duff began carding his fingers in Steven's hair, doing anything he can to show the drummer he was here for him. He was going to kill Axl later if Izzy or Slash haven't done it already.

Duff heard soft and timid footsteps come from behind him. He tensed up and held Steven close to him as he slowly turned his head around.

Slash and Izzy stood at the roof entrance with their arms crossed and a smug look on their face. Axl was standing a few feet in front of them. His hair was a mess, his face was red and wet from crying, and he was biting his lip to keep himself quiet. Duff almost felt a little bad.

Steven paid no mind as Duff stood up, leaving the blanket.

"What're you doing up here?" Duff whispered through his teeth, gripping Axl's flannel shirt, almost pulling him up off the ground.

"Easy, honey" Izzy's smooth voice made Duff let Axl go immediately. He looked up at Izzy for a moment before looking back down at Axl. "Answer me" Duff pushed him back a bit.

"I... I need to fix this" Axl's voice was raw.

"Rosie here's been cryin and spillin out everything including what he ate last week" Slash snickered.

"You're a monster..." Duff whispered.

"Hon..." Izzy stepped forward, putting a little distance between Duff and Axl. "He's got BPD..."

Axl wasn't listening to them anymore. He was looking at Steven, who was sitting close to the edge of the building. His blonde hair reflecting the blue moonlight. He separated himself from Izzy and Duff, slowly walking towards Steven, with his hands wrapped around himself.

"Hey, don't you dare go near him" Duff snapped.

"It's okay, hon" Izzy took Duff's hand. "He knows what he's gotta do. Cmon, We'll catch you up" Izzy took Duff back downstairs, Slash following in tow.

Axl dropped to his knees behind Steven.

"It ain't your fault" Axl's rough voice pulled Steven out of his empty thoughts. "It-it ain't your fault" Axl took an unsteady deep breath. Tears started flowing down his cheeks. "I-Im gonna go to therapy, I'm gonna get help" Axl admitted. "Stevie, please, look at me, please?"

Steven turned around and saw Axl crying into his hands.

"It ain't your fault either" Steven said as he lunged towards Axl, knocking them both to the ground. He hugged Axl tight, hearing what Izzy had told Duff. "It ain't your fault"

"I'm so so sorry" Axl cried into Steven's shoulder. "I'm gonna get help" Axl said as he wiped the tears from Steven's face. "Did I hurt you?" Axl asked, trying to sit back up.

"No no, you didn't hurt me" Steven assured, letting Axl sit up.

"Thank god" Axl whispered. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Steven's. "Thank God..." he caressed Steven's cheek. "Stevie.. I think I gotta tell ya somethin else too... fuck... I dunno how to say this..." Axl hid his face in his hands. "When I admitted to Slash and Iz that I've got BPD... I admitted somethin else too... fuck me" Axl whispered.

"Can you show me instead?" Steven said softly. He took Axl's shaky hands.

"The, the reason why I'm out here, the reason why I cried so much, and tore myself apart, I tore everything apart... but, I don't want to tear us apart..." Axl's voice trailed off. He looked at Steven with soft and sad eyes. He leaned his forehead back against Steven's, soaking in his body heat.

"You wanna know why I just walked out?" Steven asked. "Why I didn't shout, scream, or throw anything at you? Because I never want to hurt you... you mean way too much to me" Steven let go of one of Axl's hands and caressed his face, digging his fingers into Axl's messy hair. "I can't hurt you man, I... fuck it"

Steven tipped Axl's head towards him and kissed him gently. He heard Axl's breath hitch, and worked his mouth open.

Axl slotted his lips together with Steven's, breathing softly through his nose, savoring the whiskey that was still on Steven's lips. Steven unfolded his legs. Without breaking the kiss, he straddled Axl's lap. Axl wrapped his arms around Steven's back, holding him protectively. They broke apart when they needed air. Axl looked up into Steven's eyes. He hid his face in Steven's chest, still wrapped around him.

"I-" Steven started to say, but was quickly cut off.

Axl kissed Steven gently one more time.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself" Axl's said with hooded eyes.

Steven smiled and shut Axl up with another kiss.

"Neither could I"

"Come back inside?" Axl asked, squeezing Steven gently. "Please? I can get you a new room away from me, and-and"

"Can I stay with you?" Steven asked, stroking Axl's face with his thumbs.

"You wanna stay with me?" Axl asked, confused.

"Yeah... yeah, I wanna stay with you" Steven kissed Axl's forehead. "We've got things to make up" He smiled and kissed Axl softly once more.

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