The Librarian (Mick/Nikki)

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"He's got like... a million books, what's he keep going to the library for?" Tommy questioned, looking at the rather impressive bookshelf Mick kept in his apartment.

"I'm surprised you even know what a library is" Vince retorted.

"I'm surprised- shut the fuck up" Tommy rolled his eyes. "Wanna go follow him?"

"Follow him?" Vince cocked an eyebrow. "What do you think he's doing? Fuckin dope dealer?"

"Yes!" Tommy exclaimed, like it was the obvious answer.

"At a library" Vince stated, rather than questioned.

"Yes" Tommy said.

"Uh huh..."Vince huffed and rolled his eyes.

"It's not all that weird-!"

"Yes it is!" Vince cut Tommy off.

"Oh cmon! What's-his-face deals outside of food banks"
Tommy rammed into Vince's shoulders.

"What's-his-face?? Are you talking about Jeff?"

"Cmon man, let's go see!" Tommy stood up.

He dragged Vince to the car and headed to the library, a string of huffs and curses coming from Vince.


It wasn't like Mick needed a science encyclopedia, it was just the isle one of the employees was putting books away in. He had his glasses on, flipping through the pages of a random textbook, looking through the black strands of his hair at the guy across the isle. He took it back to one of the tables and made himself look busy and less awkward.

Part of him felt really weird and awkward for flipping through random books, and going through the effort to check out those random books, just so the employee, Nikki, would talk to him
On the other hand, it was the only chance he got to get away from Tommy and Vince. He highly doubted they even knew where it was, or what it was.

In the isle across from where Mick was sitting, Nikki was putting more books away. He looked over at Mick, who looked both bored and interested in whatever he was reading. He wandered a few rows over to the horror/thriller section and plucked a book off the shelf, tucking it under his arm. He knew Mick had checked it out before, his name was on the check out card on the inside cover, but he really just wanted an excuse to flirt with him a bit. He saw Mick as his prey, someone so seemingly innocent and sweet, smart, nerdy. Maybe someone with lots of buttons to push... and Nikki wanted to push all of them.

He tied his hair back in attempt to look cute and put his glasses on. He watched as Mick put the textbook away and go find something that he looked interested in. He was fairly surprised when it was something about cars. He watched and stood patiently at the checkout counter.

Mick gently placed his books on the checkout counter and waited patiently as Nikki scanned them.

"I hope this isn't too weird..." Nikki started to say, "but, I picked this out for you, I thought you might enjoy it" he said, placing the book he picked out earlier in front of Mick.

Of course Mick had already read it, they both knew that.

"Oh, thanks, Nikki. I'm sure I'll enjoy it" Mick said, nervously.

"Are you a mechanic?" Nikki asked, gesturing to the books Mick had put up.

"I ah... I race" Mick said shyly.

"You race?" Nikki asked, genuinely surprised. Mick nodded and shyly smiled, looking away. "I bet you're a winner every time" Nikki winked.

"Sometimes I guess" Mick shrugged.

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