You Scared Me (Mick x Nikki)

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Mick wasn't sure what to do, what to say, or how to react. He stood by the TV with the phone up to his ear.

It's a sad day for rock n roll. We've just received news that Motley Crue bassist, Nikki Sixx, has died of an apparent heroin overdose.

"M-Mick you gotta answer me man! What the fuck do we do?" Tommy's voice was raw. Vince was on the other line with Tommy too.

"I... I don't know kid..." Mick nearly whispered. "I..." his voice trailed off.

Tommy's heart dropped. Mick always seemed to know what to do. He always had answers.

"Just... take care of each other for me... yeah?" Tears started to well up in Mick's eyes. He made no effort to stop them. "You... you have to."

"Mick, " Vince's voice came through the phone. He tucked himself under Tommy's arm, which was immediately wrapped around his shoulders tightly.

"No!" Mick snapped. "Fucking take care of each other, alright?"

"O-okay..." Tommy's voice started cracking. Mick never talked to them like that.

"Good..." Mick slammed the phone down.

He looked at the phone again. That same phone that their manager called him on to turn on the news and ask if what was happening was real. He shook his head and picked up the phone unit. It shattered when it made contact with the wall.

By the time Mick left his apartment apartment, the only things that weren't broken was their gold records that were above the sofa, and the furniture. Everything else was so beyond repair that it was nearly impossible to recognize what it used to be. Broken glass was everywhere, it reeked of alcohol. He was still sober.

There was no way Nikki was dead, right? Sure, it's what they said on TV, but there's no way, right? Mick huffed angrily as he stormed out of his apartment and drove off to the hospital where Nikki should be.

Mick parked his Corvette and walked inside, his head hung low and hands in his pockets. He looked up right under the brim of his hat. He walked up to the reception desk as calmly as possible.

"Nikki Sixx... where is he?" Mick asked, tapping his fingers on the counter.

"I-I can't release that information" The receptionist was taken back by Mick's attitude.

"Then get me someone who can" Mick turned his head away from the poor lady who seemed frightened. The lady paged a doctor and told Mick someone was on their way to help him. "Thanks Miss" Mick tried to smile, not wanting to look up. He hasn't even looked in a mirror, his makeup was probably ruined.

Mick went ahead and sat down and waited for the doctor.

Who the hell takes this long?

After waiting around impatiently for fifteen minutes, a doctor finally showed up.

"I need someone to tell me where Nikki Sixx is, right now" Mick said sternly.

"Sir... he died on the way to the hospital" The doctor seemed unfazed as to who he was even talking to, seeing that Motley was in the hospital more times than they should admit.

"Have you met the fucker? Have you met any of us?" Mick finally snapped. "No, he's not fuckin dead. And im not leaving until he walks his dumbass in here on his own"

"Mr. Mars, I don't know what to tell you, last I heard, Nikki-" the doctor was cut off by loud shouting from the hallway.

"That fucker..." Mick said under his breath. He knew damn well who was shouting.

Nikki walks down the hall, half dressed, still in his stiletto boots, with his hands covering his ears, and a few doctors trying to stop him.

Nikki stops in his tracks when he sees Mick, as he almost runs right into him.

"Mick?" Nikki shrank under Mick's gaze.

"You fucker!" Mick pulled Nikki down to his height by his hair. Mick settled down for a moment after seeing the scared and upset look on Nikki's face. "Cmon... you're freezing..." Mick slipped off his own jacket, flinging it over Nikki's shoulders. Not that the jacket even fit, but it was better than having no shirt.

"Are you mad at me?" Nikki shook a little.

"No Nikki... let's just go" Mick placed a hand on Nikki's forearm and the other on his lower back as he lead him outside. Nikki was huddled up in Mick's jacket the best he could. He lead them outside to his car. "Wanna go home?" Mick asked. He looked at Nikki who seemed to look a little lost.

"N-no... I never want to go home..." Nikki's apartment was nothing but bad memories now. "Take me to yours?" Nikki liked Mick's humble little apartment. It was clean, no disease, no sadness.

Mick proceeded to drive back to his apartment, forgetting the state of it in the moment. The drive was quiet, it was tense, but somewhat comfortable.

Oh shit... Mick realized, before he was about to turn the key.

"Fuck..." Mick said out loud.

"What's wrong..." Nikki asked, looking at Mick's worried face.

Mick didn't say anything, he just opened the door to his trashed apartment.

"Uh... what the fuck happened here?" Nikki immediately thought Mick had been robbed or something.

"You scared me Nikki..." Mick wrapped his arms around himself. "We thought you were dead... we...
I thought I lost you" Mick looked up at Nikki, tears welling in his eyes.

"Mick..." Nikki's voice cracked. He shyly stood closer to Mick, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I thought I was gone too" Nikki started shaking.

Mick wrapped his hands around Nikki's slim waist.

"You can't leave me..." Mick whispered. He looked at Nikki, who was resting his head on his shoulder. "You wanna lay down or somethin? It's late"

"Can I lay with you?" Nikki asked, his voice muffled due to Mick's hair.

"Sure man... cmon"

Mick lead them to his bedroom, which went untouched by his fit he threw earlier. He handed Nikki some clothes that he thought were Tommy's.

Mick laid on his back as he waited for Nikki to come back in. Nikki walked back into Mick's bedroom and set his clothes down. Mick opened his arm for Nikki to lay into. Nikki didn't hesitate to nuzzle back into Mick's neck. This was an act they did a lot together back at the Mötley house.

"Such a big baby..." Mick teased. He carded his hands through Nikki's hair.

"I'm your big baby..." Nikki muttered.

"Yeah... you are my big baby"

Mick kissed Nikki's forehead gently. It was always a friendly gesture before, but there was something different about it this time. Nikki picked his head up a little. He reached up and cupped the side of Mick's face. He leaned in until their noses touched.

"Gonna kiss me or what?" Mick whispered.

Nikki didn't give it a second thought before gently pressing his lips to Mick's. Mick hugged Nikki closer to him as they kissed softly.

"I love you..." Nikki muttered against Mick's lips.

"I love you too, Nikki" Mick whispered, smiling into another kiss. "My big baby boy..."

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