Believe in Me (Mick/Nikki)

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Frankie fell asleep in his English class again. The teacher sighed, dismissing class a bit early. She quietly made her way into the back of the classroom and sat in an empty chair.

"Frankie" She reached out and gently shook his shoulder. "Time to wake up"

Frankie groaned, still sleeping away. The teacher sighed and went back to her desk. She picked up the phone and called the office. Soon, the school nurse, counselor, and the school security officer. The nurse
Shook Frankie's shoulder and startled him awake.

The tall teenager shot back in his chair, the teacher saw all six feet of him shrink back in the corner.

"You ratted on me??" Frankie barked at the teacher. He wanted to fall out of his chair and back himself into the bookshelf.

"Frankie, sweetheart, I'm worried about you" the teacher said warmly.

"Cmon kid, let's go" the officer helped Frankie out of his chair and escorted him into the office.

Frankie found himself sitting in front of the school nurse and counselor. He nervously held his backpack to his chest.

"Frankie... this is the fifth time you've fallen asleep in a class... and it's not even half way through the week" the nurse said, looking at her clipboard.

"I'm sorry I'm just... tired, I guess" Frankie sighed. "Can you... not... call me Frankie? I don't like it anymore" he said shyly.

"Sure kiddo" The officer sat down next to him. "What would you like us to call you?" He asked.

"Nikki" he said shyly.

"Like... Sixx...?" The officer asked, wondering why the name sounded familiar. Nikki nodded and continued clutching his backpack. "Why don't you come with me? We can talk for a bit"

"Please don't call my mom" Nikki begged. "Or my dad, anyone else, please, just—" his voice cracked and he let out a cry.

"Can you give us a minute?" The officer asked the counselor and nurse. He watched as they left the room and turned his attention back to Nikki. "Something going on at home?" He asked, he rested one of his hands on top of Nikki's.

"Mom n dad, er... fighting... a lot" Nikki looked at his worn shoes. "About me" he shrugged.

"Can I ask how come?" The officer, Stradlin, Nikki noticed, asked.

"My mom was cheating on dad... and apparently that's my fault, and... our power got turned off, so I got yelled at for it..." Nikki cried quietly.

"Hey, do you have someone to come get you?" Officer Stradlin asked. "I think you should get some rest today, I'll talk to the nurse and counselor for you"

"I uhm... I do, but, I don't know his number, I don't have a phone" Nikki said. "But he's Tommy Lee's emergency contact"

"Let me give him a call" Officer Stradlin said. He typed a few things into his laptop and pulled up a phone number. "Well... what do ya know" The officer chuckled. "How do you know Mick?" He asked, dialing the number.

"Oh he's uhm... my..." Nikki dug around in his backpack and pulled out a Polaroid of the two of them, under the photo was the caption: One Year Anniversary.

"That's so sweet" Stradlin said warmly, looking at the photo. He pressed dial on the phone and held it up to his ear. "Wassup Alien" he smirked.

"God... what is it this time? Which one of those little fuckers has ruined my day?"

"I think you'll wanna change your tude for this one, bud" The officer said.

"No... Nikki?"

Nikki could hear the distress in his boyfriend's voice.

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