Bring Him Back Pt 2 (Axl/Izzy/Duff)

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Axl's parents kicked him out when they had suspicions that he was sleeping with another boy. That boy being Duff, so Duff moved Axl in with him. Duff's girlfriend left him and moved out when she started to become jealous of Duff and Axl's relationship. And honestly, Duff wasn't too upset about it.

There hadn't been any contact with Izzy since he left. That was three months ago.

Part of him hated that he let Axl cuddle up to him at night, the other part loved it, but he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he unintentionally got between Axl and Izzy. It absolutely warmed his heart seeing those two together. He missed seeing Axl smile.

Axl was currently fast asleep on Duff's chest. He put his hand on Axl's waist, which caused Axl to scoot farther up and nuzzle his face in Duff's neck. For a while, Axl didn't sleep very much at night, he'd flit and flail around, so Duff started staying up late to watch over Axl while he slept. Duff doesn't sleep much at night anymore, but he's okay with that.


Izzy was absolutely relieved when his time at camp was over. Being bisexual really paid off this time.

He had returned back late and immediately snuck out to Axl's. He was 18 now, his parents couldn't do anything. He missed Axl's birthday too... and Duff's. He wondered about Duff, if he was still watching over Axl, or if Axl moved on... with Duff... a lot of thoughts raced through Izzy's mind. Duff was a sweet kid, he knew Duff like the back of his hand.

He wouldn't be mad if Axl moved on with Duff... Duff deserves some happiness in this goddamn world. Hell, he'd do his damndest to make Duff happy.


He finally arrived at Axl's place. He tapped on the window of his bedroom a few times, waiting for it to open. Which it didn't, so he tried a few more times, and it still didn't. He tried looking inside, it was too dark, but something seemed off. He shined his phone light into Axl's room and saw that it was damn near empty. He called Duff in an absolute panic.

"Izzy?" Duff whispered.

"Dude, what the fuck happened when I was gone? Where the fuck is Axl?" He rambled, everything coming out as one word. He started breathing heavily. "I'm at-I'm at his house, all of his shit's gone man!" His voice cracked.

"Hey... he's here with me, man" Duff looked at Axl, who was still fast asleep. He stroked Axl's back with his hand. "He's sleepin away" he said, rather endearingly... which Izzy caught on to.

"Oh... uhm... did he-did he move on?" Izzy asked, he started to bite at his nails.

"No man... he's just been in a rough place. You wanna come over?" Duff asked in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, actually... god I've missed you guys" Izzy breathed out. "I'll be there soon"

"There's a key under the mat, just come in" Duff whispered.

"Thank you... I'll see you soon, okay?"

Izzy hung up his phone and immediately found a store that was still open to try and hunt down a few things. He managed to find a little 24 hour store and bought two bouquets of flowers, and some sweets he knew Axl and Duff liked.

Spoiled brats.

He showed up at Duff's about 20 minutes later. Slipping in the quiet apartment, he heard a bedroom door open and close. He looked down the hallway and saw Duff with a sleepy smile on his face.

"Fucker, come here" Izzy said, putting the flowers and sweets down.

Izzy threw his arms around Duff's neck, being pulled into a hug. He dug one of his hands into Duff's hair, pressing their heads together. Duff's arms wrapped around Izzy's waist securely.

"Oh, Uhm... here" Izzy said as he pulled away, he felt his face get warm when he handed Duff the flowers. One of Duff's hands still lingered on his side.

"For me?" Duff asked.

"Yeah, you" Izzy smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you..." Duff blushed. "Nobody's ever given me flowers before" he smiled.

"You serious?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, I'm serious" Duff looked at Izzy.

"Well, expect them more often" Izzy smiled. He saw a bit of a sparkle in Duff's eyes.

"He's still sleepin, but you can go in there so he sees you when he wakes up" Duff whispered.

"You sure?" Izzy asked, looking down the hall.

"It'll be a good surprise... it was for me" Duff smiled, he sat at the bar counter in his dining room.

Izzy followed him and hugged him again.

"M sorry for being all panicky earlier" Izzy apologized.

"Hey, it's okay, I should've texted your phone, that's my fault" Duff rested his head on Izzy's shoulder.

"Thank you for taking care of each other" Izzy kissed Duff's cheek, causing both men to blush and feel warm.

Izzy separated himself from Duff, who looked like a blushy mess. Izzy smirked and caressed Duff's face before wandering down the hallway.

He kicked off his shoes and laid between Axl and the wall.

Duff always laid on the outside of the bed, so Axl stirred a bit when he subconsciously felt someone lay in front of him. He took a deep breath, slightly confused at the different, but familiar scent of cologne. He was too tired to open his eyes to figure it out.

Izzy smiled and started to caress Axl's face gently. He kissed Axl's cheek, which definitely caused him to stir. Duff didn't do that sorta thing. It was always the back of the head or forehead, whichever way he was facing.

"Wake up baby..." Izzy whispered. Axl just groaned in response. "Baby I've missed you..."

One of Axl's arms came up over Izzy's waist.

"Izzy...?" He whispered, still way too tired to comprehend anything.

"Yeah baby, I'm here... I love you, so much"

"Where's Duff?" Axl asked.

"Do you want Duff?"

Axl tiredly nodded. Izzy pulled his phone out and sent Duff a quick message to come back for cuddles. He heard a chair squeak gently and feet padding down the hall.

Duff laid down behind Axl, laying an arm over him and stretching out to Izzy, and rested his hand on top of Axl's. Izzy extended his arm over Axl and reached out for Duff, keeping Axl safe and sound between them.

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