Sunday walk

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When you woke up in the morning, your head was hurting a little bit, but not to the point that you couldn't move around. You felt really warm, and comfortable. You raised up your head slightly and saw you were still on Bucky and he looked fast asleep. You saw there was a blanket put around your shoulders and flushed a bit. You turned slightly and saw Steve was asleep in the chair with a blanket, and Sam was curled up on the rest of the couch with the blanket from your bed, and Aurora on his hip. You yawned slightly and went to move when you felt two arms pull you in closer. You looked at Bucky's face to see if he was awake, but he looked to be sleeping with a small smile on his face. You leaned forward and nuzzled back into his neck, and closed your eyes hoping that the pain in your head would die away.
"You awake sexy legs?" you heard Sam a few minutes later.
"My head hurts" you whispered.
"Come on, time to give Tinman his lap back. I'll get you some Tylenol and some water. We need to hurry up or else you'll miss your waffle truck" Sam tried coaxing you to move.
"But he's warm and comfy" you pouted sitting up. You saw Bucky was blushing but had a huge smile on his face. You flushed a bit and moved off his lap. "Thank you for the cuddles" you fully blushed and got back on your feet.
"Anytime doll" Bucky winked at you and you wanted to melt. You bit your bottom lip with a smile and his eyes darkened looking down at them for a moment before he went back looking you in the eyes again.
Sam got up and went into your bathroom and came back with Tylenol and a cup of water. You took the tablets and drank them down. You made a face and Sam chuckled.
"We are going to go get changed and we will be right back" Steve gave a kind smile.
"Don't leave without us" Sam warned.
"I won't" you gave a shy smile, your eyes resting on Bucky again as he stood up and stretched. The three of them walked out of your suite and you sighed and started picking up the bottles and garbage. You decided a shower would be a good idea and went in for one while Aurora meowed pitifully for attention.
Once you were done you went into your bedroom wrapped in a towel and grabbed a pair of light blue skinny jeans with your red converse sneakers, deciding on wearing your Iron Man t shirt that Tony had given to you as a gag gift. You normally wore it to bed, but it always got a chuckle out of Sam when you wore it. You took the stairs down to the main floor and went and stood by your car to wait on the guys to come back.

"Would you slow down?" Sam demanded as you were driving through the city streets. When the boys had arrived back Bucky and Steve chose to sit in the back and when you looked in the rear view mirror you kept seeing Bucky staring back at you. You were a little nervous, so you chose to drive a little faster. You were afraid he would be able to hear the hammering of your heart in your chest every time your eyes connected.
"I'm going to the speed limit" you rolled your eyes and spared him a glance.
"Put both hands on the wheel" he added.
"Stop being such a grandpa" you sighed putting your second hand in the wheel.
"If there's any grandpa's, they are in the back seat" Sam quipped quickly.
"Hey now" Steve spoke up.
"This grandpa can outrun you" Bucky glared at him.
"Age is just a number boys" you found a great spot to park and drove in.
"Just like size doesn't matter?" Sam chuckled.
"No, it really doesn't" you shook your head with flushed cheeks. You remembered when you were on Bucky's lap last night, and the woman that got to sleep with him would be in for a world of sensations. He had a bit of an erection, you figured from the beer, and it felt really good when you were on his lap. You almost drunkenly asked him if he wanted help with it, but you were glad you had some self control.
"Why are we talking about this?" Steve blushed a bit.
"You are on our time now, old men" Sam cheekily looked at the pair getting out of the car. You smirked a little bit and locked the doors once the doors were shut.
"Sammy, you should watch yourself today. You don't want to scar them" you grinned and gave him a quick wink.
"Our guy talks are far worse" he admitted. "Especially with Tony around"
"I don't even want to know" you giggled and started leading the way to the food trucks, keeping your purse under your arm.
"Why do you keep wearing that t-shirt?" Sam asked as they all caught up with you.
"It was free, and besides, he signed it" you shrugged. "And it makes you laugh"
"I'm going to get you a Falcon one and sign it" he decided.
"I'll wear it" you shrugged. "Don't forget next Saturday I'm not going to be around"
"Where are you going?" Bucky asked quickly.
"She disappears one Saturday a month, to God knows where" Sam shrugged quickly. Bucky looked at you, and you gave a shy smile.
"You mean you actually do something for yourself besides work for us all the time?" Steve chuckled.
"I do, once a month" you nodded. "It's my treat day"
"No one joins you?" Bucky asked shyly.
"My ex-boyfriend used to. But he didn't like it. That was over three years ago" you spoke softly. "Now I just go by myself. It's fun"
"What do you do?" he asked quickly.
"It's a secret" you smiled at him conspiratorially. "I leave after breakfast and I'm home by midnight"
"She will answer her texts and phone though. I've never found out what it is" Sam chuckled. You saw the food truck and started skipping forwards to your favorite waffle truck. The man at the cashier saw you coming and called out your order before you even got to the front of the line. Once he saw Sam he called out to him too.
"How you doin, beautiful?" the cashier leaned forward winking at you.
"Much better now" you almost purred taking out your credit card. "Extra whipped cream today please"
"You hitting on my girl again Jack?" Sam called from behind you with a smile on his face.
"Always" he laughed in response. "She's always got that bright eyes and bushy tail for me"
"I have a confession, I cheated on you three times this week with the Crepes truck. You need to move locations during the week" you gave a wink.
"You know my boss won't let me" he laughed. "I'm glad you still got your sweets. Who are these handsome Devil's?" he looked pointedly at Bucky and Steve.
"My new harem" you giggled.
"I'll give them the discount too" he grinned at you. You saw your order of Strawberry waffles drizzled in chocolate and a lot of whipped cream came up and you grabbed it, dancing in one spot while you waited for Steve and Bucky to order.
"Just a waffle please" Steve gave a smile.
"I'll have what she's having" Bucky motioned towards you.
"You must have a sweet tooth" the cashier chuckled. "Another Y/N" he called to the back.
"You two come here a lot?" Steve looked over.
"Every Sunday like clock work, handsome" the Jack winked at him.
"Jack gets more tips for flirting with the customers" Sam chuckled.
"It normally works" he shrugged in response. "Works on Y/N"
"That's because the food is good" you giggled. You saw the rest of the orders came up and the boys grabbed their waffles. You had more spring in your step as you led the way to the picnic tables. Bucky quickly sat beside you and you blushed again before digging into your waffle.
"This is pretty good" Steve admitted after taking a bite.
"We love this place" Sam nodded.
"I like yours. It's pretty sweet though" Bucky looked at you. "Not that sweet is bad. It's good" he rambled again.
"It makes me happy" you cooed looking at your waffle and taking another bite.
"You've got whipped cream on your face again" Sam sighed and leaned over to wipe it off the side of your lips and licked his thumb when he was done. You saw Bucky hand you a paper napkin, giving Sam a dark look.
"Thank you" you gave a wan smile and continued to eat.
"How did you find this place?" Steve looked to Sam.
"Y/N" Sam shrugged.
"I like going to the farmers markets. They have good fruits and vegetables and lots of wares to buy" you gave a shy smile. "I used to cook and bake when I had a kitchen, but I worked less hours" you admitted.
"You know, if you move to the compound you can take over the kitchen once in a while" Sam smirked at you.
"I'm not moving Sammy. It's a pain" you shook your head.
"We would love to see you around the compound more" Bucky spoke up quickly and you blushed looking at him. Sam seemed to suddenly catch onto something and gave a grin.
"We do like your company" Steve nodded, trying to help Bucky out.
"I'll think about it" you looked at Bucky again while still blushing, then went back to your food.
"You know, Bucky and Steve are pretty good guys. They know the compound pretty well. If you move in you'll even have access to a pool. They could show you around if I'm busy" Sam had a huge grin on his face.
"You're all going to be busy the next week or two" you shrugged. "Even Tony" you added with a mischievous grin.
"What did you do?" Sam chuckled.
"I gave my normal recommendations. Tony was recommended for one of the longer missions" you grinned.
"He will probably approve it without looking too" Sam barked a laugh.
"Where did you send him?" Steve was laughing as well.
"Siberia" you giggled.
"Oh you are so getting forced to move in. He's going to get revenge" Sam burst out laughing.
"Where are we headed?" Bucky leaned towards you with a smile on his face.
"Paris" you bit your bottom lip shyly. "I expect pictures"
"Anything in particular?" his gaze flicked to your lips and you gave a shy smile.
"The Eiffel tower if you can" you batted your eyes at him a little bit. You heard Steve and Sam get a little quiet with the exchange.
"Anything for you doll" Bucky leaned over and wiped a little whipped cream off your face with his thumb and kept his eyes on yours while he licked his thumb. You blushed a pure red and gave a shy smile looking away. You went back to finishing your waffle, and saw that Sam and Steve were already done. Bucky was just about done with his too. You felt like you were eating too slow, but you were enjoying your food. Steve and Sam kept the conversation going about their missions they completed during the week, and talked about the mission to Paris, and wanting to go over the data when they got back from their walk. You stood up and grabbed everyone's garbage and put it in the trash can, then waited patiently for them to stand up.

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