Can you love me again?

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You groan in pain, trying to open your eyes, adjusting to the white blinding lights. Every movement feels like you're ripping apart yourself. You don't recognize the room.. until you see the wires and machines beside you.. you're in the hospital. You tilt your head slightly seeing Tony sound asleep in a chair beside your bed.

"Tony" you say quietly, feeling sore in your throat from just one word.

He slowly shuts open his eyes, looking at you in utter disbelief. "Oh my god.. you're awake" he chuckles in relief, quickly contacting a nurse.

"What happened?" You groan trying to adjust your position.

"You don't remember?"

"No.. did we do it?"

"Yeah.. we won.." Tony smiles weakly.. "you did it, you saved us"

You look down at your body noticing most of your right arm is covered up, and the different tubes and wires connecting to a machine, monitoring you.

"What happened to me?" You asks confusedly.

"You suffered from third-degree burns on most of your right arm, hand and shoulder.. some places it even reached through both layers and skin-"

You look him in the eyes, not understanding anything.. this couldn't be right. One minute you were fine and now you're whole world has been turned upside down.

"We're doing everything we can, but as for now your nerves in your hand and wrist have been destroyed.." Tony explains sadly, reaching out to hold your left hand.  "you had a massive hemorrhage, probably caused by the fall. They got most of it under control, but you need to stay here for a while to make sure the blood isn't leaking into your brain." Tony adds.. explaining further."You got about twenty stitches on your lower abdomen, they can't say exactly what caused the wound, but it's highly from some of the metal scraps, luckily there wasn't any infection..." Tony keeps listing things, you're waiting for him to finish, but it seems your whole body was failing you...

"you also suffered from a lot of internal bleeding, and a punctured lung, they took out your chest tube two days ago actually, so you're breathing on your own now. You're gonna be fine" Tony assures you.

"That's a lot to process" you stammer, starring down at a body you don't even recognize anymore. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. You never wanted any of this.

"I know sorry, but the good news is you're getting better." Tony smiles softly.

"Right.. how long was I ehh.. how long was I out for?"

"Five weeks.. the paramedics revived you on the way to the hospital, and send you into an induced coma. You are quite a fighter.. they said the chances of you waking up would be twelve procent." Tony says proudly.. "yet here you are, alive and breathing on your own"

"Alive.." you say to yourself. You didn't feel alive, you felt like you might as well have died five weeks ago..
"Will I ever be able to use my hand again?"

"Bruce is working on it"

You nod your head slowly.. A nurse walks into your room, and starts asking you so many questions. You feel so overwhelmed by all the stuff you have to answer. You don't know how you feel, and you don't know exactly what happened it's all a blur. How would you ever be able to describe the pain you were in..

"Where is Loki?" You ask, while the nurse injects a needle into your arm, upping your dose of morphine.

"Thor took him home a week ago.. he never left your side. Didn't eat, didn't sleep. So I've been here ever since" Tony explains. "We've kinda been holding our breaths for the last five weeks. We haven't even gotten a chance to return the stones, no one wanted to leave in case you-"

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now