The Way You Are

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The whole of Miyagi-Do was inside…. Along with all the Cobra Kai. What the- how the fuck did they know we were here?! No one else knew what we were doing! As we came down the stairs, we were just in time to watch Kenny kick Anthony to the ground. A lot of the Cobras faces fell when they saw Tory with us.

“So you’re with them now?” Devin scoffed

“You knew what would happen if him, and his friends ever stepped in this dojo again” Kenny spat at Tory

“How’d they even know we were here?”

“I don’t know” I whispered back to Sam, but they heard, and they smiled

“Mitch, come on” Kyler jerked his head “Get your ass over here where you belong” Mitch walked over to the other side of the room with a solum look, I can’t fucking believe it. He pulled his jacket of- he was wearing a Cobra Kai t shirt, and he was happy

“Penis breath, how could you?” Bert frowned

“Gee, I dunno, maybe cause they don’t call me penis breath” Mitch exclaimed “Ya know, you guys have been so dead set on taking down Cobra Kai, I didn’t even wanna leave in the first place. I mean look around! Thy got snacks, swag, smoothies, our dojo doesn’t even have a roof, or like, any chicks- no offense Sam- o-or Harley”

"It was you wasn't it?" I scoffed in disbelief "You were the reason Cobra Kai showed up to the Christmas party weren't you?" Mitch smirked, he didn't even deny it now that he was safe behind Kyler and Kenny "You were the one that told the Cobras that Eli was at the tattoo parlor last year" I was vibrating, anger filled me up from top to bottom "I'm gonna fucking kill-"

"Hey, hey hey hey, you lose your shit right now, you're gonna get hurt" Robby wrapped an arm across my shoulders "You need your brain clear to beat these assholes"

“Yeah, don’t go all red hulk Lawrence” Kenny grinned, making all the Cobras laugh, how’d he even know about that?

“I’ll set her lose on you, you idiot” Robby warned, and to my amusement, Kenny shut up

“Alright alright, we got a traitor, y’all got a traitor, so that cancels out” Kyler proclaimed “So we gonna throw down or what? Let’s go!”

"You don't know the first thing about karate do you?" I scoffed, for some reason I just couldn't keep my mouth shut "You should never, go looking for a fight"

“And I’m not a traitor, I’m just not guy what Silver’s selling” Tory tried to explain “And neither should any of you!”

“Silver lied, to all of us” Robby assured 

“Us?” Lenny noticed Robby dialing in on him “What us? The only person who lied to me is you!” Kenny jumped at Robby

“Hey, Robby’s right” Miguel stepped in, blocking Robby from the little Psycho and Kenny instantly backed down. Yup, everybody’s scared of the cinnamon role “You don’t wanna do this”

Kenny sighed, and he looked to look back at everyone else, then back at us- then smirked “Yeah I do” he instantly took a punch at Miguel, who dodged it right away

The fight broke out from that instantly, and it was pure pandemonium. The problem was, that the Cobras out numbered us, just like they always had. To our advantage, we all had the better fighters. With Tory fighting for us, there was no way we could lose, it was just beating them into submission so that we could talk to them and show them our proof. That took a while, because Cobras are proud. I can safely say that every person I went up against, went down. I saw Robby almost get stuck in a corner, I quickly ran after him, leaping into the air and kicking the guy in the back, just then someone came up and punched me in the side, sending me over, it was Kenny.

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