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Chapter 9

    "He has been away from the Zenyuan family for a long time." Gojo Wu has heard about Fu Heisher. At the beginning, his matter caused a lot of trouble in Yusan's house, and even Wujo Wu, who was immersed in love, had heard a lot about Fu Heisher. Hazel's news.

    If it weren't for his lack of magic power, Fuheshier would have a chance to become a candidate for the head of the family, but he was born without a trace of magic power. Although he has a high status, he has been treated worse than servants since childhood. I looked down on him, and Fu Heisher was not a vegetarian, so he would beat him back when he was bullied, which made the family in the monastery go crazy. At first the old men were still angry, but then they simply ignored him. Then it seemed that something happened. Er then left the monastery and went out to work alone, and became a quite famous magician killer.

    Xia Youjie is not interested in the secrets of the so-called magician, he is more concerned about why Fu Jiang is entangled with Fu Heisher.

    Obviously, Fu Heisher can see Fu Jiang, and he doesn't repel him very much.

    He thought that other people except himself had a bad attitude towards the curse spirit.

    Xia Youjie didn't have any great malice towards the magic spirit. He became a magician and even came to the high school of magic because of the education he had received since he was a child and the persistence in his heart.

    I am destined to be a strong person, and as a strong person, I want to protect the weak.

    And his spells are closely related to the curse spirit. When eating the curse spirit jade, the curse spirit's will will also be conveyed to Xia Youjie. spiritual attitude.

    If the curse spirit is harmless to people, he will not kill them all, and he can even sit down and have a good talk with the other party.

    Just like Fu Jiang now.

    Fu Jiang has no malice towards human beings, and he will not attack human beings. The reason for staying in this world may be a bit strange, but the intention is not bad. While not violating his own principles, Xia Youjie doesn't mind giving him a convenience.

    But what happened to Fuhesher?

    Because he has no magic power so he can see Fu Jiang?

    That's a curse.

    Just because I have no prejudice against the curse spirit doesn't mean that other people have no prejudice against the curse spirit, let alone someone like Fu Heisher.

    Fu Jiang didn't leave school today just to find Fu Heisher.

    "You seem to know him very well." Xia Youjie looked away.

    "I don't know, this guy is a rascal. He washed his hands and went home to get married before. Who knows why he came back to continue working in this business."

    The restaurant served food very quickly, and it took only ten minutes for the three of them to sit down. The appetizers are served.

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