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Chapter 36

    Nearly a week had passed since the big explosion. Outside the huge pothole created by the explosion, there were many policemen and special professions in black suits looking for something nearby, and even many reporters could be seen.

    Most of the people who failed to escape the explosion were blasted into charred skeletons, and a small part of those who were unlucky did not even leave their bones.

    But even so, no one cared about their identities.

    "It's been so long, why didn't the police find out?" On the cliff facing the sea in the distance, there were a few children who were only ten years old at most standing there, watching the busy Lei from a distance. Bowl Street.

    In addition to the explosion zone, there are quite a few people who are planning to live here in a place far from the periphery, and the things inside have not affected them.

    Leibo Street is an abandoned place, there will be no police to meddle in the affairs here, and there are so many police now only because of an irreparable accident.

    "The police are all trash. Instead of counting on him, you might as well count on the port mafia." It was a little boy in rags who said this. After he finished speaking, he looked at the "girl" who was sitting on the big rock looking at the sea, as if he wanted to seek approval from others.   

  This "girl" has long black hair that is as smooth as seaweed, and is wearing a white dress. Although this dress is a bit old, it is obviously much better than what other people wear.  

   He turned his back to the crowd, and turned around when he heard someone asking himself.   

  It was a very beautiful and beautiful child who was so indistinguishable that one could not even tell his gender. 

    Now there are five children on this cliff. One is this beautiful child whose gender cannot be distinguished, and there is a slightly petite boy with short orange hair. The remaining three people look slightly older, but they are at most eleven or twelve years old.     "

It doesn't matter."     

The 'girl' smoothed her blown hair and said boredly, "I'm hungry."

    "Then let's find something to eat."

    There is no doubt that Fu Jiang is the center of this small group.

    Obviously he was also wandering on Leibo Street, but Fu Jiang lived a completely different life from those children. Except for the old clothes, other treatment was the same as that of the children outside.

    Just after Fu Jiang said that he was hungry, these children planned to find food for him.

    And where do children go to find food?

    Trash and grab.

    But rummaging through garbage dumps and robbing are no match for Fu Jiang.

    As long as he wants, someone will deliver it, and even the food in the trash can is not qualified to be placed in front of Fu Jiang.

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