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Chapter 29

    Life is full of ups and downs.

    When he arrived, Xia Youjie thought that Fu Jiang was dead, and even wanted to avenge Fu Jiang.

    At that moment, Xia Youjie felt that he had lost his mind.

    Fear, fear, and self-blame.

    "Mr. Xia You!" The peripheral supervisor saw that the curse spirit inside had been killed, so he dared to run in with the police.

    The few of them were terrified to watch outside, but they dared not go in.

    This is the work of the conjurer, what the auxiliary supervisor and the police have to do is to do logistics well.

    Which assistant supervisor didn't want to be a conjurer when he came to Jugao? It's just that there is no talent, and there is no way to exorcise high-level curse spirits. They can only serve as auxiliary supervisors of logistics employees. Every time they encounter danger, they can only let those magicians rush to the front. Teenagers and children stand in front of them.

    Then die.

    If Xia Youjie hadn't come quickly this time, Qihai Jianren, a quasi-first-level conjurer with a bright future, would have died, as would Tomie Kawakami who didn't know his origin.

    There will always be... dead people.

    It seems that Fu Jiang should be dead now, right?

    With such a large wound and such a large amount of bleeding, Fu Jiang must have died.

    but none.

    Fu Jiang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly coughed. The violent cough made people's heart tremble a little unconsciously. The body of the man lying on the ground trembled a few times because of the cough, and the blood oozing from the wound was there. Out of control for a moment,

    "Call the doctor!" Xia Youjie was the first to react. He took off his coat, tore it into strips, and wanted to bandage Fu Jiang's wound, but he really saw Fu Jiang's shoulder and the killer's place. Xia Youjie panicked when he saw the wound.

    With such a deep wound...

    can he really live?

    "It hurts..." Fu Jiang was still able to make a sound, "It hurts..."

    "It's okay, the ambulance will come soon, and we will go to the hospital immediately." Xia Youjie could barely pull out a smile to comfort Fu Jiang , but this smile is so bitter and frightening, it looks like Fu Jiang is about to die

    , but looking at the current injury, Fu Jiang is indeed about to die.

    After Xia Youjie appeared, Jianren Qihai breathed a sigh of relief and fell into a short-term coma. The other policemen checked Qihaijianren's situation and found that Jianren Qihai's situation was not much better than that of Fu Jiang, only slightly better a little.

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