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Chapter 60

    "I heard that you are married." Mori Ogai asked when he saw Nakahara Chuya who came over to take over the work again, "Congratulations on getting what you wished.

    " He is very happy now, he even gave Mori Ogai a big gift box of wedding candy, in order to let Mori Ogai feel the joy of marriage with himself.

    Mori Ogai accepted it, and even congratulated Nakahara Chuya on his happy wedding, but whether Gao was happy in the end... only he knew.

    Nakahara Chuya and Mori Owai reported their work during this period, and then took away the accumulated work from their vacations to deal with it. Just as they were about to leave, they heard Mori Ogai say something abruptly.

    "Is he happy?"

    Both of them knew who he was.

    "It's not important." Chuya Nakahara said, "As long as I'm happy." The

    sugar delivery team Du Jia steamed gifts for you Mori Ogai was taken aback.

    "I thought you would care more about what he thinks."

    "There is no need for that now." Nakahara Nakahara said frankly that surprised Mori Ogai: "And now your request has been fulfilled, right? As long as If Osamu Dazai doesn't come back to make trouble, then Yokohama will develop smoothly as you imagined, of course, this is based on the premise that you give up Tomie." It means that as long as you don't come here to rob people, there will be no accidents


    Nakahara is also asking Mori Ogai for an answer, and it is also for Mori Ogai to make a choice.

    If you want Tomie, you still want the whole of Yokohama.

    If you want Tomie, then Yokohama will fall into civil strife, and by that time, Mori Ogai's plans over the years will be in vain.

    If you want Yokohama, then Mori Ogai will have nothing to do with Tomie from now on and become a stranger. Tomie is really "dead" here in Mori Ogai.

    This multiple-choice question was actually given to Dazai Osamu. Dazai Osamu has not given him an answer, but it has not appeared for so long, and it is actually an answer to him.

    It's just that Osamu Dazai's multiple-choice questions are Tomie and Freedom.

    Both of these are very important, just to see how important these two are in their hearts.

    Is Tomie important?


    Mori Ogai has never doubted the importance of Tomie Kawakami in his heart, so that after so many years, he still feels palpitations when thinking of Tomie, and wants to grab him and hide him in a corner where others can't find it.

    But when he made his own choice, Sen Owai lost the right to choose.

    He needs Yokohama.

    This is... the righteousness that I must implement.

    What I have done before is also for the righteousness in my heart. For the sake of Yokohama, Mori Ogai does not mind giving up some less important things and people.

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