🎬The Scientist🎬

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This is inspired by the song 'The Scientist' by Coldplay. I feel like it's really fitting because I listened to the lyrics and it matches TUA no longer filming... I woke up to it being completely over and Aidan no longer being on set... Also Rob said everyone was sobbing... I'M NOT WELL RN😭 ok enjoy😀 Also your character's name is Casper.

This was it... This was officially the end... I didn't want to admit it... None of us did. I tried to keep a smile on show for everyone to see but behind closed doors, I was a wreck. I was crying and crying after every take, the end coming sooner and sooner after each one.

I was rushing to put on my next costume for my next scene that I had to shoot. I was trying not to cry seeing as though I had just got my makeup done for the next scene. I didn't wanna go to set...

"Y/n? Y/n are you in there? Jeff wants me to come get you because we have a scene to film together..." It was Aidan.

I put my outfit on quickly and wiped my eyes. I walked over to my trailer door and opened it to reveal the comforting smile that belonged to Aidan.

"Hey... you ready?" I ask him, immediately getting choked up. Fuck.

"Are you ok?" He asks, rubbing my arms up and down. I just shake my head.
"Awwww come here darling..."

Aidan then pulled me into his arms while I sobbed lightly into his chest. Aidan swayed us side to side while he rubbed my back up and down; trying to soothe me into not crying.

"It's ok... I got you... I have you darling..." He whispered gently into my ear.

My sobs soon came to a stop and only little sniffles could be heard coming from me. Aidan backed up from me while his hands rested on my waist. He leaned his head down and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you... So much darling. Everything's gonna be fine... We have a lot more scenes to film today... let's get you to set ok?" He says. I nod my head as a response.

Aidan took my hand in his as we started walking our way to set so we could film our next scene. This was an important scene between Casper and Five. It was the scene where Five tells Casper everything about him that people have warned Casper about when it came to him.

"Ok... Aidan and y/n! You're up!" Jeff calls out. He then takes a look at me and Aidan.

I was standing in front of him while Aidan had his arms around me as he gave my head kisses here and there. He would whisper things like 'It's gonna be ok' and 'I'm really proud of you...'. I found it comforting.

"Y/n you ok?" Jeff asks me. I look up at Aidan. My eyes showing him to answer for me. He nods his head in understanding.

"She's a little choked up about today..." Aidan answers.

"I understand... That's how we all feel. The only thing to do is finish this... We'll all see each other again. I know that for a fact. Especially you and Aidan... I know you guys won't drift apart..." Jeff tells me. The end made me smile.

"There's the smile I love..." Aidan said, giving me a kiss on my cheek soon after.
"Now let's go do this darling..."

Me and Aidan walked onto set with our hands intertwined and before we let go to get into position, Aidan gives my forehead a kiss and let's go of me to let me get into position.

~♡Aidan/Five/Nicky Imagines♡~Where stories live. Discover now