🛠The Girl On Crew🛠

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Y/n Y/l/n.

What a beautiful, talented and special girl. She had a pretty big following on social media for behind the scenes pictures that she would post. Everyone would go ape shit over them even though it wasn't anything major.

No, she wasn't an actress or a director... But she was a set worker.

She was currently in the works on making a set for a Netflix series called 'The Umbrella Academy'. She made parts of the Academy along with the hotel and the Commission. She took extreme pride in what she's done project wise. She never thought that going to school for Architecture for a year was ever gonna turn into her creating sets for a show favorited by millions of people.

Yes, she was known by the crew(obviously), the directors, the producers and even the cast.

But there was a specific cast member she knew would never look at her or even get the chance to find out about her. To be even more specific, the cast member was a boy who she thought was way out of her league. But without her knowledge... That was far from true...
~♡Aidan's POV♡~

I was walking my way to set to film a scene, quickly revising my lines to make sure I had everything memorized. I opened the door to set and put my things on a table that was sitting there for the cast to put their stuff on.

"Yo Aidan! Ready for the fight sequence!?" Ritu yelled out as she was on the set.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I reply.

"Alright, Aidan and Ritu! You guys know what to do!" Jeff said. We both got into position and waited for the words to be said.
"Quiet on set! And... Action!"

We said the lines we were supposed to say and started fighting each other. We were pretending to kick and punch each other. Even pretending to bash each other's faces into the wall. She then picked up the chair she was supposed to throw and threw it toward me. I crouched down to avoid it and immediately heard something shatter from behind me... I knew it wasn't the chair.

"Oh fuck!" Ritu yelled out.

"Cut!" Jeff yelled out through laughs.

I then turned around to see one of the stain glass windows was completely shattered.

"Did you just break a window!?" I call out, wheezing on the floor while clutching my stomach.

"It was an accident I'm so sorry!" Me and Ritu were both laughing along with Jeff.

"It's fine we'll just replace it." He said.
"Y/n!? We need a window!"

I then stand up when I see a girl walking my way with the window replacement in her hands. I watched her, being so completely star struck by her as she removed the broken window and started placing in the new one.

"Alright. I gotta let the adhesive dry which will take around four hours so, I recommend working on a different scene for the time being." She explained.

"Sounds good thank you y/n!"



~♡Aidan/Five/Nicky Imagines♡~Where stories live. Discover now