Chapter 3

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POV: Third person.

"So how scary is this woman," Hobie asked at his walked on the side of a Starbucks shop along with the rest of the team.

"From the records, I heard a lot of screaming," Lyla appeared, "but though the last team didn't come back like they were ripped to pieces,"

"Huh," is all Hobie could say.

"Woah there's a bakery right there!" Pavitr shouted, his eyes sparkled in delight, "I can smell their rosemary tea...," he sniffed.

Miguel stop and let out a groan looking out at the night sky whilst water droplets pour on him, "Stop procrastinating," he demanded.

Gwen and Miles shushed Pavitr, "Sorry sorry...," he apologized and put his hands up in defense.

After a few more minutes they stood in front of the Spider-woman's residence looking up at the building.

"Sooo...," Hobie turned to Miguel, "do we knock on every door or what?" He suggested.

"No," Miguel explained, "With our instincts and spider senses. She will know that we're here and so will us know that she's here,"

They waited...

And waited...

And waited...

"Lyla, what time is it?" Jessica asked as she holds her sleeping child.

Lyla answers, "it's 5:32 pm... Miguel I suggest we go through more identifications... this is will help us more... although it will ruin her identity," she suggested towards Miguel, who quietly nodded.

After a few seconds in, the rain stopped, Noir, Peni and Peter-ham arrive after getting the message, "Hello all," Noir was the first to speak, bringing his hat up a bit as gesture of greetings.

Peter-ham oinked, "So it seems this one will be pretty hard depending on how many people we have," he walked close with Peni and Noir.

Peni nodded and was usually silent as has it always been. Having that last memory of her father gone, building a new robot was successful but it never felt the same as the original.

"Hey Peni," Miles smiled towards his friend, trying to lighten her mood, only receiving a small smile and wave from her.

Miles pressed his lips together as he failed to lighten the mood.

Lyla gasped, "yes found it," that's all she said, she had gone quiet when she found something surprising. Miguel turned to her, waiting for her to say some.

"And? You're not going to show it me?" Miguel grumbled, "We don't have all day, Lyla,"

"Oh right...," Lyla came back on track. As for Lyla kept herself quiet from the surprising information she found. As when she was coded, Miguel informed her never to talk about his trauma unless he was the one who brought it up, "Her full name is Y/n L/n. Age 32. Gender: female well we already know that. Widowed...,"

"Lyla! I want the location of the apartment not that information," Miguel informed her and groaned in frustration.

"Sorry sorry," Lyla laughed it off and smirked, "it's floor 5, room 107,"

"Alright then let's-," Miguel screeched in pain as neon colors, shaped like triangles appeared around him, he was glitching even with the gizmo.

The glitching wasn't stopping on Miguel then it started with the rest of the team, "Takes off the gizmos and the day passes- Augh! Now!" Miguel said through the pain as he sensed that the glitching will go to Maymay and Gerry soon, not wanting the glitching to hurt them.

With the pain serging through their veins, Jessica and Peter were right on time to first take off the children's day pass, while the rest took theirs off, "you really don't need them on to walk on this earth..." Miguel mumbles to himself, out of breath as he examines his body. Then checking if everything was already. Some groaning and heavily breathing but they'll manage. Good that the kids are unharmed, Miguel thought as his eyes gazed upon the children.

"So it looks like if you wear the gizmo, it's triggers the world here..." Lyla said through Miguel's ear piece, for that she couldn't communicate with them with the gizmo anymore.

"Everyone alright?" Noir asked as he helped Peter-ham up, everyone nodded or replied with a 'yes', "Good to know,"

"All of you stay here... this maybe more dangerous than I anticipated," Miguel shot his orange web, without hearing the team's complaints.

"Miguel wait!" Gwen shouted at him, ready to the launch her webs too, but Jessica stopped her.

Jessica shook her head as she gently run her fingers through her son's hair to calm him down, "Let him go... he's trying to protect us. This Earth is difficult to read," she explained.

"We'll what do we do now," Pavtir said disappointedly, he was ready to make a entrance with his glamorous hair.

"Sit and wait," Hobie responded, leaning himself against a wall, "Boss will need us soon anyways,"

"I have Uno cards with me," Miles smiled as he pulled out a pack of Uno cards out of nowhere, "wanna play," he suggested. The teenagers played Uno, until their 3rd round Maymay came chewing on the cards.

"Mayday! That's not food," Peter tried to take the card away from Mayday's mouth.

———{ }———

Miguel reached to the room, he did mental math and figure out which room it was without his gizmo or Lyla to help.

His instincts told him that no one was home yet and that he will have to wait  longer. I've been here for more than an 1 hour already. This shouldn't take so long as it should be, Miguel thought.

Without another thought he punched the window, breaking the glass turning it into shards. He jumps in, the apartment was plain and there were no pictures.

But there was a door that stood out of the rest of the blandness. The door color was sky blue and had a huge soccer ball sticker in the middle of it.

Miguel's body moves on his own, he urges to open the door. His pupils turn like hearts, it was telling him something. Something important is inside there, but he didn't know what it was.

As that exact moment, his hand was at the door knob, too distracted to what was inside behind that door.

With a quiet move, a red web sprung towards Miguel's hand were at the door knob. The color of the web looked like blood, as if the owner likes to cover their webs in blood. But no the webs had no blood on it.

Just like Miguel's webs, they were incredibly hard to get off of him as he looks up to the person.

The Spider-woman dark figure was near the entrance door, but could not be seen. The only source of light in the apartment meant was the moon itself.

Miguel quickly shot his orange webs but seemly he was too slow. The Spider-woman glitched to the living room, were she stood under the moonlight.

She... glitched? Miguel thought but as he was about to ask her a question, the web that was on his hand was yanked across the room. His stomach hitting the kitchen counter.

Miguel yelps and groaned in pain, the counter now broken, "Lyla... get-," he was cut off by the Spider-woman, as she grabbed his masked face and throws him across the room again.

This time he fell unconscious. The spider-woman used her webs to roll him up into a cocoon, and hand him on the ceiling.

His body squished together, his head falling a bit.

The Spider-woman took a chair and waited for the rest of them.

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now