Chapter 46

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POV: First person, Y/n.

I watched Gabriella look outside against the window, from the car mirror as I drove us home.

She watched as little kids laugh and play with their parents. Parents as in having both a mother and father.

I let out a quiet sigh as I continued to drive. My thoughts went back to Miguel. The day he kissed me. The day he tried to tell me something, but somehow... somehow couldn't?

He's such a complicated person. Shaking my head, clicking my tongue in annoyance.

Gabriella screamed, "Mami, look out!" she pointed to the streets.

I gasped and stopped just in time, it was red light and I almost got into a car crash. I heard honking from the cars I almost bumped into.

I panted heavily, if I was still in my head, we could've died. I mentally slapped myself. God, what is wrong with me?! I need to clear my head.

"Thank you, Cariño," I steady my breathing, "We... we could've died if I went further," I felt my body shaking everywhere. I need to stop worrying for things like this or it will happen a lot more.

Once we got home, I slumped myself onto the couch, "What a day..."

Gabriella glanced at me before going to her room. I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes. I sighed and rested my head on the pillows, trying to the ease my headache.

———{                                     }———

"What are you thinking to dress up for Halloween, Cariño?" I asked as we looked through the shelves of costumes at the store.

Gabriella pressed her lips together and hummed, looking up at the shelves of costumes, "How we be the three musketeers?" she looked at a costume of the three musketeers with different sizes, kids to adult.

I raised a brow, "Cariño, there's... only the two of this..." I looked at the costumes then back Gabriella, clicking my tongue, "Cariño- you know what I said already," I sighed and shook my head.

"Mami... I never really asked for anything else," Gabriella looked down at the three musketeers costume, "Miggy never wanted that to happen at night. I miss him, Mami... I like spending time with him... Don't you feel like when we were all together, we felt like a family?" she asked, giving me puppy eyes along with.

I huffed and smiled, trying not to get those puppy eyes to me, "Yes... I guess so... but I want to feel like family with... with..." I couldn't say it. The thought of my dead husband was already hard for me to compose.

"With Papá?" Gabriella finished my sentence, "last time I said that I didn't know him... but seeing how much you loved him, I know he would be a good Papá,"

I hummed and remained silent. After a while of thinking, I spoke, "Alright," she squealed as I sighed, "but this will be the last one, okay? And don't make me regret this!"

"Yay!" Gabriella jumped in excitement, "even if you say it's the last time, you're still going to give him a chance- Come on, Mami! We gotta look for a size for Miggy!" she grabbed my hand and dragged me to find a better/bigger size for Miguel.

"Hey! Cariño slowdown!" I scolded her as I almost tripped on something.

———{                                     }———

After we got the three musketeers costumes, we headed home. I put the costumes in my closet for now.

I turned to go make dinner before something glimmered on my desk. I stopped and furrowed my brows, taking a closer look, it was the spider device.

I clicked my tongue, "Oh, how could I forget?" I sighed and was about to press the button. But the other side of my thoughts told me no, and fuck him! ...but not that 'fuck him.'

No, he almost put Gabriella in danger!

But Gabriella thinks of Miguel as a father.

So what? I have to keep her safe!

But I want her to be happy!

"Oh, cállense los dos!" I groaned in annoyance, rubbing my head. Angel and devil fighting right now.

I hesitated the press the call button or not. I groaned. It's like trying to wait for your friend to call but you're impatient so you want to call but you don't want to look desperate!

Suddenly the device itself ran and I jumped in fright. I slowly pick it up and answered the calls, "Hello...?" I greeted quickly, not sure why Miguel called me instead. Wait- what's he reading my thoughts? Never mind, off topic.

I waited for the other person at the other end to speak. A loud, "Y/n!" was heard at the other end. It was Lyla, "Oh my gosh! How are you?" She asked so energetically as if she drank Starbucks herself.

"I'm- I'm doing fine," I stuttered, her voice startled me, "Um... is there a reason for you to call me?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Lyla hummed cheerfully, "That's right! I've called to tell you are invited to our Spider Halloween party! Every spider person will be there- oh and... Gabriella is invited too," she mumbled the last part.

I hummed in confusion, "Lyla, what are you and Miguel planning?"

"Wha- what?! We're not planning anything. Besides this was Peter and Miles's idea, they literally begged Miguel to do this," Lyla chuckled, "But hey, they invited you. You can go or not, that's okay... but you'll be missing out on a lot of fun! Ok, bye bye now!" she made a boop sound at the end of the call.

"Lyla but-," I stopped when I saw she hung up. I sighed and ponder for a bit... welp at least I didn't have to be the one to call Miguel, thank god Lyla was there, "Hey, Cariño!" I called for Gabriella walking out of my bedroom.

"Yeah?" she answered, I could hear her through the walls, "What?"

"Change of plans. We're not going to go tick or treating for Halloween. We're going to the Spider headquarters, they're setting up a Spider Halloween party and we're invited!" I explained, setting up dinner, "Is that okay?"

I heard the sound of running and the door opening. Little footsteps heard. Gabriella gasped, "Really?! Yay! Yay yay!" she jumped like a rabbit and eve to hug me tightly. I yelped and make sure I stood up, "Thank you! Thank you, Mami!" she thanked me. I smiled and pat her head.

(Sorry if the relationship between the two is on and off, I wanted to make it like a couple takes a break and then gets back together and over and over. Bare with me? But idk what I'm doing. School is already killing me and I'm not able to write as much.)

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now