Chapter 9

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POV: First person, Gabriella.

"Mmm that ice cream was so good," I jumped up and down while holding Mami's hand.

Mami chuckled, "you did I great job today. Especially when you kicked that Eliza's ass," she added.

I jumped even more, "You should've seen her face up close when I score!" I laughed.

"Anything else you want to do today," Mami asked me, putting her hands in her pocket.

I skipped ahead, "Hmm... I actually don't know..." I gasped and turned to Mami, "Do we have time for Chuck E Cheese?"

She nodded, "Yeah we do!" She held her hand out and I took it, "I'll get you that big whale you wanted,"

"No no no I'll get it for you," I shook my head, determination in me, "you got me a Mr. Grumpy last time, so I'll get you the whale as a thank you,"

"Aww ok," she smirked, "But if you can't get it, I will," she placed a hand on her chest and we enter Chuck E. Cheese.

———{                                     }———

"Hit the zombie! Hit the zombie!" I told my mom and screamed when a zombie ate my screen.

Mami continued to shoot every zombie there was, "AHH! There's too many of them," she tried to acted a scared but at the end of her sentence, she let out a chuckle.

I held onto the side of her waist, watching her shoot every zombie in the screen, "Mami there's one of the left!"

She beat them all and then the machine gave up around 500 tickets, "Woah that's a lot of tickets," I started at them in joy but then remembered, "Aw I died and then that mean you have to buy me the whale because you have more tickets than me..."

"Well then," Mami smiled and crouch to my level, "You're going to have to beat me then Gabi. You aren't going to give up, are you?" She smirked.

I shook my head and brought both my fists into a ball, "Nuh uh," I ran to another game while hearing my mom giggled at my stubbornness.

———{                                     }———

"Can I do your make up, Mami?" I asked as she read her book.

She looked at me, taking off her glasses, "Sure," she stared at her make up desk, "Although I don't have colorful make up though..." she continued to stare at her desk, knowing that she rarely does her make up for anything.

"It's okay," I ran to my room, opening the sky blue door, getting my make up kit, then running at to the living room, "you can use mine!"

"Oh ok!" She sat up straight and got ready for a make over.

"Ok first... we clean your face... be right back," I ran to get a paper towel, wet it with warm water and when right back to Mami. I gently dapped her skin with the paper towel.

I then dried it with a dry paper towel, "hmm we should do the blush," I took a brush and opened my make up plate, dapping the brush on the soft pink blush. Then going forward to gentle dapped it on Mami, "Woah... More!"

"Ack! Cariño! Not too much, okay?" She stepped back a bit, couching out the dust of make up.

"Ok ok...," I moved on to the eye shadow, eye liner and lipstick. I handed her my mirror, "You look like a queen, Mami," I jumped in excitement.

"Thanks I look hermosa," she examined herself in the mirror, "Now can I do yours?" She asked and I eagerly nodded.

———{                                     }———

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