Chapter 82

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(Sorry everyone I was having a slight cold and had to rest for a while or it'll worsen... AND YET it worsened💀 still trying to recover tho but I wanted to upload for you guys so you won't get so bored and yes I did change the book cover)

POV: First person, Gabriel.

I dropped the marigolds I had in my hand, "What... THE FUCK?!" I shouted at them, my jaw dropped to the floor.

Omg I think I've been watching too many ghost anime stuff. Or maybe drugs?! Wha- what am I looking at right now?

We blinked back at each other the whole time. I think my eyes turn white, cause passed out. Oh no.

I fell backwards, "Oh my god, Gabriel!"

I sighed like a damsel in distress, "I think I'm seeing ghosts..." I mumbled.

"Miguel, take him to that bench," I heard my sister in law say to the Miguel look a like. I mean, he kinda looks like Miguel. I still think I'm on those drugs again.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Miguel.

I stared at the man on the bench, which is my brother, well technically my brother I suppose.

Y/n bent down, lightly slapping Gabriel's face, "Gabriel? Hello? Hello?" she waved her hand around.

"Whaa... Oh!" Gabriel sat right back up, staring at me then back at Y/n, then back at me. He tugged onto
Y/n's sleeve, "Are you seeing this too? I think he came to haunt us..." he shivered, shifting closer to Y/n.

Y/n sighed and looked at Gabriel dead in the eye, examining him, "If you lie to me, we will do test drugs again," she warned.

Drugs? Gabriel takes drugs? He... he would've never do that. He tried smoking once, he of course didn't like it. Decided to never touch those again.

Gabriel immediately shook his head, "I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!"

He stood up and put his hands up in defense, "I'm clean right now... I think. I didn't want..." Gabriel glanced at me, then whispering in
Y/n's ear, "I think he knows I used to take them. Y/n... do something, use your web thingies,"

Y/n ignore the web thing, letting out another sigh, "Gabriel there are things that I have to explain. So you know if spider powers are real... then so is this,"

I stepped back a bit, not wanting to frighten Gabriella as Y/n started to explain the beginning of this to now. The more she kept going, the more Gabriel's eyes turned more pigeon like. He was loosing his mind.

After Y/n finished, she stared at the quiet and lost man, "Gabriel are you listening?" she waved her hands around again.

Gabriel went back to normal, and stared at me. He crept up to me, I raised a brow as if I'm looking at a curious cat. He poked my cheek and stepped back, "OH MY GOD!! HE IS REAL!?" Gabriel jumped onto Y/n's arms, screaming.

Y/n sighed again, seeing that Gabriel wasn't understanding. So she had to explain it again.

"So... this is my brother, from a different universe?" Gabriel rubbed his brows.

Y/n nodded, "That's right,"

"And you fell in love with him...?" Gabriel looked at Y/n, almost glaring at her.

Y/n nodded again, but there was no shame in her eyes, "Yes..."

"But wha... if our Miguel would see this... what would you think he would say?!" Gabriel asked, "we can't just... we can't just replace him with another..."

"I'm not trying to convince you into accepting this... you can respect my choice or leave... I just want to be happy again... that doesn't mean I'm replacing him," Y/n said, her voice horse from talking so much.

"Y/n," I placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll talk to him. You go stay in the car," I gestured her to the car.

Y/n glanced at me, before walking over to the car. She knew I can or could handle this, "Wait... I'm scared," Gabriel whispered to Y/n, now pleading her to comeback.

Gabriel and I stared at each other for a bit, until Gabriel spoke again, "I'm not on drugs just... so you know," he smirked nervously.

"Why do you take them? I know you wouldn't-," I paused and cleared my throat, sighing, "He well... Mine doesn't like drugs when he first tried smoking," I mentioned, scratching the back of my neck.

Gabriel grinned sadly, "I just... wanted to get my mind off of him," he turned to stared at the building were Miguel's cremation urn stands, "I don't... take them everyday, but they're strong ones," (I'm sorry I do not know many details about drugs. Well as a teenager I'm not suppose to know this shit)

"Ah right," I looked at the building too, nodding, "Y/n acted like you when we talked about this,"

"Yeah... she would actually. Would actually be completely against it as first," Gabriel agreed and slightly cringed, "I feel like this conversation isn't going anywhere... just how about this, give me some time and I'll think about it,"

I nodded, crossing my arms, I think I'm being to professional, "Alright, take your time,"

"Thanks big bro," Gabriel waved his hand out, his hand out for me... for some reason. With confusion, I shook his hand.

Gabriel paused, "Oh! Sorry old habits," he nervously laughed, "You... don't know what dap me up means?"

"Huh? What?" I furrowed my brows. What is he talking about?

"Ah..." Gabriel nodded and looked away, pointing at the building again, "Well... nice... seeing you guys? Um... imma... imma go now," he scurried away.

I watched him leaving, blinking my eyes in confusion. Was he doing some handshake? Why did it seem like we was doing something similar to what the rascals would do? Oh my god, the gen z is weird asf. Oh shock I did it again.

I walked back to the car, opening the door to find a slightly worried Y/n, "What did he say?" she asked.

I smiled at her, "He said to give him some time and he'll think about it," I replied, putting the seat belt on, "Also do you know what 'dap me up' means?" I asked.

Y/n chuckled, "Gabriella will teach you that handshake,"

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now