Chapter 16

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POV: First person, Gabriella.

The room was filled with laughter at my comment.

"Good one!" a FBI clapped his hands, having to wipe his tears. (I really don't know if the fart joke was actually funny💀)

But that soon stopped when a portal popped up in front of us. The FBI pulled up their weapons but Miggy stopped them, "Put those down. I know them," Miggy's voice once very soft turned stern and cold.

A lady with big poofy hair and in red, came rolling in with her motorcycle. She looked at us and gave Miguel a look of disappointment, "Miguel..."

"We'll... discussed about this later," Miggy told all of us, and then turning to only Mami and I, "Two stay here, okay? And please don't go running away," he pointed at Mami and she just rolled her eyes.

"Taking in the anomalies is one thing, but going to see her?" The lady in red glared at Miggy, "You know what will happen, right?"

"I know, Jessica," Miggy huff and shook his head, "I know..."

The other spider people started putting some type of little circle thing at bursted into a red barrier, "I was in one of those,"

I turned to Mami, with a sad face, "They thought you were a villain,"

"No, Cariño," she shook her head and smiled, "Miggy was talking about something that made me loose my mind," she explained.

I hummed, "Was he trying to make you evil?" I gasped, "What if he's actually evil!?" I shout whisper.

Mami laughed, "No, he's just trying to protect the universes," she ruffled my hair and looked at Jessica and Miggy, "What do you think of him, Cariño?" she asked.

"I told him that he reminds me of Mr. Grumpy. All mad and then all happy the next," I changed the mood, "Why were you both crying?" I asked even though I'll probably won't get that answer now. For a child like me, I know a lot but not my papá.

The topic of my father has been brought up more and I wonder if it's Miggy who's doing that.

"I'll tell you when it feels like the right time," she patted my head.

"Alright the anomalies are back at the headquarters now," Miggy brought a hand up, "There's not need to worry anymore," he turned to Mami.

Miggy hesitated to say anything to Mami. Don't tell me that Miggy had a crush on Mami?! He cleared his throat with a cough, taking out some device from his pocket, "Call us... if there's any anomalies,"

Mami blinked with her many eyes before taking the device, "Sure," she looked away, probably not looking forward on what will happen in the future.

"Wow..." a guy with pretty hair popped up, with Indian patterns on his spider suit, "This romance tension is insane," he put his hands on his cheeks.

"Stop that," Miggy glared at him.

"Excuse me?" Mami raised a brow.

Behind him were other people, Peter with his daughter, a girl with about hair of her hair gone on one side, a guy who's suit looks like he's bleeding from his armpits, and anothe guy who seem to change colors all the time. The guy's whole self turned pink at me, "Hey kid," he bent down to give me a high five.

I was about give him one because he seemed so cool! But then Miggy stopped me, "Please leave her alone," Miggy groaned.

The guy smirked, "You should be the one leaving her alone," he laughed and looked down me, still waiting for that high five which I gave it to him, "Awesome,"

Miggy huffed again and cross his arms, how weird that sometimes he can act like my age.

"Is that..." the guy with bleeding armpits was whispering to the girl.

"Yep..." she said and they both looked away.

Suddenly my throat felt dry. I've only drank my orange juice from this morning so I do feel kinda parched, "Mami?" I shook her hand.

"Yes, Cariño," she rubbed my hand.

"I'm thirsty, can I go to get some water at there cafeteria?" I asked although I didn't know this secluded area that well to know where the water was.

"I'll take you there," Miggy suggested, "it's best if you don't go alone," he said warmly and Mami gave him a questioning look.

"And do you know the way?" she asked Miggy, who actually didn't know the way either.

"No," he shook his head and cleared his throat, "But we'll find out,"

"Can he, Mami?" I smiled at her and Miggy did the same.

He looked at Mami, crossed his arm and tilt his head, "Yeah, can I, Mami?" He said, putting in his Spanish accent more clearer, I think there was a little smirk behind his mask.

Mami furrowed her eyebrows, "Sure... and... whatever, sure," she turned to look away, "Just don't take too long," she sighed, a very little yet noticeable hint of red on her ears.

What is going on with them? If only I catch things up faster I would have done something. And why is is that one time they're crying and the next they act like this?!

"Okay!" I turned to grab Miggy's hand, "come on, I'm thirsty,"

"Okay, okay, Cariño. Hold on," Miggy chuckled at my eagerness, him being dragged by me.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Miguel.

We walked through have halls, failing to find a cafeteria. I could see that Gabriella gulped, she needed water.

"Come on, Cariño," I picked her up, "You seem tired, I'll carry you the way there," I smiled and she took it.

"Okay!" she smiled too and pointed to the direction, "Let's goooo!" I started to run along and she giggled.

We made it to the cafeteria, some the soldiers spotted us but didn't say a word about. Probably because Y/n told them about us already.

"There's the water fountain!" Gabriella pointed and I set her down, I stayed at the same place, waiting for her to finish.

She was quite far from me but I trust her independence. While she was drinking some water, she stopped, sensing something.

She looked up at the ceiling. A big thud was heard from above, everyone looks up too. And then another thud.

Soon the ceiling started to the crack, pebbles falling. The ceiling broke, a huge piece of concrete was going to fall on Gabriella.

Her eyes widen at the site, her body frozen from fright.

My eyes grew big too, my arms ready to grab her away from the falling concrete, "Gabriella!"

She's too far... no no no she's too far!

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