Chapter 63

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POV: First person, Miguel.

I put on some I hope normal clothes, dressing in Y/n's bedroom.

As I put on my shirt, I stared at her bedroom, my face turning red. I rubbed my face with one hand, groaning. I hope my friend down there behaves for Y/n, cause I know that he loves her too. (Lmao that was so cringe I'm so sorry)

I walked out of her room, putting on some shoes, taking the keys, putting on sunglasses.

I drove a different car. Y/n told me that it's best that way, so it isn't suspicious.

I walked out of the car, with the same drooling stares. I know those aren't dogs and cats, those are humans.

"Omg, just took at those man boobs," a girl whispered to another girl.

As I waited for Gabriella near a tree, a hear footsteps coming towards me, "Ah... Mr. O'Hara or can I call you Miguel?" Oh great it's Coochie.

"Mr. O'Hara, would be just fine," I side eyed her, looking up and down. That's a lot of make up on one's face.

Coochie looked away for a bit, clearing her throat, "A few days ago, on the day of the dead festival, I'm sorry what I've done to you," she apologized.

I groaned, as if I'm going to spit something out. I turned my head around, a noticeable glare, "Apology unaccepted," I announced, sternly.

"I- if my apology wasn't... enough then I could do you a favor..." Coochie stuttered, she shifted her hand, grazing it on my shoulder. I immediately stepped away.

"I refuse that. I didn't even want your apology. You should be saying those words to my wife," I empathized more on the word 'wife,' "Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked, clearly seeing that way she acts. Wanting her skin on mine, when I'm clearly not comfortable with this, disgusting. Doing it again... with rubbing her thighs. How- how many people are doing this?!

Coochie stepped back a bit, seeing that I caught her red handed, "N- no... I'm not. I'm just trying repay for my passed mistakes," she explained, playing with her dress.

I bent down to her level, a now smirked on my face. In return she smirked too, expecting me finally accept, "Please keep your legs closed," I warned, her smile disappearing slowly.

The school bell rang at that moment, I turned around, leaving the woman speechless.

Coochie huffed from behind me, completely embarrassed as she moved somewhere else to wait for her daughter.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Gabriella.

"Is your dad getting a divorce?" Eliza nudged right next to me. She frowned when I didn't flinched.

Of course, having spider senses will always be helpful, "Why are you asking that?" I asked her, raising a brow. It was odd how much she's being nice to me. I gasped in my head, oh my lord, she likes Papá/Miggy?! Ew... that reminds me of that anime I saw Gabriel watched. What was it? Oh right, spy x family.

I furrowed my brows, my mouth open in disbelief, "You have a crush on my papá?!" I asked out loud. Mami herself said that it was very much okay for me to start calling Miggy by papá now, just as long as I remember my actual papá.

Our classmates turned to her, "Ew... you like a old man?!" a boy covered his mouth, fake gagging. Olivia who was right next to me, turned the other way in cringe and embarrassment.

So two generations like my dad?  Mami got some competition.

Some of the kids giggled and snickered, covering their mouth. Eliza ran away in embarrassment, going to cry to her mother.

Olivia's mother was right next to Miggy, "Mommy! Gibby is being mean to me again!" Eliza shook her mother's thigh, crying and whining.

Eliza's mother smiled forcefully, trying to calm down that brat. Miggy and I looked up and down at the two.

"Bye Gabi!" Olivia waved, holding on to her mother's arm. I waved back.

Olivia's mother turned to us, she smiled, eyeing Miggy. Omg.

———{                                     }———

"Now off to your room," Miggy told me to do my homework, "I'll make dinner," he said, already going to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, dinner arrived. We ate and talked about our embarrassing moments in our lives. Also talking about how much Mami does for us. How Mami, protects me, provides me with care and safety. How Mami, took over Miggy's job for a day so that Miggy can spend time with me.

At night we watched another movie all huddled up around a blanket.

Miggy and I fell asleep. Around 1 am, Mami came home to find us on the couch, sleeping soundly.

She let out a quiet giggled, taking out her phone. Good thing the lights were on, so Mami took the picture of us, without the flash to not wake us up.

Put clearly Miggy could hear.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Y/n.

I saw Miguel's eyes shifted a bit, fluttering them opened. He groans, opening his eyes and rubbing them, "Y/n? Oh you're back," Miguel yawned loudly.

I shushed him, covering his mouth so he won't wake up Gabriella. I glared at him and he nodded, making sure he didn't make anything noises.

Miguel picked her up and took her to her room, placing her on her bed.

I walked to my bedroom, getting ready to take a shower. I felt the sense of Miguel behind me. I turned around, "Yeah, Miguel?" I called for him a little confused, acting dumb to see his reaction.

Miguel walked to my room, closing the door, "Y/n... don't act dumb," he looked down, playing with his fingers, "Um... today... you know- you said- tonight..." he struggled to find the right words.

I saw him bite his bottom lip, a noticeable blush on his ears, "Hmm?" I smirked, crossing my arms, walking slowly to him.

Each step I take, caused his legs to tremble bit by bit, "Well... just make sure to be quiet or you'll get nothing," I grabbed his chin.

(Ok guys. Imma give you some advice. When you're so hungry for dinner that you gobble it up so fast your stomach hurts and you can't finish the rest of your food. Eat slow.

That's the same thing for smut *hint hint* when you read smut too fast, you're disappointed that you finished in 0.000056 seconds. So read slow, savor it, eat it up slowly, okay?)

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now