Chapter 83

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(Okay this is a little time skip of a few months and warning: this is about starting puberty. Now I don't want to see any weird comments ok, or I'll block you. This is a family thing and we must be mature and not so so weird)

POV: First person, Miguel.

I heard a scream coming from the bathroom. It sounded like it was Gabriella. I raced to the bathroom, knocking on the door, "Cariño are you alright?" I asked, concerned for her.

I heard cries behind the door, "I think... I think I'm dying..."

My eyes widened, "Cariño, open the door! Let me check if you're okay,"

"W- wait," I waited for her then she opened the door. I first touched her face for any sign of harm. I looked at her pants and the toilet.

Oh, she started her period, "Oh Cariño... L- look you're not dying... um," I tired to find the right words to explain puberty. But knowing that her school hasn't talked about puberty that means she clueless about that.

"But I am!" Gabriella sobbed, "Look at me! I'm- I'm bleeding!"

"No no no, Cariño. This is uh... um..." I took a deep sigh and kneel down to her level, "This is when a time your body becomes more... mature. Do you know what mature means?" I asked her, rubbing her arms to comfort her cries.

She nodded, "It means growing up," she answered.

I smiled and hummed, nodding, "Mhm and that means your body is going to womanhood now. You're still my little girl, Cariño," I put away from strain of hair behind her ear, "Your body is just changing that's all,"

"But- but I don't want to grow up! And my body hurts from this. Are you sure I'm not dying?" Gabriella asked, knowing I hold at lot of more knowledge.

"Your body would hurt normally from what's it called your period. Were you know... you bleed through your... um," I didn't want to say it, not wanting to make Gabriella uncomfortable.

"Private part?"

"Y- yeah... yeah that," I nodded and stood up, "Everyone is going to grow up eventually Cariño. But you're still a kid, you have plenty of time before you become an adult," I reassured her.

Gabriella nodded, fidgeting with her fingers, "What do we do now?" she asked.

"I'll clean this up and you can take a warm bath... although..." I paused and shook my head, "Never mind just go take a bath, okay," I smiled and caress her cheek.

While I cleaned up the bathroom, I thought about what should I give her. Knowing that she would get cramps and get headaches. Now I'm not giving her any pills, she's too young for that. I should text Y/n for help... but she's gonna go bonkers. Well, I should tell her anyway.

Me: Y/n, Gabriella started her period. Can you help?
I know you're busy at the HQ but Gabriella might get stomach cramps and headaches
Also I don't think she know how to put a pad on
And I don't know either
Y/n? Help😞

I cringed that emoji I put, but I desperately needed Y/n's help before I cry if Gabriella cries more.

Y/n: I'll be right there

———{                                     }———

I heard the door unlocked, I walked up the door, "Where is she?" Y/n popped up and immediately asked, looking around the living room.

"She's in the bathroom taking a bath- I don't know what am I suppose to do now," I dropped my head, pouting, "I don't think I explained puberty right," I'm supposed to be smart, but when I'm too smart for a child to understand, I just look like a dumbass.

Y/n chuckled and head to the kitchen, "Well next time when I'm not around just..." she went to a shelf, grabbing some chocolate, "give her candy or anything sweet, it'll help... and I need to demonstrate how to put on a pad,"

She walked over to the bathroom, where Gabriella was taking a warm bath, "Cariño? Can I come in?" Y/n knocked on the door.

Y/n went inside, leaving me standing like this🧍‍♂️in the living room. I looked around the place, "I should probably keep myself busy," I mutter and went to do some chores that were already done.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Y/n.

I closed the door, finding Gabriella quietly sobbing in the bath tub. I smiled softly, handing her the chocolate bar, "Here's some candy, it may help," I broke the chocolate and handed her some.

She took and ate it, "My head hurts..." Gabriella sobbed, bring her knees to her chest. I saw the bathtub was mixed with water and blood.

I ran her fingers through her hair, kissing her forehead, "Oh, I know Cariño. I know how it feels," I sat beside her, outside of the bathtub, "Do you want me to stay here with you? Until you feel better?" I asked, titling my head, slightly.

Gabriella eagerly nodded, "Yes please,"

After a little while, the water started to turn cold. I help her wash herself, grabbing her bear like robe, wrapping it around her, "You should stay in bed okay?"

I helped her change and also taught how to use the pads, the difference in size. And also to never use the tampons, worrying that she might forget to change those.

"It feels weird," Gabriella clutched onto her shirt, readjusting herself.

"It will feel very weird at first, but you'll get used to it," I reassured her. I picked her up and carried her to her room.

Miguel immediately walked up to us, examining Gabriella's expression, "Oh, are you okay, Cariño? I can more candy from the store if you like," he offered.

"No," Gabriella shook her head, "Can you and Mami sleep with me? That'll make me feel better," she suggested, holding onto Miguel's sleep.

Miguel and I looked at each other, before he nodded and smile, "Whatever makes you happy Cariño," he kissed her forehead, caressing her cheek, "Now let's get you to bed, okay?"

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt