Chapter 37

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POV: First person, Y/n.

I turned to look Miguel, "Now you,"

He was looking at anything but my eyes, too guilty, "What made you think it was okay to bring Gabriella with you to our universe just to go to a restaurant where I was? What if someone who used to know the other Miguel, see's you? What then? I trusted you and you've done well. You proved yourself that you where able to protect my daughter. What made you so stupid to do this? I know that this was Gabriella's idea, but she is a child. What are you, a dumbass?! How can you not think correctly?? How raised you to act dumber than flys trying to get out the house, when the window is right next to them?!" I gave him a whole lecture.

I saw him gulp, his Adam's apple going up and down, "I'm sorry..." his apology was sincere, but at the same time wasn't.

I crossed my arms, "I don't believe you're actually saying sorry..." I raised a brow, "Why did you decide to follow along? As adults we have to teach are kids the right way so what was that?" I stepped closer.

Miguel fidget with his fingers, looking down like a child, "Because Gabriella doesn't want you going on dates anymore..." he whispered.

I scoffed, "That's not the only reason, I know there's more to it," he's hiding something, like always.

He mumbled something under his breath, incoherent to me, "What?" I raised a brow, "Miguel, speak up," I rolled my eyes, it feels like talking to another child.

I can't be mad at Gabriella, I just know that Miguel had more to this.

He groaned in frustration, rubbing his forehead, walking to the couch to sit down, "Miguel what- why did you have to spray Louis with an fire extinguisher?!" I waved my hands around.

"Was he going to kiss you?" his words seemed small and quickly, I could hardly hear him.

I walked to closer to the couch, "What?" I furrowed my brows. This man is the leader of the spider society, now what's with him being so quiet and nervous?

Miguel groaned, the back of his head facing me, as he scrunched up his face, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Was he going to kiss you?" he said louder this time.

I titled my head, "No... he was asking me the..." I felt heat rose up to my cheeks and ears, "most bazaar questions- what- why are you asking that?! You didn't answer my question," I scoffed and walked over to face him, I looked down at he sat on the couch with the most irritated face I've seen. Who's more irritated me or him?

"His face was so close to yours... I thought- I thought you were..." he was mumbling to himself and then he looked up at me, "Why do you keep on going with these dates, if you don't like them yourself?" he asked, he was trying his best to avoid the actual question, his jaw clenched. Worried that he'll never see Gabriella again.

"Stop avoiding the actual question here, Miguel," I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "Why are you acting like this? We made a deal that you watch over Gabriella when I'm gone. You hear me? When I'm gone," I repeated.

"I'm sorry..." he apologized again.

"Miguel! I don't want your apology. I want an explanation!" I paced around the living room, trying to compose myself and not scare Gabriella in the other room.

I was met with silence, Miguel no longer said anything. I had enough of waiting for an answer, "Get out of my apartment," I demanded.

With those words, were similar to as 'never come back' it hit him as if spears slashed at him.

He finally looked at me? Taking his mask off. Miguel stood up, he towered over me, "Wait wait- look I don't- I can't-," he was at a lost of words, "I can't tell you... I'll ruin things... it already feels wrong with Gabriella and I don't want that for you either," he spoke in a kind and sincere manner. His whispers gentle like a breeze of soft wind.

I groaned and close my eyes, "Miguel, have you seen of what you've done in that restaurant. You were reckless! You burned it down! Clearly you've already ruined things, Miguel!" I pointed at finger at him.

I continued and calmed down. Trying my best to be softer. But then again, he'll think that I'll give him a second chance, "Just... leave," I pushed him to the door, but he stood still.

"..." he looked down at me, with now doe glassy eyes, his tears threaten to pour out, "Please don't make me go..."

"Miguel, you've proved wrong that you can keep Gabriella safe. I love how you care for her happiness but think about her safety more," I explained, doing my best pushing Miguel to the door.

"You and-," He mumbled and paused, fixing his words, "Gabriella makes me happy... please... don't-," he begged.

"Miguel, don't want to go through the same thing again," though so broken and sad, Miguel still had the strength to not budge.

He took a quick breath. Miguel placed both hands on my waist, burying his head against the crook of my neck, "Miguel-," I called for him.

I felt his hot breath against my neck, warm water came in the process, "You and Gabriella are special to me... please don't make me leave," Miguel sobbed, his hands dug into my skin, probably will bruise me the next morning.

His legs gave out, he fell to the floor, pulling me along, "Don't make me go... you all make me happy..." he trembled.

His hand traced to my arm, he looked up at me, my face trying to keep away such emotions, "please..." he buried his face back to my neck, "My universe is nothing but dead to me... I don't want to just stand in one place, looking at other universe... families having the time of their life... I want that too... please, Y/n," Miguel cried, holding me tight, keeping me impossibly close.

I reached my hand forwarded, hesitantly running my finger through his hair.

At a moment like this, was so familiar. Not strong enough either, I cried too, "It okay, Miguel... I'm here... I'm here," I brought him closer. History is repeating itself. Am I going to lose him again?

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