Chapter 78

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(I'm back. Such a good break I had. I got more sleep and my mind is more clear now for more writing. But now I'm not sure I can upload everyday now because my sleeping schedule is very off and I want it to get fixed)

POV: First person, Miguel.

I woke up with the sunlight on my face, the curtains open for me. I turned to see Y/n next to me, the both of us in a starfish position on the bed.

I thought back what happened last night. Y/n took me to bed, then cleaning the car last at night. Now I feel really guilty, that was my fault... but now really. I turned to look back at Y/n's sleeping figure, breathing slowing.

I felt a yawn coming out, turning to lay on my stomach. I stretched and popped my bones, letting out a big and loud yawn. This stopped Y/n's sleeping as she sat up, yawning, "Miguel, you sounded like a dying donkey, just then," she rubbed her eyes, mumbling at her quite large shirt, slightly dropped down to her arm, skin being exposed.

I chuckled and readjusted her shirt, then putting my hand in between my legs, staring at the lovely lady, "Sorry, I woke you up didn't I?" I frowned, "M' sorry," I apologized and leaned forward to kiss her forehead, in return she smiled.

Y/n continued to rub her eyes, yawning again, "That's okay," she ruffled my hair, making it more messier than it already is. She got out of the bed, going to the closet to change, I watched her leave, pouting when the warmth was gone. She came back with her casual wear, there was a frown on her face as she looked at her phone, "Miguel... um..." Y/n struggled to find the right words.

I patiently waited for her, my mouth left open in concern though, "Is everything alright, Y/n?" I asked, getting out of the bed, walking up the her, looking down at her.

"Yes... uh... it looks like the city needs me. It's been a while since black widow has shown up," Y/n chuckled, looking at me, "Make sure to take care of Gabriella. I gotta go," she kissed me on the cheek, then racing to the door.

"Wait! What about the lips?!" I poured, pointing to my lips, as Y/n stopped to look at me with a playful smirk.

"That would be my reward once I get back," she giggled and went on saving the city. Huh now that I think about it. Y/n's universe has been quiet. By quiet, I mean that no crimes or anomalies have appeared, which is suspicious.

I decided to not worry about it much or else I'll grow more gray hairs than I already do.

I stood looking at the door, as if I'm a car waiting for their owner to come back home. I sighed, walking back the bedroom to but on some comfortable clothes.

I knocked on Gabriella's door, "Cariño? It's almost the afternoon..." I opened the door to find her still asleep. Huh, don't tell me the rascals made her stay up all night playing the Mortal Kombat game, that I can totally win against anyone and not just from a child. I sighed and tsk, "Cariño? It's time to wake up~," I gently shook her shoulders.

Gabriella groaned, slowly opening her eyes, "No... it's... the weekend," she mumbled and cover herself with her blanket.

I stood there for a second, before scooping her up in bridal style, spinning her around in her room. She squealed, her legs dangling up in the air, "Come on Cariño. Let's go brush our teeth," I said, "Off we go!" I threw her up in the air a little bit, then catching her.

We went to Y/n's bathroom instead, "Where's Mami?" Gabriella asked with a full mouth of toothpaste and spit.

I with toothpaste and spit in my mouth said, "She's busy saving the world Cariño," I spit out the toothpaste, rinsing my mouth.

Gabriella hummed and spit out the toothpaste too. She took a mug and put water in it, to rinse her mouth.

"I'll make breakfast as soon as I do a shave, okay Cariño?" I grinned and I some shaving cream, into my hand.

Gabriella gasped, "I always wanted to do that! Can I help shave your beard?" she asked, already waving a shaver in hand. Jumping in place, excitement occurring, "Please! Please! Oh wait- Por favor?" she said please in Spanish. How I'm glad that Y/n taught her Spanish, which melted my heart.

I grinned, "Okay," I nodded, as I put on the shaving on my lower face. I patted my face a couple of times, before picking up Gabriella to sit on the counter sink, "Okay make sure to go slow. The razor can cut me," I wanted her.

I took the razor from her hands, demonstrating for her. I started by putting the razor on top we're the shaving cream starts, slowly and gently going downwards. I made a funny face that made Gabriella giggled, "Ew... your face looks funny like that," she pointed out, dangling her legs at the edge of the counter.

I chuckled, removing the dirty shaving cream into the sink. I handed the razor back to her, "Now you try,"

After sometime... I was left with a few scratches here and there. Probably because Gabriella didn't know how to be gentle, but that's okay. The thing that's not okay is...

"No no no no, Cariño! It's okay. See I'm fine," I pointed to my face as she continued to wail.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scratch you," Gabriella violently cried, wiping her tears as they kept coming. She struggled to say words, the crying overpowering her as she coughed.

I picked her up into my arms, "Cariño I'm fine... it's just some scratches. They'll go away," I reassured her, removing some hair away from her face as I cradle her in my arms, "when I first shaved, I didn't even use shaving cream... and I have more scratches than these," I tried to lighten the mood.

"..." Gabriella stopped crying but the continued, "But that's even worse!" More crying afterwards.

I shushed her, "Oh Cariño," I sighed and brought her head to my shoulder, I slowly spin her around, trying to sooth her, "It's fine mija. I'm okay,"

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