Chapter 7

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POV: First person, Y/n.

Just like the first time, I went through the same neon colors passing me as I zoomed back into my universe.

I crashed into my apartment, groaning as I lifted my upper body up, frantically looking around, "What a mess,"

I got up to clear the spider webs, the kitchen and living room. I swerved up the glass, worrying about it later. I put some cardboard in front of it, so Gabriella won't accidentally fall off at the 5 floor of the apartment complex.

It was 6:00 am, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and groaned, "Only 4 hours of sleep for me..." I went to my bathroom, pressing a button to take off my suit and taking a quick shower.

I sighed in relief as the warm water hit my skin, easing me as I thought about what happened in the span of hours.

They're going to come back, aren't they?

I sighed again, getting out of the shower and putting some comfortable clothes on and went straight to bed. Reminding myself that I had to pick up Gabriella at 10:00 am from her sleepover.

———{                                     }———

The sound of my alarm on my phone went off. Tell me to 'Go pick up Gabi' as I stopped the alarm and slowly got up.

As tired I was, my daughter will always be my first priority.

I got changed and brewed some coffee to peel my eyes open for the day and warming up myself some empanadas.

Went to brush my teeth, got the keys. I was about to leave my apartment when I looked at the mirror, "Oh shit..." I breathed in and out. My eyes were back to their natural color, the other eyes sunk back into my skin and my fangs grew back into small ones. Yes most people joke that my teeth look like a vampire. (Idk 🤷‍♀️)

I then left and took the elevator, I saw my neighbor Lyla came in, "Are you okay?" She asked with a worried expression planted on her face.

I hesitated for a bit, looking left and right, "Yes I'm fine... just another mental breakdown, you know?" I awkwardly rubbed my neck for some comfort.

"Oh," she nodded and smiled, "Just go easy on yourself. Take a break from being an author for a bit. And Gabriella has summer break right now so you should spend more time with her too,"

I sighed, "Well I have been but a few days ago she said she wanted to have a week of a sleepover with her friend- wait summer break? The kids have no school now?" I looked at Lyla and sighed again, "My 30s is the end of me..."

She giggled and patted my shoulder, "You're actually still young," the elevator stopped and the door opened to the parking lots, both of us heading out, "And you know what that means~," she smirked.

"Oh please no," my face dropped, "What? Is this guy going to be very handsome and rich? Or is he going to become a physically and mentally abusive person, like the last time I almost ended up with?" I pressed my lips together, nibbling my inside cheek.

"No no no," she shook with her hands and fixed her glasses, "it's my boss-,"


"But Y/n-,"



"Because~," I raised a brow, crossing my arms, "You know why,"

She sighed, "Oh fine..." she skipped to her car and turned to me, "But I'll still find the finest men for you!" She jumped and got into her car.

I rolled my eyes and slumped into my car, driving to Gabriella's friend's house.

———{                                     }———

As I got out of the car, Gabriella was already outside, running towards me with a big smile but then she stopped and her bright smile turned upside down, "Mami...?"

I furrow my brows in confusion, "Cariño? Are you okay?"  I asked as she walked closer to me, I knelt down for her, "Did your friend say something mean to you?" I caress her cheek.

She shook her head and made an angry face just like her papi, "How many hours of sleep did you get?" Gabriella pointed to the bags under my eyes.

"4," I answered her question, as I opened the car for her, she goes in, "bye! Thank you!" I waved at her friend's mother and she waved back.

Gabriella buckled herself up and look down at her teddy bear, "You were doing your superhero stuff, weren't you?" She wriggled her teddy bear's arms.

I hummed a yes, "something like that..." I sighed as buckled myself up, fixing the mirror to see Gabi better, "So, where do you want to go today?" I smiled.

She shook her head, "We should go home," she suggested and smiled to, but mine dropped.

I turned to the back, frowning at her, "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked, "We... still have the whole day, Cariño,"

"And a whole day to rest," Gabriella continued to play with her teddy bear, "My spider senses tell me that no one needs our help," she grinned.

I sighed and started to drive, "My spider sense tells me the same thing, but you know how your mom becomes anxious," I drove home, "But if you say so, we can go home," I yawned, and rubbed my eyes.

"See! You are tired," She spoke the obvious, "We should watch a movie until you fall asleep,"

"Cool..." I nodded turning into our parking lot, "And how will you make lunch and dinner if I'm asleep?" I got out of the car.

"Mami..." she groaned and got out of the car too, "You taught me how to cook. I can make eggs too!" she beamed and jumped.

"Oh ok..." we got into the elevator, "but if don't want to make eggs, I already made some empanadas a few day ago," I added.

She gasped, "Really?! Thank you, Mami! No eggs today!" She jumped as we got into our apartment, "I think I'm drooling..."

"We'll if you're hungry you can have some. There's a lot," I giggled and sat down on the couch, sighing in relief, "Do you need help warming it up?" I looked back at her.

"Mami M'not 4. I'm actually 8," she took a empanada out of the fridge and onto a plate, microwaving it, "what happened to the window," she pointed out.

I jumped up and froze, "Oh! That... uh spider- stuff, you know," I looked at the window, "Something like Dark Garfield broke in,"

"Huh?! A big cat?" Gabriella's face full of confusion, as she continued to stare at the broken window, "What happened to him after?" She asked.

"He- I put him in his own world," I smiled proudly, my hands on my hips, "Don't worry, I'll call someone to deal with that. Just don't go near there, okay?" she nodded and took out her empanada from the microwave.

"What should we watch...?" I whispered and I find any good movies on Disney+.

Gabriella snuggled close to me with her empanada in hand, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, "How about the book of life?" She suggested, biting into the empanada, humming in how delicious it is.

"Ok," I nodded and turned on The Book of Life, snuggled up close to Gabriella.

Few minutes later, I unknowingly feel asleep. When Gabriella finished her food, she saw me sound asleep. She placed her plate on the coffee table.

Gently laying me down, she grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me, "Have a nice nap, Mami," she kissed my forehead, "Love you," she continued to watch the move.

"M' love you too," I mumbled in my sleep, shuffling to a comfortable position.

(I cried)

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now