Chapter 62

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POV: First person, Miguel.

I groaned softly as I opened my eyes seeing Gabriella in my arms. I smiled softly, brushing some hair out her face. My gaze turned to Y/n, my other hand around her waist, us being closer to family.

I planted a kiss on Gabriella's forehead and Y/n's cheek afterwards to wake up.

Gabriella the first to wake up, rubbing her eyes, yawning, "Good Morning," she stretched.

"Good morning, Cariño," I chuckled as how adorable she is. Now that only Y/n was still asleep, my hands going under the back of her shirt, rubbing her back gently, "Mami, wake up~,"

She was able to wake up now. Rubbing her eyes, lifting herself up, "What time is it?" she asked looking around.

"No, Good morning?" I raised a brow, pouting.

"Yeah, no good morning for me?" Gabriella pouted too, putting a hand on her chest, fake crying,

Y/n breathed in a sigh, leaning to kiss Gabriella's forehead, "Good morning to you," then she looked at me, and titled her head. With a small smile, she leaning forward and planted a peck on my cheek, "and good morning to you too,"

I melt from her touch, almost grabbing her arm, to bring her closer to me, "One more for your old man, please?" I grinned up at her, my hand rubbing her forearms, "If you love me, you would," I joked. Wow, my morning daze attitude has so much confidence.

I heard a giggle from Gabriella as Y/n rolled her eyes, sighing again, "Sure, sure," she smirked and kissed fully on my lips.

It felt like my heart would go right out of my chest. It was just a joke, Wha- is she being serious?! Don't tell she also...

Never mind that, I leaned forward to deepen the kiss further, closing my eyes. Now when I kiss her, I would blush and my heart would be much less painful. But when... when she kisses me first, it feels different, but good.

I heard Gabriella gag, "Ew, in front of me?!" she looked away, gagging more.

Y/n laughed into the kiss. To my disappointment, she let go of her lips on mine, turning to Gabriella, "Aw you just want some to," she hugged Gabriella, planting kiss after kiss on Gabriella's face.

Gabriella giggled and squealed, trying to getting away as Y/n continued to slobber her with kisses. I chuckled seeing them.

———{ }———

POV: First person, Y/n.

"Are you sure, you can handle this?" Miguel asked me as I moved yelow screen after screen.

I hummed, "Sure I can. You go and you know, watch Gabriella as always. You should take more break or else you'll get too old," I joked, turning to him.

Miguel crossed his arms, rolling his eyes, "Sure, whatever," he walks over to me, his hand caressing my arm, "But if it's too much for you, just call me, okay?"

"I'll be fine, but hey this might be enjoyable for me," I shrugged, looking back at the screens.

"It's not, Lyla said I might have minor scoliosis," Miguel huffed a laugh, rubbing his neck, his gaze still on me.

I heard him clear his throat, I turned around. I waited for whatever he wanted to say, with a raised brow, "Yes?" I knew every time when he purposefully cough, he wants to tell me something.

"Know that this is probably bad time but..." Miguel struggle to find words, hands on his hips, sighing, "Do you love me?" he asked.

"Excuse me-," (wait wrong fandom)

"This morning when you kissed me, was it true?" Miguel asked, his eyes desperately waiting for an answer.

I hummed and smirked, "You should replay on how many chances I've given you," I chuckled and added, "You and him look the same, but nothing alike by personality. I've learned to love someone who's different. Well, anyway yes, it's true I love you back," I cringed at my own words. Why did I make sound like that?! God, this is why I let the other confess instead.

"Ah... sorry that was cringe," I turned to look at him as I apologized, "anyway- Mmm!" Miguel pressed his lips immediately on mine once I turned around. His hand supporting my head falling and the other wrapping entirely around my waist. He pulled me impossibly close.

Miguel's body weight was going to make me fall, but luckily he was able to catch me in time. Hesitant at first to return the kiss, but eventually I fell right in, my hands over his shoulders. Does this feel wrong? Yes. Does this also feel right? Yes. Am I in love with a man who looks just like the other man I loved and still do? Yes.

I ran my finger threw his brown hair, tugging it gently, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut and squirm.

I stopped and pulled away, I analyzed his expression, a little or more so already looking dumb fucked, "Did you... did you make that noise?" I asked, raising a brow.

"S... sorry, but you pulled on it... it's your fault," Miguel as out of breath, his hands still wrapped around me, "is it okay if we-," we were interrupted by the sound of Lyla yelling at us.

"Aw man! I owe Peter a week off now!" Lyla groaned, appearing right in front of us, "So is the next step of this story smut???" She smirked, blinking her eyes, innocently.

"Lyla get out of here!" Miguel let go of me, trying to shoo Lyla away, as she giggled away. Miguel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I'm very sorry, she... ruin such moment," his gizmo set off, 30 minutes until he has to pick up Gabriella.

He turned to me, giving me a quick yet deep kiss, "Te veré en casa, Y/n,"

His face so blushed, as he quickly turned away. I chuckled and smirked, watching him walk away, "Y te veré en mi cama, esta noche," I had some funny confidence, joking again... but not really.

He froze.

Oh I think I broke him. How knew my words and touches had an effect on him?

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now