Chapter 28

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POV: First person, Miguel.

I grumbled, still a little curious by why she's all dolled up, "I hope she doesn't do strip clubbing," I mumbled before gasping, forgetting Gabriella was right in my arms.

She gasped too, her face angry, "Mami, doesn't do that!" she dropped down.

"I'm sorry, Cariño. I was just-," I tried to find the right words.

God I should've have said strip clubbing in front of a child.

I facepalmed myself before Gabriella started to giggle, "it's okay," she pressed her lips together, I laughed too, "I'll tell you why she's dressed like that," she smirked.

I smirked too and bent down to her level, she whispered in my ear, "Mami's going on a blind date," Gabriella leaned back and I stood in place for a bit.

Before clearing my throat, "May I ask why?"

Gabriella shrugged with a pout face, "Since I don't... have a papá, Mami doesn't have a amar... her friend... the other Lyla," she scratched her nape trying to remember stuff, "Lyla sets Mami up on dates," she sighed.

"Oh," I nodded. Is Y/n really moving on?

"Mami doesn't like going on blind dates, but Lyla doesn't want Mami to be alone," Gabriella groaned and rolled her eyes, "but Mami has me! And you too," she smiled.

I smile behind my mask, "Yeah, she has me, even if your Mami can be mean sometimes," I chuckled.

Gabriella smirked, "Wait... so you do have a crush on my Mami!" she gasped, "I should asked Lyla then. I never liked Mami's dates but I think you'll be perfect for her," she brought a thumbs up, my jaw dropped.

"I-," I stuttered, clearing my throat again, "um... your Mami and I are just-,"

"Co-workers," Gabriella finished my sentence, "Yeah I know. But when I look at Mami's face, there's like a hint of happiness in her eyes when she see you. I dont know why. If you make her happy, then I'll be happy too," she smiled.

Your Mami only has that glint her eyes because I was her husband in a her universe, Cariño. Your universe.

I said those words in my head, wanting to say it to Gabriella but the fear of her reaction is a wonder.

I decided to change to subject, "Your Mami said I can cook you dinner. Tell me what you want me to make and I'll see what I can do," I smiled, standing up.

Gabriella gasped, she put her fists into a ball, her eyes sparkling, "Yay, food!" She skipped to the cafeteria, somehow knowing where it is.

"Ah! Wait Gabriella!" I jogged to her, she continued to skip.

"Let's skip there, Miggy," she suggested. That's going to be embarrassing in front of the whole spider headquarters, but Gabriella wanted that so I'm doing that.

"Okay," I nodded and skipped in a slower pace knowing with long and musclier legs means I'm faster. We skipped to the cafeteria.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Y/n.

I walked up into the restaurant, the sound of my stupid heal clicked and clacked.

I thanked to waiter for opening the door for me. As I walked inside, I scanned for a guy with jet black hair and deep blue eyes. Lyla said his name is Winston Gray. (It's random, idk)

I stopped a tired looking guy in the corner of this expensive restaurant. He had what Lyla just described.

He was handsome from afar but as I got closer, yes he got even more handsome, "Hello are you..." I stood out my phone to look at his name again, "Winston Gray?"

Winston looked up and smiled nervously, "Yes that's me... and you must be Y/n O'Hara, yes?" I smiled and nodded.

"Then please sit," he pointed to the chair across from him. As I say down I saw the sweat on his neck and his eye bags. Right we was a doctor, works a lot.

I sighed, "Alright, let's just get to the point, I don't want this date to go any less further," I announced.

He let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank god! I guess we both didn't want to be here, am I right?" He asked with a chuckle after.

I nodded, "Yeah... my friend set me up without my consent, you?"

"Same," Winston nodded and sighed, "With my wife gone and my kids still little, I want to focus on them as much as I can. Having a mother for them is lovely, really! But I'll get sad if they don't remember their actual mother," he started to vent towards me and I completely understand him.

I nodded, "I feel the same way. My daughter never met her father he passed away before she was almost due..." I never talked about this with anyone. It's good to have someone who can relate to you in a very very similar situation.

"Oh..." Winston looked down, "That tragic, she doesn't even know her father..."

"Yes, it is..." I looked away and cleared my throat, "Why don't we just order something? It's on me," I insisted.

He shot his head up and shook it, "No no no, a gentleman should pay,"

"And I am an independent woman, I made money on my own," I smiled and looked at the menu, "I'm paying," I said again.

Winston sighed and giggled, "Oh alright," he began to look at the menu.

After we order, we started to talk about how much we've lost in our life.

I felt relieved to have someone who has empathy for me not just sympathy.

After we ate our food, we talked some more until the restaurant had to close

———{                                     }———

We walked out of the restaurant, having to most heartwarming conversation ever.

"Is it okay if I have your phone number," Winston asked hesitantly, taking his phone out, "it's good to have someone who empathies me," he smiled.

I nodded, grinning, "Of course," I took out my phone and we exchanged phone numbers, "If you're having a hard time, you can talk to me. Although I'm most of the time busy," I explained.

"Same here, my job is hell but being a doctor tells me I'm able to save people like Black widow," he rubbed his arm, I smiled at the name I was given, "That's goes for you too. Talk to me if you need anything, but I might be busy too,"

We waved goodbye and when our separate ways, both of us having a wonderful time. Probably my first every blind date that went well.


Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now