Chapter 38

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POV: First person, Y/n.

I let the tears flow but not too much, if I do more, I'll breakdown.

Eventuality, Miguel fell asleep in my arms. He had been crying for 30 minutes all the way. Impressive yet also sad.

I looked at Miguel's gizmo and clicked some buttons, before Lyla appeared, "Woah... What's up, Y/n? Why are you using Miguel's gizmo?" she asked.

I twisted Miguel's arm to show his face to Lyla, "He fell asleep," I replied, "Get someone to fetch him,"

Lyla nodded and disappeared, calling for someone to take Miguel back to his universe. I couldn't leave Gabriella alone, so best to call someone to bring him home and not me.

I picked him up and set him down on the couch. He snored very loud, his mouth opening and closing.

His lashes seemed longer now, after crying for so much. I moved the strain of hair away from his forehead.

He looks just like mine. But doesn't really act like mine. Careless yes, but never violent.

After a few minutes, Jessica and Andy arrived, "Long day?" Jessica hummed, "Miguel stayed here? I thought he would just keep Gabriella in the headquarters," she titled her head in confusion.

"Um... he'll- or I'll explain later- and yes long day," I nodded as I watch Andy grab Miguel and wrapped Miguel's arm around his shoulder.

"Have a nice night, Y/n," Jessica waved goodbye and stepped in the portal, Andy and Miguel along.

Miguel had felt the movement and opened his eyes a bit, "Wait... no," he reached to grab me but he was too late.

After they leave, I immediately went to my room, doing my daily night routine as usual.

I slouch on my bed. The guy was gay. Oh, I hope he's alright.

———{                                     }———

"Y/n... I'm sorry..." Miguel covered his face as he cried. Living in a smaller apartment than usual, I rubbed my belly, feeling them kick, "I- I didn't mean to lose my job. I don't know how it happened... I'm sorry," he apologized again.

"Miguel, it's going to be okay. We're okay. I'm still working," I caressing his cheek, giving him a comforting smile.

He shook his head, placing his palm over mine, "It's not okay... you shouldn't be overworking yourself and saving the world as spider-woman, let alone pregnant. Y/n, I'm a terrible husband to you. I'm not good enough," Miguel sobbed, "Are you going to leave me, because I can't provide your needs?" he looked down, asking.

"No no no, Miguel," I sighed and hugged him. He rested his head on my shoulder, holding my waist, "you're not a terrible husband and you're more than enough. It's fine if you lose your job. That does change a thing when I look at you," I rubbed his face.

"But... what will happen if the baby comes and I still won't have a job?" his legs gave out and we fell to the floor. Miguel held me, so the fall wouldn't hurt me, "Then what?" he sniffled.

"Then you can be a stay at home mom and I'll work," I replied, "There's no need to worry, Miguel," I pulled away from him and kissed his forehead, running my fingers through his hair.

I groaned, opening my eyes to my dull plain bedroom. Yeah, history is repeating itself.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Gabriella.

I heard everything. I even saw... Miggy crying. I've seen his face before, when we fell asleep watching a movie.

There was a yellow screen, showing a man and I. Just by how Miggy and the man had the same voice, I knew they were the same person. He probably forgot to remove it from me seeing it.

Miggy is my father. Well for some other Gabriella. I hide that cause I didn't know how to react. I kept it to myself.

And that time when I peeked to see the back of his hair, I knew they were the same person.

My papá was dead. Miggy is another person who is my papá... but not my papá. I finally understood why Mami tried her best to keep me away from him. She tried to keep him away from her too.

She couldn't love someone who was the same man as before.

I woke up by the aroma of eggs and bacon. I got up and opened the door to see Mami cooking breakfast.

Her face emotionless, no hint of that smile in her eyes. Just nothing.

Was spying on them a bad idea? I just didn't want Mami to end up with someone who she doesn't love. Ugh, when will Mami's friend ever learn that Mami doesn't need to go on these date to find someone.

Love usually comes and goes, it just flows along in peoples stories. You shouldn't chase for love, for most people it's more like love will chase you.

On that table, there was a plate of eggs, bacon, toast and a glass of orange juice, on that table I sit.

"Uh... thank you for making breakfast," I hesitantly said, while I sat on a chair.

I heard her hum, her back towards me. The silent treatment. Mami tries her best to not be angry with me. Which really never happened before.

So this is the first. She's right though, she deserves to be angry at me... for going having this idea first.

She set her food on the table and started to eat. Her eyes only looking at her food. This is so awkward.

After finishing I went to do my dishes. Before I head to my room, Mami finally spoke, "You're not going to see Miguel anymore," she announced and added, "He's too dangerous,"

With my back facing her, I slightly nodded and slowly closed my door.

With glassy eyes, I walked over to my bed and cried. This is all my fault! If only I didn't think about ruining Mami's date then I would still be able to see Miggy and Mami wouldn't be mad at us.

I sniffled and wiped my tears, but they kept going. What have I done.

(I do not know where is story is going but bare with me 😅👍)

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