Chapter 86

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(Yes the story rn is sad but how about I cheer you up a bit with this pic I found on X😊)

POV: Third person.

The spider people began to clean up the place. Peter suddenly got a call from Miguel. He answered it, hearing Miguel's worried tone, "You got Y/n? Her gizmo isn't resounding,"

Peter sighed, "Miguel... I..." he couldn't say it. But his hesitation was already enough to tell Miguel, that she was gone.

Through the hologram, Miguel stood there. He just stood there, taking in the silence. His eyes wondered to the floor, passed out. He didn't know what to do. Gabriella was on the hospital bed, his trusted medics tending her. Y/n was- was gone...

He snapped out of his thoughts, "Finish up and get every single one of you here!" Miguel's face scrunched up. This was his fault and he knew it. But he trusted her, that she can do it alone. But he was afraid of loosing her, that he just send people to help her.

Miguel needed the call without another words spoke, as he stood in front of his desk, eyes lower. Lyla was there, but she knew he needed the space.

His heart raced rapidly, his breathing slow yet heavily, "Sit down, Miguel," Lyla suddenly spoke, knowing he was having an silent heart attack.

"No," he quickly turned his head to her, his gaze now cold. Those warm caramel eyes, now gone to a deep red, "Go," he sternly said, clutching his fists.

Lyla nodded, fidgeting with her fingers as she disappeared.

Miguel's thoughts went all over the place. How... how?! How can he let this happen? She was fighting to save people. While he was here cooped up in his office, sending people along to help. She told him to stay with Gabriella, and that's what he did. But if only... if only he if he was there to help her in time, "God Y/n..." he sucked in some air, his fingers ran through his hair, "You promised..." he was going to pull his hair out, crouching down.

After an hour, all of the spider people came back, none, not a single one was harmed. Miguel who was trying to find any sign of Y/n, anywhere around the multiverse. Even her dead body, if possible.

He heard the sound of Peter and Jessica walking into his office. He immediately turned around, hoping Peter was just bluffing, "Well?" Miguel stepped done his platform, walked up to them. His eyes tired, the incident started at 6:00 am in the morning.

Peter and Jessica dared not to look at Miguel as Peter spoke first, "No, black hole does that thing with the glitching... it caused the webs to snap..." he explained.

As more information went through Miguel's brain, he stepped back a bit, "I should've- I should've just-," he groaned in frustration, turning around, "God dammit! I should've been there for her!"

"Miguel, look she wanted you to protect Gabriella from this," Jessica tried to reason him, "This mission was one of our most dangerous ones... it was best you didn't go there, Y/n was right to not let you go," Jessica supported Y/n's decision, knowing that the two have very similar backgrounds.

"But if I was there, this wouldn't have happened!" Miguel almost pulled his hairs out, aggressively throwing something across the room, thankfully not hitting the other two, "I have to check, she- she may be out there somewhere- Gabriella may- may be similar to Spot- and- and Y/n may have just got into another universe by accident," he quickly returned to his computer, getting Lyla to search for Y/n in the whole multiverse.

"Miguel, do you know what a black hole does to you?" Lyla asked. Everyone was telling him that Y/n was already dead. Stretched or shriveled up into thin air.

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now