Chapter 33

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(Warning: Naked body- oh what? now you're thinking it's smut aren't you?)

POV: First person, Miguel.

Shortly after, the movie ended. Gabriella got up to stretch, humming from the relaxation.

"What do you want to-," I was about to ask something, until she shushed me.

"Shh... Mami is sleeping," Gabriella pointed to Y/n who was sound asleep, she rest her head around her arms, supported by the arm rest, her bodying huddled up.

I silently said oh and got up to get a blanket and covered her up, "Are you hungry, Cariño?" I asked, my focus back on Gabriella.

She hummed and nodded, "Do we leave Mami here to sleep?" I nodded and grabbed her hand, walking out of my office to make something for Gabriella at the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria kitchen, I made tamales for Gabriella. She hummed in delight at she took a big bite of it, "It's good!" she wiggled her feet back and forth, smiling happily. She stopped and looked at me, "What's with the apron?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed at the words on the apron I was wearing.

I titled my head in confusion, "the apron...?" I undid the apron and turned it around to look at it. I gasped at the words of 'Cook it hard, Daddy!' I immediately threw that shirt in the trash.

Hekqiwyqfbaozjx who makes stuff like that?! A child was right there and she saw it!

I cleared my throat, "Sorry, I didn't notice," I looked away, "you may want to finish your tamales, your Mami might get upset if she doesn't see you with her," I crossed my arms, knowing that Y/n would panic if she doesn't know where Gabriella is.

Gabriella immediately nodded and ate at a faster pace, "But don't try to rush yourself, Cariño," I reassured her and she ate at her pace.

———{                                     }———

After Gabriella finished, we went back to my office and into our makeshift living room, where we found Y/n still sound asleep. Her cuddled up with the blanket I've given her.

I looked at the time on my gizmo and hummed, "Why don't we bring your Mami home, and we can quickly hang out there," I suggest, waiting for Gabriella's answer.

She smiled and nodded, "Okay, should we wake her?" Gabriella asked.

I hummed and turned to Y/n, kneeling down to her level, gently shaking her, "Y/n... wake up," I said gently. Usually I when I wake up people, I'd yank their blanket off or pour cold water on them. But Gabriella is here and this is her mother, that'll make Gabriella upset and Y/n is a acquaintances of mine.

Y/n groaned softly and rubbed her eyes, our eyes meeting each other again, "What?" she slowly got into a sitting position, realization planted on her face, "Oh, did I accidentally fell asleep? Sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay Mami," Gabriella smiled warmly, "You haven't been sleeping well, so it's good that you are now,"

I raised a brow, Y/n having sleeping problems? I shook those thoughts and decided to be a lot more nicer to Y/n, although I know she probably won't like that, "Do you want me to carry you home?" I asked Y/n, my arms out ready for her.

She shook her head, "Just carry Gabriella, the tunnels are too strong for her," I nodded and lowered my arms, not forgetting Gabriella.

"I can just get on Miggy's shoulders," Gabriella suggested, though that's definitely not a good idea.

Y/n quietly laughed, "you'll fly away," Gabriella huffed and roll her eyes as Y/n got up.

I opened the portal and picked Gabriella up, she snuggled against to crock of my neck. I turned to Y/n, her gaze looks at mine when she sensed mine, "Hmm?" she hummed.

I looked down and then looking back up at her, reaching for her hand, gently clasping with mine, "Stay close,"

Y/n gave me a confused smile, "Um, Miguel nothing dangerous is going to happen, right now," she looses her grip, but I tightened it.

"I know," I nodded as I pulled her to the portal, "Just wanted to stay that, for reassurance," I sternly said.

———{                                     }———

"Make sure to stay quiet," Y/n told us. Gabriella said okay, while I hummed a yes. We were playing with dolls and stuff animals.

Y/n saw our responses and close the door of her room, "Hello Ken," Gabriella greeted in a more girlish tone.

"How you doin," I say with my normal voice.

Gabriella pouted, "Miggy, say it in your girl voice," she shouted whispered, huffing.

I pressed my lip together. Clearing my throat, "How you doin~," I slayed. (Lol)

Gabriella let out a small giggles, "Better, keep it up,"

After a few minutes, I decided to check up in Y/n. After the information I received from Gabriella. I wanted to see if Y/n had fell asleep. Cause sleeping before bed can cause you to stay up.

I opened the door, without knocking, thinking that Y/n would be asleep or just in her bed. But I was wrong.

She and I made eye contact, her mouth left opened a bit and so did mine.

Y/n was naked, her hair wet, the water sliding down the curves of her body. My eyes traces her body, every scar, stretch mark, freckle or mole seen on that body.

Her hands carried some clothes, it seemed she took a shower and was going to put clothes on, before I can unannounced.

I gulped and looked back at her eyes, her face absolutely terrified, "Get out," she demanded and I obliged by immediately closing the door shut and stood there for what felt like an hour. The heat rose from my cheeks, ears and neck.

I turned to sit down on Gabriella's room floor, sulking in guilt, embarrassment and shame. I've should've knock... maybe should've done that in the beginning of this.

"Miggy are you okay? What are you huddling in the corner for?" Gabriella asked, as she came to pat my back, "Did Mami yell at you?"

I shook my hand, not looking at Gabriella, "No, Cariño... um... just- nothing, it's nothing,"

I felt something twist in my stomach, my lower region felt like it was tightening. I physically slapped myself, knowing that shouldn't think of Y/n like that when there's a child right here, "Kill me,"

"Miggy, what?!"

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