Chapter 35

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POV: First person, Y/n.


I took back and forth, sweat on my forehead. My eyes darted across the room, seeing if Gabriella was around. Why is he alone? Is Gabriella alone?

The man in front of me spoke, "Y/n are you going to order?" he asked, his face red, smiling nervously, probably from the big guy next to us.

I cleared my throat, said what I want and turned to Miguel, looking dead in the eye. My face ask 'where is Gabriella?'

Miguel frowned and wrote more on the paper, before ripping it and handing it to me. I immediately took it and read it saying that Gabriella is fine, just enjoy 😈 with a evil smiley face. So extra.

"Did he just give you his phone number?" The man named Louis laughed and rolled his eyes, "I guess I'm invisible," he turned to look at Miguel's ass.

I laughed nervously, "Yeah..." I crumbled up the paper and threw it somewhere in the room, forcing a smile upon my face, "Any- anything you want to talk about?" I say as I whirl my wine.

"Oh! So as I was saying..." I pulled myself away from Louis's chit chat and gaze upon the whole room.

There in a corner I spotted a little short 'adult' wearing the same hat and glasses like Miguel but along with a coat. We made eye contact and I knew exactly who that was.

Gabriella saw me and ducked her head down with the use of the menu. Miguel came up to her. Talking to her as he was asking what she wanted.

I saw them giggle and turned to me. Oh she is so grounded... and so is Miguel.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, looking back at Louis.

"Excuse me?!" Louis squinted his eyes at me, "Is me being gay a problem for you?" he put his hand to his chest.

I immediately shook my head, realizing what I did, "No no I was just- wait why are you going on a blind date with me? I'm a woman as you can see," I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Girl..." Louis rolled his eyes at me, "Are you deaf? I just said that my parents force me to go, being the homophobic parents they are," he took a sip of his wine.

"Oh," I nodded in understatement, "Sorry I was distracted," I explained, looking away, my thoughts back at Gabriella and Miguel. I'm going to beat them with my heels once I get close enough to them.

"Oho~," Louis smirked, remembering Miguel's juicy ass, "Is it that dilf's ass?" he closed his eyes, his vision on Miguel's plumped ass against the tight black fabric, Louis whistled.

"Huh- what- Dilf?! Ass?!" I raised a brow at Louis, my mouth open, "No I'm not looking at that guy's ass, it something else," I groaned.

Louis bluffed, rolled his eyes, humming, "Mhm, sure you are," he took my arm close to his face as he takes his other hand and grasp onto my jaw, turning my attention to Miguel. His back facing us, "Just... look at that juicy plump goodness right there. Don't you just want to smack it?" Louis raised both brows up and down, smirking at me.

I gave Louis such a weird look and then answered, "Absolutely," I forced smirked and then we both stared at Miguel's ass, respectfully.

Miguel turned to look at us and we turned to each other as if we weren't just looking at his ass, "I'll using the restroom, excuse me," I got up taking my purse, shooting a glare at Miguel to follow me.

I saw his smirk under his fake mustache as he followed me near the restrooms.

I hide somewhere as I saw Miguel looked left and right for me, "Where did she go?" he mumbled to himself.

I stood from behind as I took the back of his buttoned up shirt and threw in against the wall, not hard enough though. I slammed my plan against the wall, near Miguel's neck, "What are you two doing here?!" I shouted whispered at him.

I saw him struggle to find words, his hands up in the air, "Look we just wanted to... see... you," he answered, gulping down the saliva that was formed in his mouth. His reply sounded like a lie but also the truth?

"See- see me?!" I widened my eyes, "Who's idea was this you or Gabriella?" I asked, closing the gap between us, my face an inch away from his chest. (Correction: Titties)

His eyes couldn't meet mine as I impatiently waited for his answer. He felt my frustrated breaths against his chest, as it started to heave. He gulped again, somehow this close proximity, reminds him of when he didn't knock on the door that one Saturday.

I heard his breathing get heavier, seeing his chest go up and down, I tsk, "Miguel, answer me right now," My words made him flinch.

"My- my idea..." Miguel immediately nodded.

I sighed and back away, "What- what are the two of you trying to do anyway?" I asked another question, rubbing my eyebrows.

Miguel adjusts his tie before speaking again, the nervous in him, "Gabriella doesn't like it when you go on dates," he cleared his throat, "We... were going to trip your date and accidentally- well purposely spill spaghetti all over him," he looked down, blurting his plans out.

I felt my left eye twitch as I stared at him with a forced smile, "Go watch, Gabriella," I ordered, arms crossed as I watch him leave.

Louis saw that Miguel walked out of the halls of the restrooms, me following behind. He stop to see Miguel's current look.

Louis smirked at I sat back down. He eyed Miguel and I, seeing that Miguel was already staring at us, specifically me. Louis whistled, "Aren't you bold?" his smirked grew wider, "How big was it?"

I raised a brow has I dug into my food, "What was big?" I raised a brow, chewing my food.

Louis groaned in annoyance and with his hands, he pulled my face, close to his, "His dick, girly! How long was it? How thick? Did you have to use both hands to stroke? How did it felt when it was inside-," Louis stopped, seeing a shadow above, we both turned to see Miguel, "Nice bakery you got there," he bit his bottom lip.

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