Ep 64: Shocked Revelation

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Reyhan is left standing in their bedroom, her heart heavy with the weight of Emir's decision to leave. Tears stream down her face as she watches him pack his bags and head towards the door.

Reyhan rushes after him, determined not to let him go without a fight. She catches him just as he's about to step out of their home.

REYHAN: (emotionally) Emir, please don't go. We can find another way, another solution. I can't bear the thought of you leaving.

Emir stops and turns to face her, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and sadness.

EMIR: (softly) Reyhan, you know how much I love you, and I can't stand seeing you suffer. I've lost someone I loved deeply before, and I can't go through that pain again.

Reyhan reaches out and holds Emir's hands, her grip firm.

REYHAN: (determined) Emir, I understand your fears, but I also know that together we can face any challenge. Our child is a part of us, a part of our love. I don't want you to leave, and I don't want to lose you either.

Emir gazes into Reyhan's eyes, torn between his love for her and his concern for her well-being.

EMIR: (whispering) Reyhan...

Reyhan steps closer, her forehead resting against Emir's.

REYHAN: (tearfully) Emir, please stay. Let's find another way, a solution that keeps our family together. I can't imagine my life without you.

Emir's resolve begins to waver as he looks at Reyhan, his love for her outweighing his fears.

EMIR: (with resolve) Reyhan, I can't bear to see you suffer. I love you too much to risk losing you. This is the only way I can protect you and make you understand what you're to yourself.

With that, Emir opens the door and steps outside, leaving Reyhan behind, devastated and heartbroken. She watches him leave, unable to hold back her tears, knowing that the love of her life has made a painful decision to keep her safe.


Emir was driving and was on his way. He got a call from Miral. Saying she have something important to tell him about Halil's death. Without wasting time Emir rushed to Miral's house.


Emir, though reluctant, sits down in Miral's living room. She looks visibly distressed, her eyes darting around nervously.

EMIR: (sternly) Miral, you better start explaining everything, and it better be the truth.

Miral takes a shaky breath and finally begins to speak.

MIRAL: (nervous) Emir, I didn't kill Halil. I was just trying to help Murat with his debts. He... he manipulated the situation, and I didn't know it would lead to Halil's death.

Emir's expression remains cold, but he listens.

EMIR: (doubtful) Murat manipulated everything? Are you sure, Miral?

MIRAL: (teary-eyed) Yes, Emir, I swear. Murat used my desperation and to hurt you. He told me that you would understand someday, but I didn't know he had such sinister plans.

Emir's face tensed, but he's still skeptical.

EMIR: (softening) Why didn't you come to me, Miral? We could have found another way to help you.

Miral wipes her tears and looks at Emir earnestly.

MIRAL: (regretful) I was afraid, Emir, afraid of losing you, like Nihan. I made a terrible mistake, and now I'm being hunted by Halil's men. I did all this because I love you.


Emir's phone rings. It's a call from Reyhan. He answers but doesn't say anything, just listens to Reyhan's worried voice.

REYHAN (V.O., over the phone): Emir, where are you? Please come back. I can't do this without you.

Emir's torn between Miral and his wife. He looks at Miral, a complex mix of emotions on his face. He cuts the call.

Emir is taken aback by Miral's confession. He stands up, his expression a mix of disbelief and anger.

EMIR: (firmly) Miral, what you're saying is impossible. Nihan, you, and I were friends. I married Nihan because I loved her, not because of anything else.

MIRAL: (desperate) Emir, you don't understand. I couldn't bear to see you with her. It tore me apart every day. I knew you'd never see me as more than a friend, so I did whatever I could to make you mine.

Emir steps back, shaking his head in disbelief.

EMIR: (angry) This is madness, Miral. I can't believe you'd go to such lengths to manipulate everything.

Miral pleads with tear-filled eyes.

MIRAL: (crying) Emir, I'm sorry. I know I messed up, but I love you more than anything. Please, try to understand.

Emir, his emotions in turmoil, turns and leaves Miral's house, leaving her behind with her confession hanging in the air.

As Emir was Swiftly walking out of her house.

MIRAL(Coldly) : will you still chose to leave if I say I removed Nihan from our lives. Yes, I killed Nihan.

Emir's face pales upon hearing Miral's chilling admission. He turns back to face her, his eyes filled with anger and disbelief.

EMIR: (shocked) Miral, you... you killed Nihan?


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