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After stopping to grab Xale, Ally followed me downstairs. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, I look back at her and hold out my hand, my wolf desperate for her touch. She takes it instantly, warming my heart and her lips force a small smile to her face. She's worried, I can feel it, but she's also comfortable. So I squeeze her hand in reassurance, hoping to death it's me that's brought her comfort. Then lead her into the living room. My mom, beta, and Kelly sitting on the one sofa, talking amongst themselves.

Their dog running towards us and jumping up and down. Xale jumps from his mother's arms and wraps his hands around the dog in a tight hug.

"Boomer, I missed you." He squeals, the dog licking his face and neck, I hold in my disgust. Ally pets the dogs head a couple times but doesn't let go of my hand. Squeezing it gently she turns to me, a smile on her face as she mouths "Thank you." Before I'm pushed out of the way and my mother wraps Ally in a tight hug.

"You must be my son's beautiful mate, I'm Susan. I'm sure Daniel's told you, I'm so excited to meet you." My mom's says before letting her go.

A huge smile on Ally's face calms me, I was worried she would be uncomfortable. "It's nice to meet you too, but uhmm..." She shifts on her feet smile fading, looking back and forth between me and my mother before adding, "What's mate mean?"

My mother, Cody and Kelly let out a laugh. Noticing Ally's unease I grab her hand again, letting the mate bond bring her comfort. "We can talk about it later. Let's all sit." I say while pulling her with me to sit on the other sofa.

"So you haven't told her she's your mate?" Kelly speaks first.

"Well, I-i kinda. Not what it means but she's.." but I get cut off before I can finish.

"She's right here and can speak for herself." Ally says, her voice dripping in sass.

"I'm sorry, I just found out werewolves are real. This is all new to me." She explains, her eyes jumping between everyone.

"It's alright, sweetie." My mom shakes her head, reaching over and putting her hand on Ally's knee.

"Let's see what holes I can fill in for you guys." Mom holds out a book. Passing it to me, I let go of Ally's hand and open it.

The front page reads "The Moon Goddesses Warriors."

"I think this will help. Now let's talk about you two. We can go over the book later once you've read it, if you have any questions." My mom assured.

Turning her attention to Xale, she smiles before looking back between us.

"So, when can I expect more grandkids." She chirped.

Ally chocked. Coughing up a fit before Cody started laughing. Giving him a glare he shut up.


Laying in the guest bed reading the book Susan gave us I couldn't stop thinking about what she said. Xale passed out beside me I close the book unable to process anymore information, setting it on the bedside table. I lean over and give him a kiss on the forehead. Trevor was a Moon Goddesses Warrior. His family a long line of strong men and women born to protect her earth born children. Stronger than any other wolf. I feel guilt wash through me, what a pressure to put on my little boy.

From what I've read so far, his dad's death plus my being in danger pushed his wolf forward earlier then he was supposed to. I read he's born unlike other wolves with his wolf always present, and here I was telling him it was all make believe. That the voice inside his head was his imagination. Chalking it up to the wild creativity of a child.

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