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My heart weighs heavy in my chest putting Xale through this, but it was for the best. It had to seem real and if he knew it wouldn't of been convincing. Tucking him into bed I head downstairs for the feast. Today took a toll I'm hoping won't be to much for his wolf. Once all the Alphas leave Gregg is taking him away. He will tell him it was all untrue, tell him the plan.

"A wolf just ran from Alpha Robert's pack. Says our Luna helped his escape. His name is Trevor. What should be do with him, sir?" One of Gregg's trained men link me.

"Take him somewhere safe. Don't let him back here or out of your sight. I'm sending men to help watch Alpha Robert's pack now." I link him. Looking down at Xale I feel happiness for him, but it comes crashing down when I realize if it is Trevor that means Ally has her family back. She might not want me now. Sadness courses through me and my wolf as I sigh.

"I want four hundred men surrounding Alpha Robert's pack. Have the rest on standby." I link Steven.

A quick, "Yes, Alpha." Linked back, I gather my thoughts before I leave Xale's side. Kissing his forehead gently.

The sound of laughter and bickering between Alphas shut out from his room as I close the door. Taking the steps slowly I raise my head high. Taking a breath before I turn into the dinning room. "He is down. Let's eat." I announce.

Sitting in my chair at the head of the table I lean back in my seat. Looking from one Alpha to the other. Trying hard not to look to long at Alpha Robert. My eyes meet Alpha Tyler's and he looks away quickly, odd, I think to myself. Shaking it away as the food is served, I pat May's arm as she sets my plate infront of me. "Thank you." I whisper.

Pushing my chair in I go to start eating and am interrupted by Vickey. "Now that your mate is gone can we continue our courtship?" She asks low.

The table falls silent at her words. My fork drops to the table, I look up at her in shock. My eyes dart from her to her father. The audacity of the girl. Letting out a low growl I sit straight, pushing my shoulders back. She thinks she could ever replace Ally?

"Excuse me?" I growl.

Audible gulps are heard from her and her father. "W-we were supposed to mate together." She stutters.

"I just lost my mate. You're only here because of the ceremony, you are banned from my land. You know this, after months of not being able to come near." I spit at her. Looking at her dad I squint my eyes, taking in his worry, unease, and fear, it's all written on his face. "Is this why you asked for her to be able to come? To proposition me? I'm morning my mate, you disgust me. No I will not be mating with your daughter. You can leave, Alpha Tyler."

"I told her not to mention it. I've told her you aren't available now. I've found another for her." His hand outstretched to another Alpha. Their eyes rolling as they snort.

"I don't want her now. Our alliance isn't happening." He growls.

"Alpha Thomas, please." Tyler almost begs.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want her either." Marcus grunts low beside me.

Many of the other Alphas chuckling, agreeing.

"Daddy!" Vickey squeals.

"Leave, now! Both of you aren't welcome to my pack." I order. "I'll kill you if you step foot here again." I stare at Vickey.

Standing, Alpha Tyler adjusts his suit jacket. "I'm sorry for my daughter's behavior. I give my condolences for your mate, she was a lovely person." He spoke.

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