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The scraping of forks and knives on plates calms me. The guards surrounding the pack house must not of noticed Trevor leaving. With Alpha Robert gone and no leader present Lisa is supposed to be incharge. Being a women though means no one listens. Men aren't supposed to be in here, but they have taken advantage of the omegas and staff here, coming every night for dinner. I need to cause a scene, get every guard here, and I know exactly what to do.

Since Alpha Robert marked me but hasn't completed the mating my wolfs been eager. To say I was in heat was an understatement, but I'd managed to control it. I look around the room for Lisa and don't see her amongst the men. Taking a deep breath I let my wolf forward, the smell of her heat starts to fill the room slowly. Men close by turn to me first. Before I know it all the unmated wolves are staring at me like starving men, like I'm the most delectable dessert they have ever seen. My wolf purring inside of me at the thought. Letting out my breath slowly I try to smile seductively. Hoping Lisa smells me before any of them actually get to close or too handsy.

"Can I join you?" I spoke low, trying to sound innocent.

Chairs scrape against the wood floors as men around the large table stand. Throats clearing and mutterings of yes and please echo in the room.

Smiling, I keep my head low. Walking towards the man closest to the large open window, so my enticing scent drifts to the men outside. "Thank you." I mumble to the man, touching his arm I feel warmth radiate through my skin onto his.

The tall man's quickly pulled away from me as another male puts himself between us. His shoulders broader, his face forms into a scowl. "Get lost." He growls.

Looking up into his eyes I see the gold rimming them and know his wolfs taken control. Everything going just like I planned. Scanning the room I watch as the men surrounding me start to fight to be closer. Their wolves begging to mate with me, a strong female in heat who hasn't finished the mating practice.

I fake gasp, placing a palm on my chest knowing their eyes will divert to my breasts. Men are so stupid. "Wh-whats going on?" I stutter.

"You're playing with fire." Amaris growls at me.

"Let's just hope we don't get burned before Trevor gets off pack land. We need to give him enough time to make sure he can get away, safely, for Xale."

Turning back to the man beside me I watch as he growls at men trying to get near. "Back off!" His tone loud and dominating. He must be high up, maybe a warrior?

A hand grabs at my elbow and pulls me from beside him. My wolfs heat causing warmth under his rough touch, I let out a strangled cry that turns into a moan. Pushing the males around me to new heights, they start fighting around me. The man once touching me ripped from my side. I step back against the window. Subtly waving my scent outside with my hands at my side.

I focused on the men around me as two stood in front of me fighting them off. Others pushing each other back to get near. I hear rustling behind me and hold back my smile by pulling my lips between my teeth. The guards outside have noticed. I take in a deep breath.

Lisa's footsteps running towards the room nearly unheard over the growls around me. Her eyes widen as she looks over the room. "Fucking hell." She growls low.

Pushing men to create a path closer to me, she growls at the males who go to fight her back, stopping them. I hear the screen of the window behind me being ripped, and before I can see with what I'm pulled through. Nails digging into my arm as they bring me outside. I'm now surrounded by new wolves. Some shifted and others not. The man who pulled me out is jumped on by a shifted wolf. Jumping back from the fight I bump into a hard chest of another and gasp. Turning to look up at the man his hands wrap around me. Tight against his chest he holds me in his grasp, growling at the wolves around us. I go to bury my face in his chest but his arms push me away quickly. Falling to the ground I look back and see a man attacking him. Scattering back I turn and get up on my feet running towards the front of the pack house. I need them all to come, it's the only way I can know for sure Trevor's going on make it safe.

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