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"Come on, try again." I urge Xale.

I'm tired and sore but can tell he's starting to get tired too. It's my only saving grace. If I didn't push my wolf so hard he would of gotten me by now. Fuck, I'm going to have to train extra to keep ahead, but when I came down he had one guy pinned and was about to try his hand at Marcus. His ego would never take it if he lost. He's got to much to prove as warrior turned gamma.

I crouch and look around. A crowds formed around us since trainings ended, but no one wants to leave. Looking back at Xale I watch him crouch and shift.

"Oh you wanna shift? Okay, bubba." I smirk, linking him.

Shifting, I hear my clothes tear around me, bits and pieces under my paws in the grass. I step closer, leaving the tattered remains behind.

"Sorry if my wolf hurts you, momma." He links me and I nod.

"Come on, give me your best. I'll be okay, I promise."

Amaris pushes forward and crouches low, ready for whatever he throws at us. Watching as he starts to circle me, looking for a weak spot, and when he's behind us he leaps. Flipping onto my back I put my paws out, claws in so Xale doesn't get hurt and push him off. Landing on his feet he starts to circle me again.

"Again." I push him.

Standing tall I start circling with him, keeping us face to face.

"Can I bite or scratch?" Xale linking me asking permission.

"What ever you think will help. I won't get mad Bub." I smile back to him. "Don't think of me as your mom right now, treat me like the others."

I spot his eyes turn gold and his wolf takes over. Cheater, but I'll let it pass this time. Rolling my eyes I await his next move.

Faking a step he turns towards the other direction and jumps at me. Jumping high our chests meet. His canines are aiming for my neck, so I sweep my head under his pushing him back. Dropping down on all fours I hold in a laugh when he wolf snarls.

Jumping for my front paw I lift it quickly then flop my body down on his. The weight of my wolf holding him down, I lay there calmly as he struggles. His wolf reaching back and biting my forearm I hold in a choked whine.

"Evade and restrain, Amaris, that's all." I remind my wolf when I feel her grow angry.

Simply rolling her eyes in my head I push her back. Taking full contro,l I move on top of Xale. My front paws on either side of his head, I lay back down. Watching as he bites down on my arm over and over. I can't help but let out a low growl.

"Do you want me to stop?" Xale links me.

"No, figure out how to get loose Xale. I'll heal. It's okay." I answer, holding back tears from the pain. I close my eyes, focusing on his movements, ignoring the burn and sharp pressure in my arm.

He wiggles around under me, his movements instinct apposed to thought. He's been acting on impulse all evening. He needs to learn to use his head, plan things out, read the other person's body movements.

"Which legs are the strongest bubba?"

"My back ones."

"Then use them. Turn, push me off. Stop thinking with your arms and mouth. You've got more to work with in wolf form." I spoke, awaiting his next move.

Feeling his one back paw up against my stomach, I nod, waiting for him to push. It's not enough to throw me off but it's enough to make me get up and nod.

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