A Few Good Men 1x15

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After Sheila's death I distanced myself from Stefan, Elena ,first and foremost Damon and I took a break from supernatural

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After Sheila's death I distanced myself from Stefan, Elena ,first and foremost Damon and I took a break from supernatural. I told them to not include me into anything or inform me about anything supernatural. I talked to Bonnie on regular basis and was keeping my promise to Sheila to look after her and myself. I know Elena is worried for me and how am I handling Sheila's death but I honestly as much as I love her can't help but blame her a bit for what happened. If she didn't got into relationship with vampire, decided to help his brother and even after she saw that Sheila was tired from the spell still had to make her save her lover boy but she is my sister so I am avoiding her so I wouldn't do anything I will regret to any of them.


Right now I am laying on my bed talking to Caroline over the phone, who is telling me about what happened earlier at Matt's house.

"So, let me summarize Kelly walked in on you and Matt. Were you...?  " I asks her hesitantly.

"No thankfully no one was naked. She was giving me this judgy glare that was really making me feel uncomfortable." Caroline tells me.

"I doubt she adores you." I tell her trying to lit up her mode about the whole situation.

"No, she adores and loves Elena. She despises me because I don't  appreciate how she dumps everything on Matt and expects him to do her job at being a parent."

"I'm pretty sure Kelly loves you, likes at least. She..." I say even thou I know I am lying I can't help

"Ana, the woman would rather Elena be with her son than me. I know that."

"Kelly is just difficult to get along with and..."

"When she was around when Elena and Matt dated, she would talk her head off for hours. Loving to hear about her and Matt. She always saw the two of them  together and..."

"Thought about how prefect they are for each other"I finish for her.

"Yeah." She says sadly.

"Listen Care, you and Matt maybe don't end up together but you are together now and you are great for each other and great in general."

"Thanks Ana, I needed this."

"You are welcome."

"We will talk later, ok, I have to go now, bye."

"Bye, Care." I say as I finish the call.


Elena wants to go meet Trudie Peterson, her bio mom's friend and I decided to go with her as a moral support. Right now we are standing in front of Trudie's house and Elena is having second thoughts, so I squeeze her hand to support her. She moves her hand to knock but stops and looks at me, silently asking me to do it, so I did. The door opens a woman with blond woman who is around 30 years old, who I assume is Trudie Peterson.

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