The Birthday 3x01

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 The past few months were spent mostly with Jenna and Caroline while later was helping her adjust to vampirism. I have also been hanging out with Caroline when she isn't helping Jenna. I have mostly been teasing her about Tyler and she keeps denying that she likes him even if a blind person can see that they both like each other.

Caroline says that Jenna has amazing control like herself for newbie vampire. Jenna has been except learning to be a vampire trying to save whatever has left of her relationship with Ric, they both have. They don't wanna admit that it is time for them both to move on they keep clinging onto what's left. I tried talking with both of them, but they are in denial so I left it for now, until they need to talk with someone.

Elena has been looking for Stefan during the entire summer, Damon has been following the leads and has been telling Elena he hasn't found him. I caught him talking with Ric and he admitted that Stefan had been killing people all over the country while being on his trip with Klaus.

Jeremy has obviously been dealing with something since he came back to life but is refusing to talk about it and eventually I gave up and let him deal with it alone if that's what he wants.


I go into Jer's bedroom and open the curtains in order to wake him up

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I go into Jer's bedroom and open the curtains in order to wake him up.

"Aaahh! Early. Bad!" He complains.

"Ahh. It's not early. " I tell him as I walk up to his bed and pull his covers off. "You're late, for work. Matt just called." I inform him. I walk out of the room.

"Well, maybe he'll fire me." I hear Jeremy say while walking out of the door.

"Aim high." I call out.


"I feel like I have to fight Damon every single time we get a lead on Stefan." Elena tells while taking napkins from Caroline to Tyler, Care and I as we are fixing Salvatore house for her birthday party.

"Maybe he doesn't want to find him." Tyler guesses

"Tyler!" Care says in shock.

"What? He's into you, isn't he?" Tyler asks Elena.

"The only reason Stefan left with Klaus was so that he could save Damon's life. I mean, trust me, Damon wants to find him." Elena tells us.

"But you kissed him?" Tyler says and Care and I give him 'the look'. "Probably screwed with his head."

"Tyler!" Care says at the same time as I say. "Shut up!" Elena smiles and looks down. Caroline and Elena look at each other.

"I'm sorry!" Caroline apologize to Elena.

"Don't worry about it. Look, yes I kissed him, but it was was a goodbye kiss. I thought he was gonna die." Elena says as she sighs. Tyler shrugs his shoulders. Elena's phone beeps."I missed a call from Bonnie. I'll be right back." Elena excuses herself.

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