Chapter 61: Undead x Uprising

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Once the cover of night fell over the mansion and I made sure everyone was sound asleep via Wraiths(They apparently cannot see wraiths.) I used my mirror to teleport back home. All the maids were asleep and Grayfia was not here if I wasn't here so I had all of my house to me.

I entered my basement workshop and got to work. Because I have noticed a crucial detail I almost missed about Dark Gift. And noticing this detail gave me very very good ideas.

I am almost certain I can create my own undead templates if I manage to construct one using the undead construction circle. And with Dark Gift couldn't I make specialized undead?

So, I dumped the hundreds to thousands of undead bones, zombie flesh, wraith and wight remains onto the floor. And I got to creating.

Using both Thought Acceleration and Parallel Thought Processing I devised and theorized about the structure of the bodies I would create. How they should be made to fit their exact function. I wasn't half-assing these guys.

By the end, I created a new variant of the Skeleton Demons by building off of the base template. Instead of the grunt skillset that the skeleton demon template has. This one was more geared toward labour. Far more dexterity and skill as well as intelligence than the average grunt.

I call it: The Skeleton Worker.


[Skeleton Worker]

Min. Level: 25

Cost: 1

A variant of the average Skeleton Demon. These ones are smarter and more dexterous, capable of carrying out more complex tasks.


Basically, I threw out most of the stats they had, shifting quite a decent bit of the endurance and strength to intelligence and wisdom. Naturally, they were far slimmer than their battle counterparts. Only 190cm tall and as wide as the average person.

Why did I make these? Well I had a very good reason. I do not always have the time to create potions and alike. So why not be a necromancer for once and have my undead do it for me?

I created 9 of these workers. For 3 of them, I gave [Alchemy] and [Dexterous], so that they could create potions for me. As long as the ingredients were there they could churn out potions for me.

For 3, I gave them tools and the traits [Dexterous] and [Feelin(e) Fine]. These were the construction workers. I also spent an hour getting the construction skill to impart it onto them replacing dextrous in two and the other trait in one. These guys were tasked to expand my workshop downstairs and to build what the other workers needed.

The last 3 got the skills, [Cursed Tool Creation] and [Cursed Energy Manipulation]. Their jobs were to create cursed tools out of mundane weapons I had in my inventory that I had in the hundreds. I had little hope in these guys due to their lack of skill but we would see.

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