Chapter 83: The Priestess of Thunder

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After my maids had finished cleaning up everything I sat on the big couch in my house waiting. A bit of rest and relaxation never hurt anybody. I wonder what Akeno has to ask me about?

Eh, I don't really feel like thinking about it too much. Sometimes not thinking is better than thinking. I have doing nothing but thinking for weeks now. My brain deserves a break even though it doesn't need it.

...Hmm, should I boot up Hota while I wait for them? As I was thinking of such things I felt some people enter the outermost veil set up around my base, the one that detects anything that comes within a 100 meters of my house.

Huh, she brought everyone over. That's okay too I guess. Maybe I can give them the gifts I have been preparing. Well, I say I prepared but in reality, it was done by the labour of dozens of cursed tool makers working with the hundreds of thousands of unused things in my inventory.

Currently, Asia was in school probably doing club activities, and Ddraig was lazing about in her "hoard" as she was a dragon after all, but said hoard was just objects she found interesting piled up in her room. There should not be any disruptions.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door that was opened by my wraiths.

"Good afternoon Akira-kun." Rias greeted me cheerfully along with the rest of her peerage, they were all wearing casual clothes. Except Kiba for some reason, now that I think about it I have never seen that man wear anything but the school uniform. However, the one that stood out the most was Akeno who looked a bit too sullen and serious compared to the others and wore shrine maiden clothes.

Obviously, she did not look all that negative but come on, I am a sorcerer of large caliber, if I could not sense the negative energy wafting off of her what would I be doing?

"Welcome everyone to Castle Gojo, feel free to look around, as long as you don't go upstairs or into the basement that is." Saying that I spread my arms around and gestured around me. I should build a pool.

Everyone in her peerage was in front of me, Rias was sitting on the couch opposite of me with Akeno sitting behind with the others by her sides. Why are they being so formal?

"Sorry for bringing everyone over without notice Akira-kun, hearing that we were visiting Koneko-chan and Aika-chan wanted to come as well, then Kiba got roped along too." Rias said scratching her cheek looking bashful while I waved my hand.

"Why are being so polite all of a sudden? It's not like I am going to get mad for bringing my friends along. Relax a little." Hearing that everyone smiled, making me feel sappy but I shook the feeling off.

[+5 Affection with All ORC members]

"Right, I was worrying too much. But I wanted to talk about something serious with just the three of us." After mentioning that Rias asked the other members to leave us alone for a bit, so they all parted to explore available parts of the mansion. Leaving just the three of us and the awkward mood hanging above us.

"So... what did you guys want to ask me?" Rias motioned to Akeno who sat next to her in front of me. After a second of contemplation and a reassuring nod from Rias, she spoke.

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