Chapter 93: Begin Again

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"Maddy," Dan said your name as he woke you up. "Are you alright you kept seemed like you were having a nightmare or something?" You wrapped your arms around Dan's torso and whispered "I thought it was real. I thought we were gone." Tears were streaming down your cheeks. "What are you talking about?" Dan asked, his brows furrowed with a look of concern. "I had a dream that the plane crashed and we-" you couldn't finish because you were so overwhelmed with emotion. Dan held your head to his chest and you could hear his beating heart. It was soothing and helped calm your nerves. "Sorry to interrupt but we have to get on our plane." Dan said. You giggled and wiped your tear soaked cheeks. "Let's go!" He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "Are you ready for this? A whole new life? We can start over Madeline. All our mistakes mean nothing anymore." You looked into his eyes and nodded.

Things We Lost In The Fire (Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant