Chapter 91: Stress

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Kyle's girlfriend was walking through the airport. She wasn't looking at you, so you hoped that she hadn't seen you or Dan. If she did, I could ruin the whole plan. "Dan," you whispered. He turned to face you. "Kyle's girlfriend is right over there," you said and nodded in her direction. "Oh no, has she seen us?" he asked, concerned. You shrugged, "I'm not sure, but I hope she hasn't." Dan put the hood of his sweater on, and told you to do the same. You did and followed him away from the area she was in.

You didn't see her anymore after that. Dee and Mads had been taken away to be put on the plane, and you were nervous. Not for them, or you and Dan, but for your life. What would happen after you move? Would things get better? Would Dan change? Would Kyle find you? All you wanted was happiness, but that was hard to find these days. Kyle's torture seemed endless. If it wasn't physical, it was mental, and you didn't know which one felt worse. Dan seemed as stressed out as you did. You squeezed his hand, and he turned towards you. "What's wrong hun?" he asked. "Nothing," you replied, because you didn't know how to explain how you felt. Dan pulled you into a hug. "Things are going to get better Madeline, I promise," he whispered.

Dan sat down beside you on the plane. You looked around, but Kyle and his girlfriend were no where in sight. You sighed in relief. "They aren't here," you said to Dan. "Who?" he asked. "Kyle and his girlfriend," you replied. He smiled, and you rested your head on his shoulder. "Are you tired?" he asked. You nodded and closed your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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