Chapter 6: Twin Geeks

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Dan was extremely lazy for the first few weeks, because of his leg. "Maddy, you want to know what the worst part of this is?" he asked. "Sure," you replied. "Having to pee while standing on one leg," he giggled. You started laughing. "I've fallen over a few times. And that's never pretty," he continued. Dan liked to joke around a lot. He was one of the funniest people you knew. he was also one of the only people you knew.

Back in high school you had no friends. Everyone would make fun of you for coming to school bruised and beaten. If they didn't make fun of you, they avoided you like the plague. High school was one of the worst parts of your life.

Dan had fallen asleep on the couch. You had only ever seen him sleep a few times. He reminded you of a fluffy little kitten. It had been a few months and Dan would be getting his cast off. He had been struggling with his leg. You felt bad for him, and always felt as if it was your fault. The leg had slowed him down and tired him out, causing him to fall asleep at any given moment.

You carefully lifted Dan's head and rested it on your legs, so he wouldn't get a stuff neck. You loved to play with his hair when he was asleep. It was very fluffy. You got up and few minutes later, and replaced your legs with a pillow. You decided to make spaghetti for dinner.

"Dan, supper's ready!" you said. He awoke slowly. "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!" he exclaimed. "Good because I made your favorite!" you replied, and handed him a heaping plate of spaghetti. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you eyes are?" you asked. "Many times Maddy, but thanks anyways."

After dinner you did the dishes, then watched some Twin Peaks with Dan. You were almost done season two. Dan hobbled into his room and came back with sometime behind his back. "I think you've earned this," he said while tossing a Twin Peaks hoodie at you. "This is great!" you exclaimed. It was hot out but you put it on anyways. Dan put the same sweater on and said "Hey look Maddy! We're Twin Geeks!" You giggled at his horrible pun.

"Lets celebrate," Dan said to you. "Celebrate what?" you asked puzzled. "My last day of this torturous cast of course!" he exclaimed. He grabbed a bottle of champagne and poured you each a glass. "Cheers!" you both said as you clinked glasses.

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