Chapter 58: Road Tripping

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You hopped in the car, and Dan put in the first mixtape. 'Chocolate' by The 1975 blasted through the stereo. You and Dan sang along to the songs. The two of you drove and forgot about all of your worries.

Pretty soon the two of you were in the middle of nowhere. "Lets drive down onto that beach and call it a night," Dan said. He drove the car, and parked it on the golden sand. It was getting chilly, so you threw on a sweater. Dan pulled out a few blankets, and opened the door. "C'mon," he called. You followed him to the back of the truck. He layed the blankets down. He grabbed a couple pillows and threw them in the back.

You crawled under the blankets and the two of you cuddled under the stars. "Dan," you whispered. "Hmm," he mumbled sleepily. "I love you," you replied. He kissed your cheek, "I love you too Maddy, now go to sleep hun," he smiled.


It was still dark when Dan woke you up. "C'mon sleepyhead you're gonna miss the sunrise!" he exclaimed. You sat up, and he wrapped an arm around your waist. You began to see a hint of gold shine over the water. As the minutes ticked away more beautiful colours were revealed. "I've never seen the sunrise before," you sighed. "Well this is what you been missing out on Dan laughed. "It's beautiful," you gushed. Dan placed a kiss on your temple, "I'm glad I can share this moment with you," he said.

A couple hours later the two of you were back on the road. "How are we gonna get ourselves back home?" you asked Dan. "Don't worry," he replied, "I've got that all under control. But we aren't going home yet, are we?" You shook your head, "Not for a few days," you said. "WOOHOO!" Dan screamed out the window.

Dan pulled into a McDonald's and ordered pancakes and coffee for both of you. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time!" Dan exclaimed with a mouthful of pancakes. You laughed at him. "What?" he asked when he had swallowed. "You have syrup on your cheek. He tried to get it off, but failed. "Here let me help," you said, wiping it off. "You're stunning," Dan gasped. "Well that was random," you blushed. His cheeks turned a bright pink also. "Look at us! We're blushing like 8th graders!" he giggled. You laughed as well, and finished eating.

"Lets go pick up some groceries, so we don't have to eat fast food all the time," you suggested. Dan nodded, "Good idea," and pulled into a parking lot.

When you finished grocery shopping, it was pouring rain. You and Dan ran and put the groceries in the truck. Before you hopped in, Dan grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. He wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh. Then, he turned and pressed the play button on the stereo in the truck, and turned the volume up. "May I have this dance?" he asked. "Of course," you replied. He then started hopping up and down. "What are you doing?" you asked him while laughing. He stopped, "Dancing, duh!" he replied. You joined him. "What do you call this dance?" you asked. "The pogo!" he yelled. You laughed again.

When the two of you had finished 'dancing', you were soaking wet. You grabbed a fresh pair of jogging pants, and a sweater. You reached into the back and pulled a blanket over you, so you could change. Dan did the same. You threw your soggy clothes into a plastic bag, and hit the road again.

You passed beautiful farm lands and bustling cities. When night fell Dan pulled into a beautiful field. "We won't be sleeping in the back tonight, because it raining," he noted. "We'll have to sleep in the back seat," you replied. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. There was only enough room for one person to lay on it, so you ended up sleeping on Dan's chest.


Dan woke you up for the sunset that morning. Instead of just sitting and watching, you and Dan danced under the rising sun. "This is the most amazing thing anyone's ever done for me Dan," you said to him. "I try Maddy, I try," he replied. he was smiling like an idiot.

"Guess what day it is. Take a guess!" he smiled. You had no idea what day it was, so you said "Tell me." He smiled and screamed, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" You smiled back and began singing 'Happy Birthday' to him. "Madeline, you may be beautiful, but you can't sing," he laughed. You punched his arm playfully, "Shutup you dork!" you giggled. He stuck his bottom lip out, but then started laughing. "I love you Danny!" you shouted. "I love you more Madeline!" he yelled back.

"Because you're the birthday boy, I have to drive," you said to Dan. He tossed you the car keys, and you threw them into the long grass. "Oops," you giggled. "That's it!" Dan laughed, and started ticking you. You ran away from him and began the search for the keys. "You start over there, and I'll go over here," you ordered. "Yes ma'am!" Dan said, and saluted you. "Goofball," you muttered. "I heard that!" he yelled. You laughed, and Dan said, "Don't make me tickle you."

Dan found the keys before you could, and passed them to you. You started the car, and turned on some music. "This is the best birthday ever!" Dan screamed out the window.

You drove to a beach. and put your bathing suit on beneath a blanket. Dan did the same. Neither of you had any idea where you were anymore, but you were enjoying it.

"Lets build a sandcastle!" you said. "Yea!" Dan agreed. You were the only ones at the beach. When the castle was built, Dan wanted to explore. He found a cave, and insisted on going inside of it. It was dark inside it, so you ran back to the truck and grabbed your flashlights. There was nothing inside the cave. "I have an idea!" Dan said. "What is it?" you asked. "We should spend the day here at the beach, and then sleep inside the cave! C'mon Maddy it'll be fun!" he pleaded. "That sounds like a great idea!" you said excitedly. Dan did a little happy dance. "Now lets go swim!" you suggested.

Dan splashed you with the cold water and you squealed. You grabbed a bucket that was left on the beach, filled it with water, and dumped it over Dan'a head. He tried to grab you, but you dove under the water. When you stood up, Dan was standing behind you, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You turned around, and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Swim with me," Dan said before diving under the water. You followed him. He swam to a small island. "Lets build a fort!" he suggested when you reached the island. He began to collect twigs, and you made the structure. The fort wasn't very good when it was finished, but Dan liked it.

"Let's head back to shore now," Dan said, and began swimming. You jumped in after him. He passed you a towel, and you dried yourself off, before changing into pajamas.

You set the blankets up inside the cave, and Dan made a fire. He then pulled a tube paint out of his pocket. "Let's put our handprints on the walls," he suggested. You coated your hand in white paint, and pressed it onto the rough cave wall. Dan did the same. You washed your hands off in the ocean water, and crawled under the blankets. "Madeline," Dan said. "Yes, Daniel?" you asked. "Thank you for making this the most amazing birthday of my life," he replied. You kissed his cheek, and said, "You deserve it," before falling asleep.


You and Dan both woke up before the sun. You changed into your bathing suits and went swimming. Dan took you to the island on his back. "This is the most fun I've ever had," you said to him. "I wish we could pause this moment and live it forever," Dan agreed. You raced Dan back to shore, and he beat you. "I want to drive today," he said, and you let him.

"Talk to me Maddy, tell me a story," Dan said. "Ok, I'm not very good at telling stories though," you answered. Dan chuckled, "That's alright."

So you began, "Ok, so uh, there was this girl, and she was sad. She tripped on the street and no one would help her. Then, this boy came, and he helped her. The girl loved the boy from the moment she saw him. They went back to his place, and she stayed with him. Everyday she fell more and more in love with him. Then on her birthday he proposed to her. They got married, and had kids. Now the kids are all grown up and have children of their own. They all live happily ever after. The end."

Dan laughed. "Hey what's so funny?" you asked. "That was a great story, but horribly told," he answered. You stuck your tongue out at him. He giggled and turned on music. He sang along, and you sat there listening to his wonderful voice hit every note perfectly. Eventually, you pulled out a book and began to read. It was called 'Leaves of Grass', and was a collection of poems by Walt Whitman. "Hey! Are you reading poems?" Dan asked. You nodded, "I can read one to you if you want," you offered. "Go for it," he replied. "Ok, this one's called 'Song of Myself'," you told him before reading.

"I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.

My tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air,
Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same,
I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,
Hoping to cease not till death.

Creeds and schools in abeyance,
Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten,
I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with original energy...." you began to read.

When you had read the entire poem, Dan said, "Wow, you have a good poem reading voice." You laughed, and put the book away. "Let's have pizza for supper tonight," you suggested. "Mmm, pizza sounds good!" Dan agreed. He drove into town, and stopped at a pizza parlor.

"I think we should head home tomorrow," you said before taking a bite of pizza. "Good idea," Dan replied. "Where are we gonna crash tonight?" he asked. "Lets drive a bit, there is probably a field or something up ahead," you answered. He nodded and finished his food.

"This is the perfect place!" you yelled. Dan had found a clearing in a forest. "Only thing is, I don't wanna sleep outside, so we are sleeping in the backseat," you said. "Why? Is my little Madeline scared," he teased, and poked your ribs. You laughed, "I'm not scared, I just don't wanna be eaten by an animal." "Fine," he agreed.

You layed on Dan's chest, and his scent filled your nose. "Hey, did I ever tell you that you smell good?" you asked him. "Nope," he laughed, "now go to sleep before I fart," he threatened. "Ew!" you exclaimed. "I'll do it!" he warned. You giggled and then fell asleep.


"Damn!" you exclaimed when you woke up. "What?" Dan said sleepily. "We missed the sunrise!" you replied. "That's ok, we can watch it tomorrow," he reassured you. "Ok," you mumbled.

"How are we finding our way back home?" you asked Dan before you left. He dug through a backpack, before pulling out a GPS. "Aha!" he exclaimed. "Oooh! Good thinking Dan The Man," you replied. He laughed at the nickname. He plugged the GPS in, and began the long journey home.

"I'm gonna miss this, just us and nature, sleeping in the truck, it's been a blast you know," you said. "Yea, but I'm getting quite homesick," Dan replied. "I miss home a bit too," you agreed.

When night fell, the two of you slept in the cave again. This time, you drew pictures on the walls. White paint stained the walls, creating various scenes. Dan thought it was a good idea to do a picture timeline of the road trip, so you did.

"In the morning we can swim out to that island again," Dan said. "Sounds like a plan, Dan The Man," you replied. "That rhymed!" He giggled. You cuddled with Dan for warmth in the cave. He noticed you shivering. "Here I'll make a fire," he offered. "Thanks," you said as he lit a match. He tossed it onto a pile of wood, and it made the cave glow, so you could see the pictures you had created.


"MADDY GET UP! GET UP! C'MON LETS GO SWIM!" Dan yelled excitedly. You woke up and he was already soaking wet in his bathing suit. "I have a surprise on the island!" he exclaimed. You grabbed your bathing suit and threw it on. You climbed onto Dan's back and he swam you to the island, because you were far too tired to swim.

The sun was just starting to rise as Dan got to the small island. There was a path made out of twigs, leading to a blanket. It had a waterproof bag sitting on it. Dan threw the bag open and started putting food onto plates. "Aw, Dan! This is so nice! Wait, are those pancakes? How the fuck did you cook pancakes in the middle of nowhere?" you said, astonished. He laughed, "I drove into town and picked them up. They have a 24 hour pancake place here." you sat on the blanket and watched the sunrise while eating cold pancakes. You hugged Dan. "This has officially been the best week ever," you exclaimed. He smiled, "Mine too."

"What's this?" you asked Dan looking at a CD. "Nothing," he replied snatching it from your hands. "Lemme see," you whined. He rolled his eyes and passed it too you. He put headphones in when you put the disc in the stereo. Dan's voice blasted through the speakers. It was a mixtape of him singing. You listened to the whole thing, which was about an hour and a half long.

"Why didn't you want me to hear that?" you asked Dan when it was over. "It wasn't that I didn't want you to hear it, it was that I didn't want to hear it," he explained. "I hate the sound of my singing, it sucks," he continued. "No it doesn't," you protested. "Thanks," he said and kissed your cheek.

After a long day of driving, you slept at the field where you had before. This time you actually got to sleep on the back. "I love the sound of the crickets," you said. "I think it's annoying," Dan replied. You gasped, "Apologize to the crickets!" Dan looked at you and then laughed, "Sorry crickets," he mumbled before falling asleep.


When you woke up, you were inside the truck, and the blankets were damp. "What happened last night?" you asked Dan who was already driving. "It started to rain so I carried you in here. I couldn't get back to sleep so I started driving. That was only an hour ago though," he explained. You sat up, and put your seat belt on.

"Let's stop somewhere for lunch," Dan suggested. You nodded in agreement. He stopped at McDonald's. "Why do you like McDonald's so much?" you asked him. "I dunno, I just do!" he replied. You laughed, and followed him inside. He ordered Happy Meals, like he normally does.

When your food was finished, you offered to drive. "Ok," Dan said and handed you the keys. You hopped in the car and played the CD with Dan's songs on it. "Ugh," he groaned and reached for his headphones. "Nuh-uh," you replied and took them. "Why do I have to listen to this?" he whined. "I want you to see how great your voice is," you answered. He moaned again. Pretty soon he was singing along. "Hey I'm actually pretty good," he realized. "Yay!" you celebrated, and high fived him.

I started to rain, before night fell. "Dammit! Now we have to sleep in here!" Dan complained. You smile at him, "It's not that bad grumpy pants." He laid down in the backseat. "Ok, climb on," he laughed. You snuggled up into his chest and covered yourself with the still wet blanket. "Night Maddy," Dan whispered. "Goodnight Dan The Man," you replied. He chuckled, making his belly move up and down. "Hey! Stop laughing, I'll get motion sickness!" you joked. He laughed even harder, and then fell asleep.


"WE'RE ALMOST HOME!" Dan yelled when you had woken up. "I know," you replied. "Do you wanna drive?" he asked. You nodded and got off of his chest. "We should be home this afternoon," he stated. You smiled and hopped into the drivers seat.

"Dan, wake up! We're in Twin Peaks!" you exclaimed. He had fallen asleep earlier. When he awoke, he was practically jumping up and down with excitement. The closer you got to your house, the more excited he became.

"WE'RE HOME!" he yelled as he jumped out of the car. He ran into the house and sat on the couch. "Welcome home," a voice said.

Things We Lost In The Fire (Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang