Chapter 21: Rules

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"Rule number one at my house is don't open the door without me with you. Rule number two don't you ever fucking scare me like that again Madeline," Dan stated. "I'm sorry Dan, I didn't want you to die," you replied. "I know, trust me, I would've done the same if they threatened to kill you," he soothed. Dan leaned over and left a kiss on your cheek.

"Kyle's probably going mad," Dan giggled. "No, he's probably sitting in the living room, stroking Kyle Jr., oblivious of the fact that we both nearly died," you replied. "True," he said.

"Have you ever wonder why people do things like that? I mean like kill people. What makes them want to, it can't make you feel good, can it?" you asked. "I wouldn't know," Dan answered.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN. I GOT SO SCARED YOU ASSHOLES!" Kyle screamed when you walked through the door. "Well I was kidnapped and nearly killed, so that happened," you answered. "Wait, what?" Kyle was clearly confused. "Go to be Kyle, we'll explain everything in the morning," Dan replied. "Whatever," Kyle said.

"I guess I was wrong," you said to Dan in bed. "About what?" he asked. "Kyle was scared!" you exclaimed. He laughed, "That means I was right!" Dan said. "Rule three, don't listen to anyone, even if they threaten to kill me," Dan murmured before falling asleep. When he was asleep you whispered, "Rule four, never obey rule three."

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